
"Not if you be my girlfriend, Suki!"
"You should know the reason why I do not! We have discussed this several times."
"We have? Oh, I do not remember. Will you remind me?"
"Do NOT play dumb with me, Akito!"
"Awe, your so cute when you get mad."
*Sukes turns red*
"Shut up! Just SHUT UP! And give me my book!"
*Suki snatches the book, turns on her heels and walks away*
*Akito stares after her and trys to move towards her*
*Suki turns around and screams*
Uhhh! Those two are at it again...Not like this happens everyday... Who's Suki and who's Akito? You ask. Well I'll explain to you. Akito is the captain of the football team and he thinks he's excellent in school when he's gets D's, E's and F's for what you would call "grades". He hangs out with all his little friend, playing football and getting high on alcohol and drugs. Suki? Well she's the leader of all the fandom clubs in this wretched, hell, of a high school. Suki gets all A+'s and never fails at leading all the clubs we have. I'm guessing you want to know the fandoms. Here they are: Sonic, Glee, Starkid, Warriors, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, Ariana Grande, Skillet, MIKA, Megan Trainor, Anime, Manga, Pokemon, One Direction, LOTR, and last but not least Linkin Park! There are maybe 10-15 fangirls and boys per fandom. But not everyone in the school are in them. There are other activities and ect. I guess you would say Akito and Suki are like Pepsi and Mentos. One is a almighty, popular, jerk of a jock (Akito can be sweet, at times though) and the other is a sweet, semipopular, fangirl (Suki has her mean, claws come out, side) Not a good mix, am I right? Well I've said enough.
Author's note: I'm sorry if this isn't very good but oh well! :d I have to ak you something, though. I need at least maybe 5-10 fangirls/ boys per fandom for this story! I would like your OC's to be in this! Thanks! Hope you enjoy. ((I'm going to list users that may be interested))
(@qfeast! Pleeeeeeaaassssseeeee change the rule about 3,000 characters/ 750 words! Please?!)
Just comment if you want in ((on my page or wall or here please!)) And I'll be happy to give you a form for your OC/OCs ~Limit is 2-3 OCs per person~
Note: if I need to add or take away fandoms I can. And if you want more fangirls and boys to join your fandom you may ask me to do so. I'm pretty care free but I do have SOME rules.
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Age: same as main character
Gender: Female
Personality: pretty, smart, outgoing but shy around boys
Looks: deep blue hair, tan skin, and big green eyes ( also has a habit of biting her lip ) See More
Fandom: Doctor who, Meghan Trainor, LOTR, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter
Popularity: Semi Popular 5.9 out of 10
Species; Human
Powers: Control of the elements
Height: 5'3
favorite Color: Emerald Green
Favorite book: Unbroken
Favorite movie: TMNT
favorite book series: Warriors
Favorite music genre: Pop and country
Favorite Celeb: Jennifer Lawrence and Shailene Woodley and daniel Radcliffe
Favorite Album or artist: T swift and Meghan Trainor ( artist ) Title and Red ( album )
Favorite Teacher: Lionheart (from Warriors)
Crush/Date: Zachary (crush)
And @GeekyGlasses updated!
Age: 14
Gender: male
Personality: shy, hyper, weird
Looks: a scar that trails over one eye, glowing neon green eyes, silver hair, tan skin See More
Fandom: Creepypasta, doctor who, Harry potter, and LOTR
Popularity: none he's an outcast
Species: human
Powers: no pain, super strength, speed, and agility
Height: 6 feet
Favorite color: light green and light blue
Favorite movie: wrath of the Titans
Favorite book: the Percy Jackson series
Favorite book series:^^^
Favorite music genre: any chaotic music
Favorite celeb: David Tennant
Favorite album or artist: the glitch mob
Favorite teacher: none
Crush/date: no one yet
Personality:friendly, smart, always-hungry, weird, naïve, happy, perceptive, mistrusting, helpful
Looks: Golden hair, blue-green eyes, beautiful See More
Fandom:Warriors, Hunger Games, Pokémon, LOTR
Popularity: Halfway popular
Species: Human
Powers: insight, food teleportation (hells yea)
Favorite color: green and white
Favorite movie:Nacho Libre
Favorite book:Warriors, Hunger Games trilogy
Favorite book series: (same as above)
Favorite genre of music: Alternative and country rock
Favorite celeb:Dominic Monaghan, Daniel Radcliffe, Morgan Freeman
Favorite album of artist: Never Trust a Happy Song, Grouplove
Favorite teacher: Firestar from Warriors!
In a relationship with guy named Austin
I would love to be in your story please!
Age: 14
Personality: Kind, smart, often daydreaming
Looks: Short dirty blond hair
fandom: LOTR See More
Popularity: So-so, hangs out with the nerds
Species: Elf?
Powers: Nature growth
Height: 5 feet tall
Fav color: Green
Fav book: LOTR
Fav movie: Star Wars
Fav book series: Twin Spica
Fav genre of music: Nightcore
Fav celeb: Doesn't care.
Fav album/artist: Likes almost all.
Fav teacher: You pick
no. doesn't like romance.
I created a character, Can I be in the story?
Age: 16
Gender: male
Personality: kind, sort of removed from most drama
Looks: short brown hair, tall-wish green eyes See More
Fandom: anime
Popularity: not very popular
Species: human
Powers: n/a because of basic humanity
Height: about 6 foot tall
Favorite color: bluegreen
Favorite movie: SAO Extended addition
Favorite book: SAO magna arc 1
Favorite book series: SAO magna
Favorite genre of music: pop
Favorite celeb: doesn't really pick out of that
Favorite album of your favorite artist: (I don't know the name) but artist is LIsa
Favorite teacher: (you can pick out)
And Are you dating/crushing? (You can pick this too)
Age: Same as main character
Gender: Female
Personality: Intelligent, outgoing, outspoken, talkative, likeable, friendly, cocky, friendly
Looks: Brunette, brown eyes, fair skin, pretty See More
Fandom: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Meghan Trainor
Popularity: Semi-popular, like 6.8 out of 10
Species: Human
Powers: (The limit is 5-10 powers per OC per person): Telekinesis, telepathy
Height: 5"6
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite movie: The Producers
Favorite book: All Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games books
Favorite book series: Don't make me choose!
Favorite genre of music: Alternative rock, indie pop
Favorite celeb: Taylor Swift, Jennifer Morrison, Benedict Cumberbatch, Meghan Trainor
Favorite album of your favorite artist: Speak Now, Title
Favorite teacher: IDK
And Are you dating/crushing?: She can have a crush on some boy of your choice.
Looks: See More
Powers: (The limit is 5-10 powers per OC per person)
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
Favorite book:
Favorite book series:
Favorite genre of music:
Favorite celeb:
Favorite album of your favorite artist:
Favorite teacher:
And Are you dating/crushing?