A little more time

A little more time

Haven Lane had a different life then most teenage girls, but then she was kidnapped by strange people. Because of the kidnapping she now has a small pocket watch that has changed her life entirely. With the help of her new friends Haven must now fight off impending danger for the good of the world.

published on February 27, 2019not completed

Chapter 4

Waking up I seen a black bug laying on my pillow and I was so shocked I screamed and fell out of my bed. Rubbing the knot that was starting to form on my head, I looked back at the 'bug' and seen the creature I meet last night, Di. She was floating in front of my face worried. "Haven are you alright." I gave her a smile to reassure her I was alright. "Yea I just forgot that I meet you last night so when I woke up this morning I thought you were a bug on my pillow." Di started to pout after I had called her a bug. "Alright but never call me a bug I get very upset." We both started to giggle until we heard a door open and Di hid under my covers. 

Turning around I seen that it was just Luca with a concerned facial expression. Shaking my head telling him not to worry about it I grabbed Di from under my covers. Before I could tell her who was at the door she had floated to Luca and was hugging his cheek. I guess that's what happens when you haven't seen your friend in a couple years. 

Standing up I looked at the clock and seen it was twenty till seven. I started to make my bed when I heard Luca approach me. "So your schedules a little different today. You are to eat breakfast in your room and then go see the Professor. That's actually all I've been told." Turning around I looked at Luca confused. "Then what about the escape plan." Pulling Di off his cheek he handed her to me. Before I had the chance to grab her she floated to my head and sat on top of it. Luca shook his head and laughed at her. "I'll tell you more about it later. I'm going to get you some food till then you might want to change clothes since you've been in those for a while." Watching Luca leave I headed to the closet grabbing the only type of clothing in there, which were the same clothes I was already wearing. Walking into the bathroom I turned the shower on and waited for the water to heat up before jumping in.


As I walked out the bathroom I could see the stream escape into my bedroom. Luca was already sitting on my bed with Di and they were both eating MY food. "What the hell do you two think your doing?!" They both turned to me with their mouths full of food. "Eating." Facepalming I walked to the right side of Luca as he swallowed his food and looked at me. "Don't worry I made sure to get enough food for all of us." Crossing my arms I looked at the food in front of me bacon, scrambled eggs, an apple, sausage, and three glasses of orange juice one with a straw. "How did you even get so much food?" Grabbing another piece of bacon Luca started munching on it. "I have my ways." Giving him a skeptical look I responded "Mhm and what are those 'ways'." Luca sat up straight smirking. "Just be nice." Di spit out the orange juice she was drinking falling backwards off the stand, which she had previously been sitting on, she started to laugh. "You cant go around saying your nice! You told Haven that you would kill her!" 

I furrowed my brows and looked at Di, who was still uncontrollably laughing her ass off. I looked at Luca then back at her. "How did you know that?" As Di started to calm down she whipped the tears off her face and sat back down on the stand the food was at. "Well that's because I have access to your memories but your the first person where I can't access ALL of them." Starting to eat, I was thinking about what Di had just told me. I guess it's a good thing she can't see all of my memories.


Luca escorted me to a door the Professor had told him to take me to. I had Di hide in my pants pocket the best she could fit since we found out we couldn't be separated at a certain distance. As Luca opened the door I seen Mr. Smiles standing in an empty room. He was looked through some papers before he heard us enter. "Hello Mrs. Lane its good to see your well." This guy just seen me yesterday and it's not like anything can happen to me in this facility, well for now anyway. Mr. Smiles looked at Luca. "Chad you may now leave." Luca nodded his head and left the room.

"Now Mrs. Lane I'm going to need you to take out that watch and we are going to try and do some exercises." I took out the watch that was in the same pocket Di was in and gripped it in my hand. "Now Mrs. Lane we are going to see if you can time travel." I wanted to play along like I had no idea what he was talking about so I tilted me head to the side. "What do you mean? Time travel is impossible." Chucking Mr. Smiles walked closer to me. "That's where you're wrong my dear. Time travel is possible and you can do it." I gripped the watch tighter and still acted like I was confused. 'He only knows you can time travel but you can do so much more.' 

