Obese_Doggo_boi's Questions
Obese_Doggo_boi asked 13 questions

What Is The Most Dumbest Thing Trump Have Ever Said? Not meant for any drama, but I wan...
Is it bad that I love to be fat? IRL, I'm fat and I love it. :3 Just want to see opinions.
What are some things that Qfeast could change?

How can I get more muscle? (Read below) How can I get more muscle without making alot o...

Whats your favorite TV shows? It can be a anime, a cartoon, a reality show, ANYTHING. I...

What is Madoka Magica about? I might watch it because someone *Points to Qfeaster* got ...

Woof! *Whimper* Need a new username! So I need a new username by July the 5th. I can't ...

Should I stop Roleplaying? I was told that I RP too much and never have real conversati...

Mobian Girls story, Equestria girls Sonic style! (Auditions) Anyone can be in it! Just ...

Should me and @CamilleTheHedgehog14 collaborate on this story? Me and Camille are doing...

Which superhero should Wolfie be? Lets say I made a story out of Sonic OC's. Everyone b...