Snoop's Journal

Ever since the start of Eggman's mission. I earned a scab on my arm, filth on my fur and a continuous bloody scar on my eye. All I remember is Rouge's words of discouragement: "If you have a dark soul, why don't you fulfill it?"
I'm not insane but her words still stick to my head. It still echoes. Now I lie on the ground, too weak to start again. But Eggman lead me, trained me to be the strongest I can be. Ashamed, I finally got up and let the wind holler at me. I walk, head down. The sand whirls. For some reason, I feel more like a sand than the dark wolf I was raised to be.
My werewolf senses kick in, though its day. I hate when it happens. I smell joy. I hate it. Its not around the "no where area" where I am, but I yearn to get rid of it. But the other half of my head stops me, saying: "Leave it alone, at least its nowhere near you." I agree with that half, though I love the scent of blood when my claws slashes through their bare neck. *Smirk* Open neck, disrespect.
It took awhile for my mind to stay in one place. One side urged to kill, the other half was the innocent half that Rouge pointed out the other day. For obeying that second half, I hate myself for it.
All I can tell you, before I fainted, I was in my werewolf form. Yes, I snoop, I lust, I greed for those emeralds. Sonic provoked me to chase him. My focus was on the Emerald. I couldn't let Eggman down. He trusted me more than any of his henchmen which why I had the objective to kill Sonic and gain power. But I should've watched out for the rays of that emerald, a werewolf's weakness. I fell blind in the eyes then seeing nothing but blackness. Sonic got away, another unfinished mission.
Now, I stand here, letting my fury boil inside of me. How did I let him go that easy? In my mind, I had to keep asking questions. Yes, I was that mad at myself. Eggman will lose his trust and I'll be left in this world with no occupation, but hearing voices in my head and being cursed every night. Then I will have addiction from now and then...NO everyday. I will always like the look of crimson blood. I will like to hear the sound of splattering body fluids from my lifeless victim and bloody hands to look at before I go to bed. Though, I wished it would've happened to Sonic. Oh, how I hate him...always running here and there, angering his foes with wits no one experienced. *Smirks* Eventually egghead won't slack another day and catch him himself. It will probably be his last try.
Sincerely, Snoop.
With no more urge to write, Snoop put his pen and pad in his jacket pocket. He took a breath and walked. A cat came through his path.
Snoop: .....
Cat: Mew! :3
Snoop: Disgusting. *Sits and ignores it*
Cat: *Purrs and rubs on him*
Snoop: *Gives it a inhumane look*
Cat: *Lowers ears*
Snoop: *Growls and shows his fangs*
Cat: *Runs away*
Snoop: *Smirks* They never find anyone else to annoy. *Sits on a step of a apartment home and picks up a unread newspaper*
(Stay tuned for part two! ......I guess..)
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