And then he was humiliated

I trudged around school followed by Silver and Autumn who where predicting their report card grades. I saw Dawn a few times, but she was hanging out with Jerome, talking about the "Alex Serner + Principal" incident. As soon as I told Silver and Autumn about it, they both flipped out. I was about to say something when I noticed everyone gathering around the lunch room. Principal Hair was standing on a chair with a megaphone. "Everyone! I have an announcement!" More students gathered to hear. "I." She started. Suddenly I got a sick feeling. Alex Serner. Jerome. Dawn. Helpless Lover. Was Helpless Lover possibly, PRINCIPAL HAIR?
Dawn pushed through the crowd and stood next to me. "I think she's gonna confess." I whispered. "She wouldn't!" Dawn exclaimed. Everyone turned and looked at us. "Sorry!" Dawn whispered loudly. "I-I'm in LOVE WITH." Hair continued. She turned bright red and pointed to Alex. He turned green, then red, and finally a shade of purple. I heard endless gasps. Alex looked stunned. "What the f—" he started. "WHAT THE FAPLOOSH!" A nerdy kid called from behind the crowd. All turned to face him. He shrugged and pointed to the school ground rules. The first thing was no cussing. It had been crossed out.
I looked at the principal. She looked furious with herself. "Lets go." I whispered to my friends. "Patience." Jerome came up behind us. "The best part is yet to come." He rubbed his hands together. Everyone started cracking up and pointing at Alex. "Dude, she's 32 and he's 15!" I whispered loudly to Jerome. He shrugged. "It can happen." He said as-a-matter-of- factly. "Huh?" Said a raspy voice. We all turned around. Bryan was standing the with his backpack slung over one shoulder. He was looking confused. "DUDE! You missed out on a HILARIOUS thing!" Jerome exclaimed, ready to fill Bryan in.
"Fine." Jerome trudged to his locker and continued his regular everyday schedule. He was followed by all the other 9th graders. In science, report cards where given out. Silver squealed as she displayed her straight A's to everyone in the class. Autumn huffed as she pointed out her B+ in science. "I got A's in EVERYTHING else!" She sighed. I smiled at my straight A's. Dawn did the same. Jerome, on the other hand was looking stricken. "Straight A's!" I congratulated him. He shook his head glumly and pointed to a little star in the box for paying attention and participating in class. "Area of concern." He said glumly. "Because of my zoning out." He continued. "She wrote something here." I said reading over his shoulder.
"Your zoning out is getting out of hand. You also do not participate in class. I recommend a diary to express your feelings." I read from the report card trying to imitate the teacher's accent. I laughed so hard I almost died. "A DIARY?!" I squealed. Jerome looking annoyed shook my shoulders. "No! Don't laugh! This is serious!" I stopped laughing. "My parents are gonna get me one after they see this." He said sadly. I patted his shoulder. "I'm just glad it's not me." I said. I went to talk with Dawn, Autumn and Silver after that. "Attention class!" Said the teacher. "Today we will be—" Her voice was cut off by the loud speaker.
"MAY ALEX SERNER PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE." It said. I shivered, for once feeling sympathy for Alex. Jerome was called shortly afterwards.
The office visit was as usual. After school, I had detention and had to clean every desk one by one. At home, My parents got me a diary. Here's my first entry.
Dear Evil Diary,
I hate you so much.
Sorry. That was harsh. Today Alex Serner was humiliated. That was very fun. Then, I had two areas of concern on my report card. I'm wasting time by writing in you, diary. *sigh* my parents are forcing me to write one entry per day. Anyways. Today Bryan also came back to school. He's probably still sick because his voice was all raspy and stuff. He has had some trouble with his "friendship" with Dawn. I was like sure. Your just FRIENDS. Seriously, he can be stupid at times. I mean, Bryan has Dawn, Lindsay HAD and probably is still in touch wit Zach, Silver and Autumn have their dance dates which they are dating.. I feel kinda left out. WHATEVER. I have more important stuff. Bai!
I got HUMILIATED in school today. Jerome is probably still laughing
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Great ending, by the way!!!
Jared: *stares at table*
Dawn: *thinking* Just give it time...
Jared: *stares at table for 5 hours*