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I really like this guy, and all my friends are convinced that he likes me back, but I don't know how to tell him! Where should I start? Should I just tell him? I am very confused. Please help!
From, Confusing Crossroads
Dear Confusing Crossroads,
I think first, you should get to know him as a person. Then, ask him if he wants to go on a date or something! He might even ask you first! It's easy! From, MatchMaker
Dear MatchMaker,
There's this cute girl that I like. We went on a date once, but it didn't go very well. Now we hardly talk. I really like her, but i'm scared that she'll reject me! Please help me!
From, Daring Dude
Dear Daring Dude,
Start slow. Start talking to her again. If she talks with you too, start texting her again. If that goes well, hang out more often, call each other! At least be her friend! Trust me, it will work! Tell me what happens!
From, MatchMaker
I was exhausted. Those where only 2 of the 17 problems I had to answer. It was a busy tuesday. Then I got a text:
Zach: Can we meet at the park this saturday?
Lindsay: sure!
Zach: great! See u there
Lindsay: cya
I was excited. I finally had a real date! I was going to tell Dawn, Autumn, and Silver ASAP, but I was to tired... I would tell them at school. I fell asleep shortly after that thought.
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Great ending, by the way!!!
Jared: *stares at table*
Dawn: *thinking* Just give it time...
Jared: *stares at table for 5 hours*