Despite Everything

"We can't be sure but.. I've been checking and the villains haven't moved from here all day."
Shoji sighs, "Just because the villains are here doesn't mean Bakugo or (Y/N) are too."
Uraraka nods, "We're standing here on pretty limited information. None of us are primarily suited to stealth missions like Jiro or Hagakure. I don't think I'll fight, unless absolutely necessary."
"Just..thank you for deciding to come." I manage to say.
The group of us stay nearby, watching the building carefully. Nothing seems to be coming out or going in. So, we sneak around the side of the building, taking a peek inside thanks to Kirishima's handy night-vision goggles. The red-head balances on Kaminari's shoulders while Midoryia climbs onto mine. After Kirishima nearly falls over, he passes the goggles to Midoryia so he can see.
"N-No way," He mutters, "Are those all..Nomu?"
Shivers run through my body, "I-Is there anything else? Any villains?"
"No," He replies, "Only Nomu."
Just seconds later, Mnt. Lady's foot comes crashing down on the building, followed by Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, and Tiger.
"It's been handled," Kaminari smiles, "Do you think we can head home now?"
I shake my head, "No. Mnt. Lady mentioned 'All Might's group.' That must be where Bakugo and (Y/N) are."
"Even if they are," Shoji replies, "We have no idea where 'there' is."
I sigh, "They'll most likely group up here. We can wait."
"Stop where you are."
All of us snap our heads back to the heroes. A shadowy figure stands on the opposite side of the destroyed building. I feel a sense of unease wash over the entire area.
"Ever since I was reduced to this, I haven't been able to stock up as many as before." They say.
Just as the figure steps out of the shadows, an explosion blinds us and almost deafens us. The heroes are knocked out and the shadowed villain stands tall.
"Tomura's only just learned to think for himself. To carve his own path. If possible, I'd like to keep anyone from interfering with that."
His voice sends chills of fear down our spines. Is this the reason why (Y/N)'s parents are sick? I-Is this why she didn't come back?
As if on cue, we hear two different voices choke on a substance.
"Gross." I immediately recognize (Y/N)'s voice.
"Apologies," The man replies, "Have you finally chosen which side you're joining (L/N)?"
"F*ck off," She replies, I can hear the clinking of metal. Did the villains constrict her movement to prevent her from attacking? "I'm not being a villain! For the last time, you hired me only to get info on All Might which also became Endeavor. I'm not going to do anything more than what I was paid for."
The tall villain chuckles, "That doesn't mean we'll just let you go. You know too much about our organization."
"What about my parents? You said you'd help them!"
I can almost feel the crazy smile on his face, "I thought you'd figure it out by now. You've never seen your parents in a hospital bed. Have you? They had your memory of them replaced and threw you out on the street. You weren't on your own because of their sickness. They put you out there because you were cursed. You have a mutated quirk, a villain's quirk. Your parents hired me to convince you to join us. But the only way was to tell you that you'd get paid and you could help pay your parents bill."
I hear (Y/N) fall to the ground as the metal around her clinks and echoes on the wreckage of the buildings. Her wails of utter confusion and pain are eventually drowned out by the sound of slime as the rest of the LoV are 'teleported' over.
"You've failed again, Tomura. But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band, the boy, and (L/N) because you determined that they are important pawns. So try again. That's why I'm here to help you do. It's all for you."
There's a moment of silence before we hear a loud crash and the big villain as he chuckles.
"I was wondering when you'd show up." I peek over the rubble to see All Might come crashing down.
My eyes lock with (Y/N)'s. Her eyes widen, revealing how red and puffy they are. She looks away swiftly, being sure not to arise suspicion. From what I could see, the LoV is trying to take Bakugo and (Y/N) back through the portal to safety. (Y/N) is being protected by Bakugo and still is locked in a metal 'suit' of some sort. We can overhear their conversation from here.
"Bakugo, what are you doing?" (Y/N) yells, "Get out of here. Let them take me!"
"No!" He responds, "I don't care that you were only at UA for info on all Might. You're my classmate and a hero. You don't leave either behind."
She groans and we hear clinks of metal, so I assume she's trying to get out.
"I can't use my quirk until my lower body is out of this metal thing."
"Yes, you can." He hisses, blasting the lizard-like villain away. "Have you even tried hard enough to push past your so-called limits?"
A small hole catches my eye, so I peek through. I watch as (Y/N)'s eyes slowly begin to glow a bright (F/C). She clenches her jaw. Her veins in her body also begin to glow (F/C). And suddenly, the brightness of the color dramatically increases and blinds me.
I can tell it's also caught the attention of the new villain and All might as well because the two have stopped fighting. When the light has died down, I look through the hole again. (Y/N)'s restraints are at her feet, completely liquid. Her stance is similar to Midoryia's back when we were fighting the Hero Killer. Her veins are glowing so bright that it's creating a lava-like effect every time her heartbeats.
"I'm glad that you guys never noticed.." She mutters, "That I was gaining energy the entire time I was in that dumb suit!"
The villain in a black mask falls over, "She melted the titanium suit! T-There's no way."
"Jesus (Y/N)," Bakugo mutters, "You are radiating heat. I can feel it from here!"
Shoji suddenly pulls me back, I can see in his eyes that he doesn't want to take any chances. Not anymore. All Might and the 'boss' villain continue to fight, creating lots of destruction as they go. Midoryia catches our attention, he's come up with a plan.
"I'm going up too."
"Todoroki, you know that'd be too much weight." Midoryia replies, "Especially when (L/N) and Bakugo grab on. I don't think you'd be able to grab onto us fast enough after creating the ice ramp.
"Dammit, fine. Please just..make sure you guys get somewhere safe after."
"Of course."
So after Kirishima, Shoji, and Midoryia fly off of my ramp of ice, I stay behind for a few precious seconds to make sure that (Y/N) got to them.
"Bakugo, (L/N), come on!" Kirishima yells.
Bakugo, for once, listens and flies over with his explosions and grabs the red-haired boy's hand. But (Y/N).
She stays behind.
"Go on, I'll keep them off of you!" She yells in response, "Stay safe!"
I feel my heart snap in two as Yayorozu and the others pull me towards safety.
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