Chapter One

"Why what do we have here?" the Siamese laughed, "Why I didn't the party had already started". His pack cackled. "Sphinx!" Tigerstar stepped out of the frozen battle. Sphinx smiled back his eyes gazing around the battle, he licked his lips. "I see you've brought Soot and Stub" Tigerstar looked at the two cats siding the leader. "Of course we're here!" Soot growled. "Yeah Trash-brain" Stub laughed, the pack joined in. Tigerstar grunted.
Another cat slinked out from the crowd, "Feel free to join the party when ever". "Thank you Hawkfrost" Sphinx nodded, and once again the battle was raging.
Stonefeather shivered in the bushes, where was the tiger? No, Who was the tiger? Was it Tigerstar or Hawkfrost? Or was it some other cat? Shaking his head he, and crept further into the under growth.
He stared a bit more, hey there was Nightwing! Fighting... her old mentor? Iceclaw? Wait! was that Breezepaw fighting a warrior twice her size with her brother? No way! But most surprising was that Mudpaw? Helping his father, Flamingwhisper, two enemies? Whoa and look at the grey buff dude!
'PAY ATTENTION' his mind roared. Stonefeather focused again on his job, finding the tiger. Stonefeather sighed, he needed a better sight of the battle, the only option was to go into the battle. So he stepped onto the blood stirred ground, bits of fur floating in the harsh wind.
He dodged tumbling cats, and battle thirsty cats lunging towards him. No cat seemed to be coming after him, except the cats with out a battle.
Stonefeather tripped and fell, fell. And their was the claws, the bloody dripping down the attackers teeth. The eyes of pure hunger for blood, the scarlet stained fur.
The tiger striped pelt under it, wait a minute!
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