A little more time

A little more time

Haven Lane had a different life then most teenage girls, but then she was kidnapped by strange people. Because of the kidnapping she now has a small pocket watch that has changed her life entirely. With the help of her new friends Haven must now fight off impending danger for the good of the world.

published on February 27, 2019not completed



Before anybody reads this, depression might be triggered, there is self harm, cursing, and maybe other things. I'm not a good writer but I do it for fun so please dont judge to hard. This book is going to be based in a different universe. I don’t know how I’m going to write things but I’ll try my best. Also the title of the book will more than likely change if it does I will tell you in a Author’s note. This book will probably be revised.

This story will be in-and-out sort of thing. What I mean by that is it will jump from present, to past.

That should be all for this author’s note so happy unbirthday to all,
Mad Hatter signing off.
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