What was that? It kind of sounded like Di but how is that possible? 'Di is that you?' 'Sure is pretty neat huh. Since I can't talk to you like I want to I decided this would be good enough.' I noticed Mr. Smiles was still talking but I decided to ignore him. 'And why are you doing this now.' 'Well I didn't want you to worry about him knowing the full extent of your ability. But you might want to focus and what he's doing since he stopped talking.' Looking back up at Mr. Smiles I seen he had an irritated look on his face. "Mrs. Lane did you hear anything I said." Shaking my head Mr. Smiles sighed and proceeded to talk again. "I want you to go back to go back five years from now and being me something back." How the f*ck do I do that? I don't know how to time travel and you expect me to do it not knowing how? "How do I do that?" Smiling he gave me an apologetic look. "My apologies I forgot. Just think of a place to go to then turn the top knob and press down." Alright a place to go to.

I thought about the river my mother would take me to. It had tall lush green trees and rocks you could climb up on. The river was the best part though. It was crystal clear and nine feet deep. It was always so quiet there and it was all to me and my mother, no one would ever be around. Sometimes we would stick our feet in the water listening to the bird chirp, the wind rustling the leaves, and the water flowing down the river. Other times we would either climb rocks or play in the water. It was my favorite place to go to. This was the place I envisioned. Keeping this place in my mind I started to turn the knob then press down on it.

Slowly opening my eyes I only seen the room I was previously in. Mr. Smilss looked as confused as me but he quickly shock it off. "Do it again you must of not envisioned the place hard enough." We repeated this process for the remainder of the time.


Flopping on to my bed I groaned into it. What had happened? You think after trying about fifty times something would have happened but nothing did. Not a damn thing! Turning my head to the right I seen Di staring at me. She looked exhausted like all the energy in her had been drained out. "Di are you alright?" She nodded her head slowly and laid down. "Yes but it took a lot of energy out of me to make sure you didn't time travel." I slight lifted my self up off the bed and looked at her. "What do you mean?" Di turned on her side facing me and curled up into a ball. "Well the place you envisioned was so vivid it took a lot of energy out of me to make sure you did not go there." Picking Di up I held her in my hands. She looked like a small animal that had been hurt. "So you prevented me from time traveling?" Di nodded her head and yawned. "Yes I wanted to make him think you were not capable of anything yet." 

"Di could you tell me more about how I can control time." Sitting up Di stretched her small body. "Well time travel is one. Right now you can only use it once a day. Time travel can be a little tricky. Now you can envision a place you want to go that is thousand of miles away but if you do something there it could be catastrophic. You could alter the time line and everything here could be no more. You can also just think of a place and you can go there you don't necessarily have to envision it. Spacial jump or as some people call it teleportation is quite simple. You can only go about seven or less miles away, you really don't even have a use the knob for this you kind of just....do it. The last one I'll tell you about fo now is time freeze. It's just as the name says, you freeze time. While in time freeze though be careful any living thing you touch can start to move again, for now you can only use this for about five minutes. As you grow more powerful you can start to go longer distances and us somethings for a longer period of time." 

Placing Di on my pillow I laid on my back and looked up at the ceiling think about EVERYTHING. My life was no longer normal. I was able to do some weird time shit because of some pocket watch and Ikimono. Everything was just........strange and I didn't know what to do about anything. Could I even handle this power? Will I die because of it? And what about the plan Luca had come up with how was that going to go? I just don't know what to do anymore. What the hell has my life become in just this short amount of time. 

Groaning I looked at my clock and seen that it was only nine thirty. I thought Luca would take the amount of free time that I happened to have and tell me about this plan. Does he even know what he's going to do or is he just going to wing-it? I mean since I've got to see more of his personality he seem like to type that would swing most situations. Maybe Di would know what he might do I mean she has been with him for a while. "Hey Di do you kno-"

The door suddenly opened up and Di quickly hid under my pillow. Looking over I seen it was just Luca and let out a puff of air. He closed the door quick and then turned around. He had a smug look on his face that just said trouble all over it.

"All right who's ready to hear about this plan?"
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