Chapter 3

“This is project clockwork.” I looked over to see that Mr. Smiles staring at me and the corner of his lips were slightly turned up. Not a smile but at the same time it was. “Why are you showing me?” Why did you tell me about it?” I looked back at the pocket watch and examed its dips and curves. “Well we tell everyone that comes in here about it.” Confused I quickly snapped me head to look at him. “There are others in here.” “Yes I will get Chad to explain something’s to you later. Now come we must leave.” I followed Mr. Smiles out the door and took one last look at the pocket watch before Chad closed the door.
We started walking down a different hall that was gray. The doors were still what but the hall way was gray. What makes this place so special? Mr. Smiles suddenly stopped and opened one of the doors and motioned for me to enter. There was a large black leather chair with tubes running along the back. Computers and other machines were placed along the back and left wall. It’s official their going to turn me into a lab rat and I’m going to die. “Take a seat Mrs. Lane nothing bad will happen.” Walking up the the chair I sat in it and waited for Mr. Smiles to do something. “What I'm about to do is drawl some blood and then we will to some physical test and screening” This is going to be one exhausting day.
After the exams they made me go through I was lead back into the room project clockwork was in. “All your exams look normal now there is the final test and that will be all today.” I nodded and waited for Mr. Smiles to open the door and walk into the room. He stood beside the column and waited for me to approach. He seemed very eager to get this done, like he was wanting something to happen. “Come now Mrs. Lane just hold the watch.” I was confused. Why do I have to hold it when it’s going to burn me? But do I even have a choice? “But it will burn me.” Mr. Smiles looked up and smiled his creepy smile and I wasn’t able to see his eye since the light was reflecting off his glasses. I felt a dark aurora surround us. “Not nessararily correct. We have no idea what it will do to YOU.” I started to approach the column and waited for Mr. Smiles approval. “Go on.” Well it’s now or never. I wonder if this place has any burn cream since I’m going to need it. This is going to hurt so bad.
Raising my hand up I slowly started to reach out for it. From the corner of my eyes I seen my hand shacking, then I started to feel my whole body shack. I’m nervous. I’m scared. No I’m terrified. I hovered my hand over the watch and could feel immense heat radiating off of it. I looked over and seen Mr. Smiles creepy smile had gotten bigger. How was that possible?! I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and place my hand on the watch. I could feel burning heat against my skin but it wasn’t hurting me. I took my hand off the watch and looked at Mr. Smiles face. He was shocked. Alright so was he wanting me to get hurt? Is he a sadist?
I waited for Mr. Smiles response but suddenly the scientist that were watching ran into the room all with shocked faces. “Professor Dock the minister and the clock just spiked and the girl didn’t get burned.” Mr. Smiles started chucking, not a normal chuckle no a creepy one a sinister one. When he calmed down he looked at me and grabbed my hands. “You’ve saved us Mrs. Lane. But it’s getting late so go back to your room.” Walked to the door I ran into something but I didn’t see anything at all. Placing my hand against the thing I started to push, but I couldn’t move it. Well that was dumb. Looking at Mr. Smile nervously I started to scratch the back on my neck. “Um I know this sounds weird but there is something in the door way.” The scientist gave me a confused look and Mr. Smiles turned to me. “Mrs. Lane there is nothing there.” Looking over to the side I still had my hand on the nape of my neck. “I know it seems like that but I really can’t leave.” All the scientist huddled up in a group and started whispering to each other.
They all turned back around and looked at me with suspicious smiles. Mr. Smiles waved his hand telling me to come back. "Mrs. Lane why don't you just take the clock back to your room." As I started walking back to the watch everybody was staring at me. Grabbing it quickly I swiftly walked back to the door way. I stopped abruptly and hesitantly stuck my hand where the invisible wall was suppose to be. Noticing my hand went through the door way instead of touching something, I walked out to Chad who was watching me. Then we started the silent walk back to my room as I examined the watch fully now.
I was right today was exhausting. First the test and now I'm the new 'owner' of this watch. They didn’t even let me have a lot of lunch. I’m starving! I hope there is food when I get back to my room. Maybe Chad will tell me more about the ‘prison’ that I’m locked up in.
