Welp, this is a nice surprise..not

'...........I have something to say, and I know you're not gonna like it..'
I made a face and texted her back.
I set my phone down, then picked it back up again. I looked through my pictures. I giggled at a few of them, and took a deep breath at one of them. "Ah...good times." I said as I looked at a picture of me and Crown The Empire. I got a VIP ticket to one of their concerts, so of cores, I gotta picture. I smiled more as I saw a picture of me and other bands. Hey I might be lazy, but I have just enough energy to go to any concert and waste most of my money to try to get a VIP. Bands were my life. I scrolled on and saw a picture of me, Jane, and Matt. OmA..I miss Matt so much. We haven't spoken sense I moved. We were all good friends, but I had a crush on Matt. Jane being Jane, she tried everything to hook us up.
I tilted my head as my phone buzzed.
'Don't kill me OK?'
'OK OK OK!...Um...you remember Matt?'
'Nooo I tooootalllly dooon't remember the friend I had sense 3ed grade. -.-'
'Well....um...heh..buut um...he may have..possibly..kinda asked me out....'
'Oh?..You said no right?'
Silence....I felt my heart drop at one text.
'no...I said yes.'
....I took a deep breath and clicked a button to turn off my phone. I laid down and took a deep breath....She knew I liked him! I grabbed a pillow and shoved my face in it. "UGGGGHHHH!" I shouted and repeatedly shoved my face in the pillow. "HEY SHUT UP WOULD YA!" Ash shouted as she kicked open my door. "SHU-....." She stopped talking. "...Matt finally asked out Jane didn't he?" She said and sat next to me. "...You..KNEW!?" I shouted as I sat up, she flipped her hair behind her. "Well, Duh, I mean, I may be popular, but I know the gossip." She said, I gave her a blank face and slowly blinked. "..What?!" She shouted and flipped her hair again. "It's not like he'd ever like a girl like y-" She stopped talking and looked away, a look of guilt and slight pity covered her face.
I stood up and walked out of my room "H..hey, I didn't mean it!" She said, I stomped downstairs and into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and dug some food out. I heard Ash run downstairs. I rolled my eyes and looked around. Bingo. I moved the food to my right arm and opened a random door with my left hand.
I tilted my head at the stairs and stepped down them, I shut the door and walked down the stairs. I looked around and stopped at the last stair. What the hell is this place? Well it's a basement alright. Large wooden structures held wine bottles. Ohh it's a wine cellar! I smiled as I set the sandwich, and chocolate on the ground, it's all I could grab. I walked up to one of the wine holders and picked a wine bottle. Dust covered it like warpaint covered BVB in 2011. I smiled at myself. "Andy I'm such a nerd." I muttered and jumped. I turned around and narrowed my eyes. "What was that?" I asked as I held the wine bottle up as a weapon. "If anyone is down here I will hit you so hard you will end up in China." I said, nothing. I set my jaw and turned back around. It was kinda dark in here, but there was some light from a small window.
I wiped off some of the dust and blinked a few times. "Ohh, fancy shmancy..red wine." i said as I shook it. There was barely anything in it. Ok, never mind, ew. I put the bottle back and kept on reading the wine bottles. After a while, the sandwich was gone and I was nibbling on chocolate as I was looking at wine. I ended up reading every wine bottle, and wounded up in the corner. "Oh let's read y-AHG!" I shouted as I fell through the wine holder, causing wine bottles to crash around me, I quickly covered my head as a wine bottle shattered on my back, and hands.
After everything settled down I looked up and hissed. "Ouuuch" I looked at my hands and felt my back. Great, now I'm bleeding. I shook my head to shake off the glass and some of the wine. The smell was terrible. Who knew really old wine smelled so bad? I licked my lips and shuttered. I thought old wine was supposed to taste GOOD. Not like ass. I looked up again and banged my head on the ceiling. "OUCH!" I hissed as I laid back down. I looked around. "How are YOU burning!?...How did you get here!?...ARE THOSE BONES!?WHAT IS THIS!? I asked as I looked around the small room. I was small enough for someone who was still a child. I looked at an almost dead candle, still burning, a small blanket, covered rat crap and piss, moldy food, and the doll.
All surrounded by bones.
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Otherwhise I'm gonna have chlaustrophobia infested dreams for the rest of my life