A Mission; For You

Instead of answering, the person enters, "There you are, Shoto." My father says, "I'm just here to talk."
I lean up, "About what?"
"(Y/N). I got the news from Vlad King and Eraserhead. I don't want to discuss much. All I want to know is why the League might be after me, and how you're holding up."
"She knows about mom and how I got my scar." I reply plainly.
He nods slowly, "I understand. I was...horrible to both of you. How are you doing with all this?"
"She's not at fault for what happened. She tried to protect us. She was trying to help her parents pay bills."
My father nods, "I believe you. Truly, I do. When she was here, her laughs and smiles were genuine. She loved you too, sorry..she loves you too."
For once, my heart feels warm. Not broken and dark like my dad usually makes me feel.
"Thanks, dad." I reply, "I'm gonna take a nap. I'll...I'll see you later."
"Okay." He gets up and shuts the door.
I fall asleep quickly and head back to the hospital the next day, despite what my gut says is right. Once Midoryia is awake, we entered.
"I-Is everyone from class 1-A here?"
Iida shakes his head, "No..Jiro and Hagakure are still unconscious, ever since being knocked out by the gas. Yayorozu received a head injury. She's also here at the hospital. She's only just regained consciousness yesterday, so besides those three..."
"All 15 of us came." Uraraka finishes.
"Where's (L/N)-chan?" Midoryia asks deliriously.
The rest of the class immediately glances over at me, I clench my jaw.
"You saw what happened. She...she protected us. And left. She left us.."
"She was a traitor," Iida replies. This sends a sudden rage through me, I have to stop myself from hitting him.
"She was amazing!" Kirishima yells, stepping between the two of us, "I wasn't there to see it, neither were most of us. But they were. Todoroki, Midoryia, Shoji, Tokoyami, Tsu, Uraraka, and the Pussy Cats. And I can bet you that Bakugo is thinking the same thing. If she didn't protect them, there may have been even more kidnappings. She didn't hurt anyone."
I can't stop myself anymore, "As a matter of fact, she's the only reason that you're f*cking alive right now?"
Midoryia and Iida both flinch.
(A/N): Aw shit, here we go again.
"What?" Kaminari stutters, "W-What are you talking about?"
"Back when Iida's brother was attacked.." Midoryia begins.
"By the Hero Killer," I mutter, "He grew angry and wanted to take down the villain himself."
"Stop!" Iida yells, "Stop talking!"
Midoryia coughs, "They have to know, Iida-kun."
I continue, "He didn't get very far into the fight before Midoryia-kun helped out. When (Y/N) and I got there, she was terrified. She already knew the Hero Killer but wouldn't tell me why. But she said it had something to do with her parents. She stopped him after finally improving her quirk. Stain was fixated on her but called her a coward. I-I tried to save her because I realized how much pain she was in. So I stepped out of her barrier but she still sacrificed herself for me. She sacrificed all of her energy for us. The three of us might not even be here if it wasn't for her."
The room is silent.
"I know that!" Iida finally says, head in his hands as he sits down on the nearby chair, "Then what..what did she do to protect you guys at the camp?"
Shoji speaks now, "She didn't want any violence. The villains lied to her and told her that no one would be hurt. They have her parents, so she didn't do this by choice. She tried to save Bakugo too but it failed and she was knocked unconscious."
I'm thankful he didn't mention her last words.
"It's not too late to save them," Kirishima says, "We can go back. We can save Bakugo and (L/N)."
"I'm going, even if you weren't." I mutter.
"Wait a second," Uraraka mutters, leaning on Tsu, "Does that mean you guys weren't saved by any heroes. Y-You guys fought on your own?!"
The class freezes, staring at the three of us. I keep my head down, massaging my temples. Thankfully Midoryia-kun's doctor enters for his examination. We all leave while Kirishima tells the green-haired about our meeting later tonight to go save Bakugo and (Y/N).
Later that night, Kirishima and I stand outside the hospital, waiting for Yayorozu and Midoryia.
"Maybe they decided not to go." My red-haired classmate mutters, stretching. "We best just head home."
"Not yet." Someone interrupts.
We turn around to see Kaminari, Uraraka, Shoji, Tokoyami, Tsu, and Sero, as well as Yayorozu and Midoryia.
"You're all going?" Kirishima questions.
"Yes," Uraraka replies, "Maybe it's because we want to know the truth but for me, at least, I want my friends back." She glances at me sadly, "I want everything to go back to how it was."
Just as we're convincing Yayorozu to let us have one of the devices she gave All Might, Iida approaches.
"You guys, of all people, should be at home," He says, "We're still under protection... Midoryia and Todoroki. And UA's facing hard times as it is. Who do you think will have to take responsibility for your actions?"
I make a fist, finally glancing up, "That's not the same thing, Iida-kun!" We're not going to break any laws."
The blue-haired teen slaps me across the face. He attempts to begin yelling at me for my actions but I duck, charging forward and throwing him to the ground. He hits the ground hard as I nearly fall backwards. I cough and groan as my exhaustion and under-eating catches up with me.
"You don't understand!" I yell, my voice hoarse, "I've never had a friend like (Y/N) before! I can't just let her be tortured by those villains! And it's my fault Bakugo is there. You really think I'm going to be a hero, if I can't save two people. Then, you're insane."
Iida gets up, rubbing the side of his abdomen that he fell on. He attempts to follow us as we all leave the area and head in the direction Yayorozu's marker tells us. Eventually, we have to get on the bullet train. It's a long ride, so I mentally prepare myself for the fight to come.
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