As we arrived at my door, I assumed it was my door since Chad stopped all of a sudden, Chad grabbed some keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. When exactly did he lock my door I didn’t notice him doing it earlier. “Go inside while you eat I will tell you something about this place.” Walking into the room I seen a tray that had a piece of salmon on top of some rice and broccoli on the side. My mouths already watering. As I sat on my bed and started eating I seen Chad standing beside the closed door. “This place is called Hylens Research Facility and to the people passing by it’s just a manufacturing company. The facility mainly does research on project clockwork but it does do other things, and that’s all you need to know about the place. You will eat at seven in the morning and then do what’s on your schedule. At eleven is lunch and twelve is a free period so you can walk around or do something else. Dinner is at five and then there is a free period seven to ten. After today you will go to the cafeteria and eat. You can either walk around certain areas of the facility, go to the common room, or go to the garden. You are able to interact with some other patients but not all. Some of them are quite dangerous to be around. The last thing is I will accompany you at ALL times the only time I leave is at twelve a.m. when another bodyguard will be outside your room.” Nodding my head I put my fork down and the empty plate and looked at the clock, seven twenty eight. Guess they wanted to do experiments first before I ate. "Can we go to the garden." Chad looked at me and nodded his head waiting for me to get up so we could leave.
The garden was beautiful and huge with some patients walking with their bodyguards. There was a lot of ways you could walk around and even gazebos were scattered around, along with a few benches here and there. Some trees were scattered here and there. Flowers were everywhere growing from the ground, bushes, and on walls. Flowers of all different types were there: roses, tulips, carnations, tulips, hydrangea, etc. The sky was the only problem they had this clear roofing over it, I guess so no one could try and escape. As I walked around I ran my hand against some flowers and felt their petals. They were soft and had a silky feeling.
I felt a bump on my shoulder and noticed Chad walking past me. Following him I noticed we were going deeper into the garden. The further we got the less people I saw. Walking into a gazebo he sat down and motioned me to sit as well. As I sat down I gave Chad a questioning look. Chad started into my eyes with a serious face. “Don’t do anything they tell you to.” Confused by his demand I sat quiet for a bit. “Why? What’s wrong?” Chad looked down and placed his elbows on his knees hands together in a tight fist with his forehead on top. “This place........this place is dangerous.” Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms and legs. “Well I knew that but could you elaborate more.” It was silent for a minute until I heard Chad speak....his voice was breaking. “Seven years ago my sister and I were kidnappened and brought here. We went through the same things you did today, the questioning, the tests, and even the watch. As we walked to clockwork the Professor told us the same story he told you.” He stopped and took a moment to breath. “When we got to the watch he made me touch it first and I got burned immediately. It felt like a fire had consumed my hand so I quickly let go. Some nurse come and tended to my hand as I watch my sister walking up to the watch. She hesitated afraid she would get hurt to but when she picked it up nothing happened. She was the new ‘owner’ of the watch and that’s when bad things started to happen.” He stopped talking.
”What bad things?” I was confused and now that I had this watch I need all the information I could get. “Everything changed. They would take her early in the morning and bring her back for a short period just to take her again. In those short periods she came back she looked horrible. She would tell me that they were trying to make her do strange things like change time. I never understood anything she said after that it was all strange. She was speaking the same language but saying things I just couldn’t get. Then that day come.” Chad started shaking. Why I had no idea but I was about to find out. “That day we had planned to escape. She had some plan but wouldn’t tell me anything. It was in the afternoon when it happened, I think around three thirty. She had gather a bunch of other patients and they started making a ruckus. They started destroying machines, making fires, and beating scientis and security guards that would be on each floor. My sister grabbed my hand and started running through some fire that was scattered around the building until we made it outside. That’s were I saw police, firemen, ambulances, and reporters surrounding us. They took my sister and I to an ambulance and sent us to a hospital. When we got their we found out we had been missing for five months and that our parents were dead. After we got out our aunt took us in and then my sister mysteriously left to do something. When she came back she had told me she went to the press and let them know about project clockwork but didn’t put it in much detail. I thought we were safe but I was wrong. One year later, my sister went out to get some new cloths for school and never came back. The police showed up later and told us she had been shot when I asked if she had the pocket watch on her they said there was no pocket watch but they would see if she had dropped it somewhere.”
I looked at him with simpithy but didn’t say anything. I mean what could I say. “Why are you telling me this now?” Chad looked at me and I could see the tears running down his face. “Because we are leaving.” I cocked one of my eyebrows up. “We?” Chuckling he started getting up from his seat. “Yes we. I’ll think of a plan and tell you about it tomorrow until then just be careful and don’t do anything stupid.” Getting up from my seat Chad and I started walking back through the garden. “One more thing, don’t open that watch until we get back to your room.” Stuffing my hands in my pants pocket I started running my fingers along the watch. “Why?” Chad looked over his shoulder and smirked at me. “You’ll see.” Huffing I started to pout but continued walking with him.
