sapphirethehedgehog's Polls
sapphirethehedgehog published 21 polls
What's your favourite type of horror genre? (For school)

What would you like next?
If I were to make YouTube videos, would you watch?

Should I carry on with the Sonic WWFFY now? Or make a new one?
New story want to make. Should it include:

Which WWFFY?
Which should I do? wwbfy or wwffy
Should I make another Sonic WWFFY?
Who shall be in the Qfeast WWFFY? (Don't vote for yourself!)

Which should be finished first?
Do you prefer 'X readers' with Oc's or without?
Which game?
In my wwffy, which guy fell for you?

Domanic and Sapphires theme song?

Be competly honest: what do you think of re-colours?

What should be Sapphires theme song?

Need help naming Sapphires baby!

Should Sapphire have a anti?

Which of my stories would you like to see me finish first?