Elise the Drudge

He sighed.
Had he known that she would be a harmonal wreck...
A shadow hand reached out from Sesa, and he opened the door to the castle.
"Theres no place like eternal prison." He said, lifting a foot up and catchimg the dark sphere that acted as a platform, lifting him up to his room where he laid the drudge down.
She mumbled something about true love, and he shook his head.
"Im not the one for you, Elise. Im a-"
She shoots up, startling him.
"Your not a monster! Youre not!" She said, hitting the headboard and cracking it.
Sesa's eyes got huge. She was just a drudge, and yet she was able to crack a stone headboard!
"Elise, cal-"
"No! Master, you are what you are! Nothing will ever change that! Youre perfect the way you are!" She said, cupping his face in her hands. "Now no more bullshit from you. Lay down and sleep, and Im not asking!"
He looked at her, an amused smile crawling onto his face. "Fine, Elise." He said, sending goosebumps down her spine, "Ill rest as long as you do too."
She grabbed him by his hand and laid him down, laying next to him and latching onto him.
"If you try to move, Ill know it! Im a light sleeper, so dont even thin about trying to get away." She commanded childishly, squeezing the crap out of his arms.
He laughs.
"Fine. Just get some rest, ok?" He says, getting comforatable.
Elise drempt of the next day with her new master.
"Oh, Sesa! I have something for you!" She would say, handing him a plate of blood-sweets she would make. He would smile, take one, bite into it, and smile, showing off his amazing fangs.
She would smile back at him, and then he would kiss her hand, makong her blush.
She smiled in her sleep.
Fast forward a few years.
There they are, 3 kids playing in the old court yard as Sesa, in all his glory, held her closely. He had made her into a vampire by then, so now they can stay together.
"Now and forever." She says, opening her eyes with happy tears. "Oh, Sesa. Youre the best thing to ever happen to me."
He snores lightly, hands crossed against his chest. The early-morning light reflected off of his skin like mother-of-pearl, making her shudder.
"One day, and Ive already fallen for him! Its like..." she said, gently laying her hand on his chest, "Its like you have this... Aura, i guess, and Im so damned attracted to you. I cant help it."
He snorts, then his breath gets shallow.
She hitches her breath, thinking she woke him.
He snores on, undistubed.
"Sexy." She whispers, kissing his jaw line. "Some day, some how, Ill get you to love me back. That I swear." She adds, kissing his neck and nibbling it, thinking of all the ways she could make her promise come true.
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Earth: 1
Destroyer: 0
It was a great chapter. They finally bonded. Now something will happen that will end in a blood bath.
*dies from the fluff*
Announcers voice*
Love is in the air, and Sesa has taken Elise on a friendly stroll around the town at midnight. What will happen? Find out next chapter!
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ ˂ᵒ͜͡ᵏᵎ⁾✩
This is me
I'm ready!
I'll just have to wait to see what happens.
She just so happens to be a crazy bitch looking for this kind of thing.