As we arrived back at my room Chad had unlocked the door and walked in waiting for me. I gave him a questioning/confused look but walked in the room anyway and went to my bed. I waited for Chad to shut the door before I pulled the watch out of my pocket. “Alright go ahead and open it.” I looked at Chad and he held a smirk on his face waiting from me to open this watch.
The watch had two knobs that looked like they could be pushed down. “It’s the bottom knob.” I gave Chad an irritating look. “You know I think I’m the one that’s suppose to figure this stuff out since this is MY watch now.” Chucking his raised his hands up in defense and started walking over to my bed sitting down. “Hey I’m just trying to help I mean my sister DID have the watch BEFORE you so I kinda know I thing or two about it.” Huffing I looked back over and the watch. “Well if you know so much about this stupid thing why don’t you just take it.” Leaning back on his elbows Chad rolled his eyes. “If the watch wanted me then why would I have gotten burned the first time around.” I ran my index finger around the front of hit. “I guess you right but why me I’m not anything special.” “My sister said the same thing to me once.” I looked over my shoulder at him. “What did you tell her.” “The world works in mysterious ways.” I dropped my head in disappointment and heard Chad let out a laugh. “That doesn’t help much you know. I mean that doesn’t even help at all.” Waving his hand from side to side he dismissed my comment. “Yea yea whatever now hurry up and open the watch.” I placed the watch down on the opposite side Chad was on and looked at him. “Why are you so excited about me opening this damn watch.” “Just because.” Smirking I turned back around and let out a yawn. “You know I think I’ll just open it some other time. I’m getting kind of tired and kinda want to go to sleep.” Chad sat up straight and looked at me pouting a little. “Just open the f*cking watch already.” Holding me arms up in defense like he had earlier I started laughing. “Alright. Alright. Just don’t kill me.”
Picking the watch back up I looked at Chad. “Which knob again?” “Bottom.” Taking in a deep breath I held it for a few seconds then let it out. I hope this doesn’t kill me. Placing my shaking thumb against the bottom knob I hesitated for a minute. What if this is a trap? What if he’s just trying to kill me?! What if their all trying to kill me?! I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up the see that Chad had a reassuring smile on his face. “It will be alright nothing bad will happen.” Nodding I looked back at the watch and pressed down on the bottom knob. Light consumed the whole room leaving nothing untouched and a black streak swiftly came out.
As the light died down I seen a small creature that was 4 inches tall. Its body was hidden by a black cloak that had a red design on the bottom. The hood of the cloak was down so I could see the blood red irises the creature had. "Hello my name is Di and I am you Ikimono. I control time and now so can you." Her, because she sounds like a girl, voice was child like and sweet. "My name is Haven it's nice to meet you. And this is my acquaintance-" "LUCA!" Luca who the hell is Luca. Di flew over to Chad and hugged his cheek. "Long time no see Di." As Chad and Di were talking I was sitting watching and I was very confused. "Um excuse me but who is Luca." Di let go of Chad's cheek and looked at me with her head cocked to the side. "What do you mean he is Luca." "No he is Chad." Di started laught really loud at my statement just making me even more confused. "You told her your name was Chad that's priceless!" As Di was laughing I was looking at Chad with a confused face. Chad let out a fake chuckle and looked at me scratching his cheek. "Well Chad is actually a fake name. Luca is my real name."
Jumping off the bed I pointed a accusing finger at him. "You've been lying to me all this time!" Di started looking back and forth at us as we were talking. "Just about my name. I had to create a fake identity so I could start working. That way I could find the next owner of clockwork." Crossing my arms I sat back down beside him. Di flew in front of my face and looked into my eyes. "Haven you looked tired why don't you get some sleep we can talk more tomorrow." I smiles kindly at her. "Your right Di let's get some sleep." Di and I looked at Luca and spoke at the name time. "Now leave." Luca placed his hand over his heart and had a 'hurt' expression on his face. "That hurts my feelings." We all started chucking as Luca got up to leave. "Alright I'm going. I'll be back in the morning to get you make sure no one ever sees Di it could be catastrophic." Nodding my head I watched Luca turn off the lights and close my door.
Pulling my sheets back I crawled under them and laid my head on the pillow. Turning to my side I seen Di playing beside my head with a smile on her face. "Your different from the rest." I looked at her confused by what she had just said. Different me? You've got to be kidding. "What makes you say that?" Shaking her head she just looked at me with a kind smile. "It's a feeling. I have them about all my friends." "Friends?" Closing her eyes she nodded her head."Mhm. Friends. Most of the people who I exept to hold me and some outsiders, like Luca." She can immediately accept us as friends even though she doesn't know me? She's strange but I like strange. "Night Di we'll take more in the morning."
"Goodnight Haven."
End of day 2
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