A Final Confession

I snap out of my daze as I overhear Aizawa and an unfamiliar voice nearby. I get close enough just-in-time to see a villain dissolve into a mud-like substance. Aizawa sighs as Iida and a few others arrive and one ordered inside. If I go to him, he'll just order me inside. Mandalay's telepath suddenly affects me and I learn that there's also poisonous gas in an area nearby. Where's (Y/N)? I practically run through the forest, towards where I can notice Bakugo's explosions. I arrive just in time to block an attack from a villain with long teeth. Midoryia and Shoji come running as well with Dark Shadow crazily chasing after them. Bakugo and I use our flames and explosions, calming him down, back to normal size.
"They're after you, Kacchan!" Midoryia says.
Should I tell them? Or is (Y/N) already gone? They deserve to know.
"(Y/N)'s a traitor."
Everyone takes a second to process what I've said, before a look of betrayal washes over them.
"Did you know this entire time, you ass?!" Bakugo yells.
The lovers that went wrong.
"No!" I reply, "She just told me before all of this started. Then..she ran off, saying that she's not of use to them anymore. To the villains."
Midoryia clenches his fists, "We can figure this out later. For now, let's get Tsu and Uraraka-chan then head back to the main camp."
So that's what we do. We pickup the girls and start heading back to camp until Tsu points out that Tokoyami and Bakugo aren't with us. Another villain reveals themselves and shows us our classmates, both encased in a small crystal ball. He's good at dodging our attacks. So eventually, we decide to tie Shoji, myself and Midoryia together and throw ourselves into the sky. We collide with the magic villain and come crashing down with a loud smash.
Directly in front of the three villains and (Y/N).
If you're still bleeding, then you're the lucky ones. Cause most of our feelings, they are dead and they are gone.
One of them attempts to burn us with his blue flames but (Y/N) captures it in her energy.
"What the hell, (Y/N)?" The villain in a tight suit behind her says.
"You promised that no one would get hurt!" She hisses, throwing the ball of fire up and letting it explode high enough to dissipate.
"That was the only way you'd cooperate," The blue-flame villain responds. "Now, if you want your parents to live, let me do my job."
This time, (Y/N) keeps her head down and allows him to attack. Shoji announces that he's grabbed Tokoyami and Bakugo, so they attempt to leave.
"We can't let them take (Y/N)!" I yell.
"She's a traitor, Todo." Midoryia says, "She'll go with them either way."
The magic villain laughs, talking to the flame villain, "They think they have their classmates. Good thing I made some decoys." He holds them out on his tongue, grinning.
As they try to leave, a bright light comes from the tree-line. Aoyama. It hits the magic villain and throws both of the orbs out of his mouth. Shoji is able to grab Tokoyami but I'm not able to grab Bakugo in time. The other villain does.
"Release them," He says, and Bakugo appears. He watches us with an almost scared look on his face.
"No!" (Y/N) suddenly yells, her body covering itself in (F/C) electricity, "I can't stand here and watch you do this. This isn't what I sighed up for!"
Ringing in my head when you broke my chest.
She blocks the flames from the other villain and attempts to push Bakugo back.
"Shoto!" She yells as her attempt fails, she reaches out for me, "I love you!"
And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one. Cause most of us are bitter over someone.
The portal closes as (Y/N) is knocked unconscious.
The blue-flame villain turns to us as it completely shuts, "Poor little Shoto Todoroki."
Setting fire to our insides for fun, to distract our hearts from ever missing them. But I'm forever missing her.
I fall to my knees as my guilt, anger and sadness takes over. My left and right sides explode into ice and fire as a scream escapes my lips.
And you caused it.
"Todoroki-kun!" I push Midoryia away.
And you caused it.
"Please," I whisper, tears blinding my vision, "C-Comeback."
And you caused it.
"Get up, she's gone." Bakugo hisses.
The heroes and my other classmates continue to attempt and get me off the ground. Eventually, I stop responding and scratch at the ground with tears continuously falling onto my hands.
Aizawa approaches, doesn't say a word and just wraps me in his scarf, pulling me towards the main building with Vlad.
"So you said (Y/N) was a traitor?"
I clench my jaw, "Yeah.."
"And she admitted it?"
Vlad leans forward, "Did she say anything else, like why she did it?"
"She didn't want any violence," I reply immediately, "They hired her during a desperate time. Her parents are sick and she needed the money. The LoV hired her to find out info on All Might. But now she knows the info she needs, but she still tried to protect us."
"So, we can't do anything without other proof.." Aizawa mutters, "Thanks Todoroki-san, we'll be heading home soon. Go rest. I'm sorry about that's happened tonight."
I get up abruptly, leaving the two teachers behind and exiting the main building. My classmates attempt to get answers out of me, but Mandalay comes to my aid and keeps them at bay. I sit down on an empty picnic bench, head in my hands with cloudy eyes.
"Hey, Todo-kun."
I look straight over, almost in milliseconds, as my brain thought it was (Y/N). It was her nickname for me, after all.
"Oh hey, Midoryia-kun."
He sits down beside me, "I'm sorry about (Y/N). I uh..I heard what she said."
I immediately begin tearing up again.
"Ah! Please don't cry!" He squeaks, "I-I'll come back later."
I grab his arm, "Just don't go, now now."
"Do you need a hug?"
I slowly nod and we stand up, hugging each other. Eventually, my other classmates (that aren't injured) approach and join in the hug. Minus Bakugo, obviously.
"Why does everyone I love hurt me?" I mutter, as the group spreads out again.
A realization washes over me. Despite being a liar, I can't help but love her. I love her. I end up telling the group everything, which causes Iida to speak up.
"Then she didn't want any of this?"
"I-I don't know."
Midoryia speaks up next, "She didn't. If she wanted to, she never would've protected us, she would've attacked back or stayed as a bystander."
But eventually, we're all treated for injuries and are headed home.
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