Flames Burning, Beginning to end Book seven

Flames Burning, Beginning to end Book seven

Memories. Battle. Two things Flamingwhisper is stuck in between. The bloody battle has begun, and only Star Shine knows who will survive...

published on July 02, 2017not completed

Chapter Three

Chapter Three Stonefeather squirmed under the deadly claws, looking up to see amber eyes burning in to him. Remembering a battle strategy, he went limp, the opponent struggled to grasp him.
Once free from the deadly grip, Stonefeather leap on their back biting hard. The tom shook him off, and then lunged for Stonefeather. 'He's bigger and stronger!' Stonefeather thought, 'I have to use speed as an advantage'. When the tom got close enough to hit Stonefeather, he leap over the opponent and sneaking a bite on tail on the way over. The tiger pelted tom yowled, but turned around and bit Stonefeather's. Stonefeather slipped under the tom's belly.
Resulting in getting into a tumble, life was a blur all of a sudden. Pelts flashed before his eyes, claws, blood, fangs. maybe once or twice did he see orange? But whatever was happening, Stonefeather kept jumping into the tumble. In time the orange pelt was flung far away, and what was left was the two cats.
"Before I kill you, I should tell that I'm Tigerscar" the tom sneered. "Your... the t-tiger?" Stonefeather gasped. "Yeah, who else?" Tigerscar cackled. Stonefeather trembled, he wasn't ready for this! "Your little friend isn't here to help you, who was it? Oh yeah so dude named Flamingwhisper" Tigerscar crouched down, "know him?".
        Stonefeather's blood boiled, the fear washed away, he leap. The tiger not expecting him to leap first, panicked. Giving Stonefeather just the right moment to clench his jaws around Tigerscar's neck, bubbles of blood swarmed out. Tigerscar's eyes went blank, his mouth hang open. The battle turned to ice, gazes rested on Tigerscar's dead body.
"THE TIGER IS DEAD!" Stonefeather shouted, and like that cheers rose from the battle.
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Comments (7)

I like the part were the cats say 'dude' in the middle of battle, adds comedy to a brutal scene!
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on July 02, 2017
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on July 02, 2017
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on July 02, 2017
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on July 02, 2017
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on July 02, 2017
Cool ?
XD thx
About Author
on July 02, 2017
About Author
on July 02, 2017