This is Xiangling!! She's a pyro, you can obtain her by getting to adventure rank 20 and finishing her quest, but the way I got her is by getting a wish. She's an amazing character and super underrated! She's so frickin adorable, I love her so much. Xiangling is my main pyro for multiple reasons, her powerup is like Ambers', she has a stuffed animal called guoba that eats a chili pepper and fire comes out of its mouth. Her weapon is a polearm. Her power can melt enemies that use cryo or hydro. She works as a chef in a restaurant called Wanmin in Liyue Harbor, her signature dish is Black-Back Perch Stew and Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish. She's only 14 years old and is a cooking prodigy. She's super cute and each time she dies while I do a quest I start crying.
This is all the info I have on Xiangling. Best pyro I currently have.