This guy is Xingqiu, he's a hydro. I only just got him today so I don't have any opinions on him. He's my main hydro and only hydro. He seems cool, from what I've seen, he's pretty good. You can obtain him by purchasing a wish or payers can also wait for a character event featuring Xingqiu and use Intertwined Fate to make their Event Wish for a higher chance of receiving Xingqiu. He's level 20 as well, his weapon is a sword and his power can defeat any element other than hydro. He’s a master martial artist, having spent much of his life studying the techniques of the Guhau Clan despite being born into the Feiyun Commerce Guild. As the second son of the Guild’s leader, Xingqiu isn’t set to take charge of the organization for some time. While his older brother prepares to inherit the family business, he frequently escapes for "moments of solitude," likely practicing his own craft instead of following in his brother’s footsteps. In fact, after reading business books front to back, he often hollows them out so that the thick tomes can secretly hold literature of his own interest instead. His age is around 16-17.
That's all I know about Xingqiu right now. He seems like a cool guy.