My wife. Aka Noelle. I can't put into words how much I love her. She's a geo, you can obtain her being purchasing the beginner's wish or players will need to have completed all endings in Noelle's first Hangout Event in Version 1.4. They'll also have to have completed Act III of the Archon Quest story quest, "A New Star Approaches." She's my favorite geo that I have and she's obviously my main geo until I get Zhongli. Her powerup is a shield that can heal your party members each time she hits an enemy. Her weapon is a greatsword. Her powers, or strength, in this case, can slash through enemies, even though it uses some of her stamina. She's one of the two characters that are level 20 She works as a maid and dreams of becoming a Knight of Favonius, but her skills are not enough to join. Which I know is not true. Noelle is 15 years old and lives in Mondstat.
The only info on Noelle that I have. The best maid and Geo ever.