
2. Her parents already knew about the fact she has super speed since when she was a baby when she finally learnt to walk she would never stop running
3. There is a reason why people don’t see Sapphire at night...
4. She actually had a crush on Domanic too. But she was too busy focused on her own problems to notice him
5. Domanic and Sapphire both see themselves as friends out of the battle field but in it they are the deadliest of enemies
6. She used to have a imaginary friends called Hannah when she was five, but Hannah was real and she was actually a ghost.
7. Sapphires gift to notice when her friends are in trouble come from her mother. Her mother was sidekick meaning she knew what was going to happen to Sapphire in the future
8. Sapphire loved to write songs when she was with Eggman and Domanic and she still does. But she stopped after a certain purple hedgehog caught her singing one of her songs
9. Sapphire loved the moon and wrote many songs about it. She pictured it as the light of hope in the dark gloomy sky, like her old life.
10. When doctor Eggman shot her with that laser to make her into her super dark form it actually broke halfway through the zapping but nobody noticed. This fact also links with fact 3.
That was 10 facts that you didn't know about Sapphire. Fact 3 and 10 are clues to what happenes to Sapphire at night ^.^ Well, I hoped you liked.
I hate this rule of the "The entire story body should have at least 2000 characters" its so annoying. I don't know what to talk about now...
What? Its still not gone yet? Uggghhhh!
Oh come on! If you get bored you can stop reading you know.
There is nothing useful down here!
Why is it still there! !)"(£*$&%^
Holy poop! Why won't it go away!
-_- I hate this!!!!
*Starts running round and hoping when she comes back it is gone*
...Finally! Ok bye!
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Sapphire: *phew*