
120 years..thats how much time has passed since that day, what day you may ask? Well..It started on the 15 of January, 2000..A few days after my birthday. I remember it so clearly as it seems like only yesterday even though time has flown by. It was a average day and my friend, (ok fine, maybe more then a friend)Jaden and I were taking a walk in the local park. Jaden suddenly stopped and said he needed to go, he seemed worried and ran off but, something was different.His skin seemed paler then normal..I had just shrugged it off and headed home.
My family's not the richest around but we manage to get on. Our house(if you would call it that) is kinda a old one, its two stories but the second floor is..well a mess and quite small. My bedroom is up there since there wasn't enough room on the first floor.For some reason we don't have any garlic or mirrors! Well..I have a mirror in my room but thats like it.Dawn said it was because dad was allergic.
My mother Dawn has long dark brown hair that looked black and blue eyes..although I could of sworn they looked a bit silverish.Vladimir, my father has shadowy black hair and dark brown eyes.I always thought they had tints of red though..My family was kinda odd in a way as we all had sharper teeth then normally.
Dad was almost always out or asleep.He slept during the day and at night when he woke up he would have black triangles under his eyes, as if he doesnt get enough sleep already! At night he always went for LOOOOONG walks and when he came back the triangles would always disappear. One time I saw a bit of blood on his face and when I asked about it he said he was shaving and cut himself with the razor.Its strange because he doesn't even have a beard but I just ignored it.
Mum was the one I could always talk to most of the time, though whenever it was a full moon she just disappeared but she would always return the next day.She has like the best hearing and smell that i have ever seen! One time we went shopping and I found a dog whistle and ran up to mum and showed it to her as well as demonstrating it.She cringed as if in pain and growled at me telling me to put it back.
Anyways back to the day. I had felt exhausted and decided to take a good long rest...when I got a text from Jaden.The text said to meet him at the park even though we were just there.I went there anyway and saw him in the distance.He looked different, he had black triangles under his eyes just like how dad would and sharper teeth as well as..blood red eyes. My eyes widened and I wondered if that was really him. I started to back off before breaking into a run hoping he didn't see me.Too late..
Jaden smiled showing two sharp fangs and..flew?..well whatever it was he was so fast! Next thing I know he was infront of me so I had to skid to a halt. I looked at him slightly terrified."Going ssssomewhere Aria" he said hissing.I looked at him and picked up a rock and threw it at him..which he dodged. "Get away from me! Whatever you are..and what did you do with my friend?!" I yelled backing away slightly." But I am your friend.And what I am issss for me to know and you to find out." He hissed again before disappearing in a black aura.I scanned around searching for him but saw nothing.I felt a sharp pain in my neck and the next thing I saw was the back of my eyelids.
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@MJ district ^.^ and np
*STILL thinking*
Gwen maybe?