United Nations Star~Allies

Romanji Lyrics:
Atsumae chaeba rengou!
Barabara datte rengou!
America : Yaru toki wa, yaru zo!
Ikioi ni makasete
(Ah!) (Ah!) (Ah!) (Ah!)
France : Efferutou kara Ma Cherie,Bonjour!
China : Kousa ni fuka re te Dajahao !
Russia : Kimi ha Matroyoshika,Zudorasutoviche
America : Koko ha Hello daro !
England : "Queen's English de hatsuon shiro yo!"
England : Itsudemo shinshi teki na ore da
(America : Nanda to?! Eigo to i.e. ba Amerika eigo da nanda zo!?)
China : Jinkou, Menseki
(China : Ichi ban aru, Russia : Ichi ban da)
France : Yabo ha sugu deshabaru geijutsu toka wakatteru
America : Ore ga sekai da, sekai ga ore sa!
America : Maa maa minna! Ii tai koto ha kono sai oi toi te!
America : Tama ni ha ongaku de katariat te miru no mo ii n ja nai ka?
America : Dou da? Zanshin darou? Un, waga nagara NICE IDEA!! Sasuga ore!
America : Yoosh! Sabi iku zo!
Atsumae chaeba rengou!
Barabara datte rengou!
Toriaezu wa rengou!
Hara o saguriat te
Uwabe dake ha yuugou
Kyouen shi te yuukou
Tama ni ha mina de kyouchou
Yurugi nai kizuna
France : Nante, aru wake nai daro ttaku...
England : Nai, Russia : Da yo ne?
America : Subete wa ore no tamel!!
America : Janku na sosu ga enerugi
China : Shoku ni watashi ni, makaseru aru!
England : Maa...sono, are da ...
Russia : Ufufu, America : Hanbaga tabete genki da set te!!, England : Deru ka!!
France : Maa maa minasan shoku nitsuite ha ittan oi toite te
Te o te o toriat te!
America : Hiiteha, ore no tame daro?!
England : Oiii !!!!, France : Oi oi..
Itsumo toori shuugou
Fuman datte shuugou
Torieazu ha shuugou
Honjitsu no gidai ha
Moshikashite yuujou
Sorenari ni joujou
China : Jissai ha fukyouwaon mo ii toko aru!
America : So ka? Nn..maa komakai koto ha ki ni sun nat te?
England : Daitai sa, nande omae ga mein bokaru nanda yo?
America : Sorya, HERO no shukumei tteiu ka kimi
America : nanka ni makase ran nai tteiu ka sekai ga ore o motome da yo ne?
England : Ah!!- Mou damare!!
France : Oi oi.. soko no o ni nin san ore no soro o jama shi nai de kure yo?
China : Watashi no dora to taiko ga you aru yo!
China : Minna waka te nai aru ne..
Russia : Ufufufu....kimi mo ne?
Atsumae chae rengou!
Barabara datte rengou!
Toriaezu ha rengou!
Hara o saguriat te
Uwabe dake ha yuugou
Kyouen shi te yuukou
China : Nandakanda...igaito waga tachi umaku it teru aru ne?
Tayori ni naru nakama
(Russia : Hontouni sou ka na ?)
America : Ore koso Number 1 !!!
France : Kekkyoku soko ka yo!
England : Baka! Baka!
Russia : Yappari ne ? Ufufu
China : Kekkyoku kou naru aru ne...
America : Ha-! HAHAHAHA !!
English Lyrics:
All: Gathered in an alliance! Even apart we're an alliance!
America: I'll start when you start!~
All: Going with the flow!
France: Ah!
France, England : Ah!
France, England, China: Ah!
France, England, China, Russia: Ah!
America: Duruffu!!!~
France: From the Eiffel Tower- Ma cherie, Bonjour!
China: Blown by the golden sand- Dajiahao!~
Russia: You're like a Matoryoshika- Zudorasutoviche!
America: From right here, Hello!~
England: I thought I told you to use the Queen's English!
America: What!? What's the difference between English and American English?
England: I'm always acting in a gentlemanly way~
China: Population, Area-
(China: It's the most aru!)(Russia: It's the most!)
France: Don't impose things like unrefined art, understand?
America: I am the world! The world is me!
America: Hey hey everyone! I have something to say right now! Wouldn't it be good to talk with music once in a while? How's that? Great right? Mm, it's my NICE IDEA! As expected of me! Okay!! Chorus, here we go!
All: Gathered in an alliance! Even apart we're an alliance! For now we're an alliance! Feeling our courage! Appearing to be united! Seeming to be a friendship! Cooperating with each other once in a while! It's an unshakable bond!
France: That kind of thing wouldn't really happen right? Geez...
England: Nope.
Russia : Right?
America: Everything is for my sake!
America: Junk food is a source of energy!~
China: If it's food, leave it to me aru!
England: Well..it..that is..
Russia : Ufufufu!
America: Eating a hamburger will make you better!
England: Go away!
France: Well well everyone, concerning the food, let's just set it aside for now~
All: Joining hands together!
America: Eventually, everything is for my sake right?~
England: Heeeey!
France: Hey, hey....
All: Always the same group! Even though we complain we're a group! For the time being we're a group! Today's agenda! Perhaps it's friendship? As it is the greatest!
China: I wonder if being out of harmony is okay aru...
America: Is that so? Hm.. well it's better not to worry about it!
England: By the way, why are you the main singer?
America: Well that's because being a HERO is my fate, I mean I have to protect the world, and besides, I couldn't leave something like that up to you right?
England: Ah! Shut up!
France: Hey hey! Those two are interrupting my solo!
China: And my gong and drums too aru! Everyone is so divided...
Russia: Ufufufu! Aren't you also?
All: Gathered in an alliance! Even apart were an alliance! For now we're an alliance! Feeling our courage! Appearing to be united! Seeming to be a friendship!
China: Somehow....we're surprisingly good at this!
All: We're all reliable friends!
Russia: I wonder if that's true?
America: I am surely NO.1!!!!!
France: So you're still with that after all!
England: Idiot! Idiot!
Russia: I knew it. Ufufu
China: I knew it was going to end like this after all....
America: Ha -! HAHAHAHA!!
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But I don’t really care, imma get the fudge up out of here
Fudge this shingle I’m out
(Since I can’t swear)
I've been waiting.
(*Secretly waiting for when the Draw A Circle, That's the Earth songs are added. Or the Parade songs are added, or England's Demonic Summoning Song* >:))