The Will of a Heart in Love

"I'm sorry Todoroki," Yaoyorozu responds, "We can't. The villains know we're there now, it's too dangerous."
"W-We have to! What if-"
"No what-ifs," She hisses, "(L/N) will be okay. Didn't you see the power that was physically oozing out of her? She melted titanium. That metal has one of the highest melting points ever recorded! She'll be okay."
"The heroes will take her, then." I mutter, "She did nothing wrong."
"She'll be respected, they'll only ask a few questions."
The group of us eventually come back to the street where many people stand in front of a TV screen. A broadcast has begun and is now showing All Might and the powerful villain fighting. (Y/N) is nearby, on the ground. She looks to be beaten up, but the villains that had her and Bakugo cornered are nowhere to be seen. I assume that the boss villain attacked her. She seems okay, other than a few scratches and one deeper wound on her right tricep. Even from such a distance, I can tell that she's keeping the wound from bleeding with her energy.
The boss is pinned down by All Might but I can tell that he's said something that pissed the hero off. All Might is thrown back before he can attack again, only caught by the remaining hero, Gran Torino. The two land, talking with each other as the villain monologues. His right arm begins slowly expanding. He aims it at the number one hero and first. When the smoke clears, All Might isn't even in the line of fire
(Y/N) is.
She's powered up and it looks like her wound has cauterized itself but I can clearly see that she's tired.
"What is (Y/N) doing?" Kaminari seems to freeze as out classmate stands up tall, holding the main villain in place with her energy and seem to have a conversation.
"She's protecting All Might?" Yayorozu mutters.
"She did say she knows his weakness," I say, "Perhaps the villain has discovered it."
Suddenly, the villain throws her back and she flinches. Most likely due to something he said. She doesn't stay down long. She jumps up and screams so loud that even the helicopter can hear her.
"I will not let you, All for One!" She coughs, spitting out the blood that boils up, "Or are you too weak?"
The villain, apparently named All for One visibly chuckles but we cannot hear his reply. His (face?) turns to the news helicopter as his arm begins expanding again and he aims it at the camera. The news workers scream loudly as the ait cannon approaches them. (Y/N)'s energy grabs it, as seen from a helicopter on the opposite side. The energy hovers and then comes crashing back down on All for One.
It creates a large hole that All for One gets encased in. The villain says something, just loud enough for the microphone to pick up.
"This society will never let you be a hero, not anymore. Why don't you just come back? I'm sure Tomura would love to have you. Trust me, (Y/N)."
"I don't care about that!" She yells back, "Right now, I'm protecting the people. My name is Genkina!"
Her veins begin glowing even brighter than when she was fighting the LoV. All Might gets up, as well as Gran Torino and yell at her to back down and run away. She ignores them. Instead, she uses her energy to hold the villain in place. Not long after, All for One warps away from her energy armor and punches her straight in the face.
(Y/N) falls down beside the two other heroes and is held down by Gran Torino. All Might steps out of the shadows. At least..I think it's All Might. His hair is the same as well as his eyes. He and All for One have a chat while other heroes begin arriving and saving Best Jeanist and the other heroes.
"All Might!" (Y/N) yells, finally breaking from Gran Torino's grasp. "They're counting on you! Go beyond your limit. I'm sorry for everything!" Her voice cracks, "You're the number one hero!"
The hero smiles, muttering something back to her, smiling. All for One attacks with a giant arm, most likely full of quirks. I notice (F/C) energy creeping up from where (Y/N) is. The energy grabs onto the villain's feet as All Might charges forward and punches him.
(Y/N) is obviously too weak to hold him for too long, but it's enough. She gets up, limping towards the villain as he struggles to get up. Her face is pale. She glances at All Might. He smiles and delivers the final blow that knocks out All for One. The number one hero nearly falls over but is caught by (Y/N). She chuckles, holding her shoulder exactly where she was stabbed by Stain while we had our internships.
Didn't that completely heal because of Recovery Girl?
She takes All Might's right arm and makes a fist, her lips move and I think I can make out a few words, "one" "last" and "time." She raises his fist high in the ait, cheers erupt from around us. They get so loud that I feel like my ears might burst.
I turn to see many people who are crying and calling out the names of the heroes who just saved them from the wrath of All for One. Before the helicopters land to get a closer look at the damage and interview heroes, (Y/N) passes out. All Might quickly catches her but she shakes him off as she regains consciousness. He sets her down gently as the helicopters begin to land.
Tears rush to my eyes, despite how hard I hold them back. I run back towards where the fight began, ignoring my classmates as they call out to me. When I arrive on the scene as Uwambi and other heroes search for survivors or injured people. (Y/N) is laying on a stretcher, while the paramedics look over All Might's injuries.
She notices me.
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