Chapter 8, Another Day Another Friend

"I can't find any prey," Dawn sighed, "I guess I'll just have to leave empty pawed."
"Wait!" cried a pale furred she cat. "I can help you hunt!" "I can show you where you can fish too!"
"Oh really?" said Dawn dubiously. "You're hardly more than a kit." "It's not exactly easy too believe you."
"Well the fish are easy too catch, and look at my fur," said the cat, "it's really shiny from the fish I eat!"
Dawn look the young she cat in the eyes. She saw only two clear blue pools.
"Very well kit," said Dawn,"show me where you catch those fish." "Maybe then I'll believe you."
"Okay! Just follow me!" the cat replied.
And with that the young cat dashed away. She didn't stay to far ahead of Dawn though. Dawn actually couldn't run at her full speed or she would get ahead of the younger cat. Then suddenly the younger cat stopped. She stood next to a small pond.
"This is where I catch fish," the little she cat said. "Oh I guess I should tell you my name, I'm Willow."
"I'm Dawn," Dawn replied. "Now show me how exactly you catch fish."
Willow nodded and sat down by the pond. Willow spent some time just looking at the pond. Or so Dawn thought until Willow scooped a fish from the pond.
"See like that,"Willow said.
"This could be a good food source for now," said Dawn.
So they spent some time talking and fishing. When they were done Willow offered to help Dawn carry the fish. They walked back to the abandoned house together. But before they got back a stray dog crossed their path.
The dog turned and looked at them. Then it barked in hunger and anger.
"Follow me Willow," Dawn mumbled around a mouthful of fish.
Dawn leaped up onto a fence and kept on running. Willow followed quickly.
The dog ran along the fence, chasing them desperately.
In the end they got away from the dog.
"Thanks Dawn," said Willow, "I'm glad you didn't just leave me for the dog to catch."
"I wouldn't let any cat become a dog's prey," Dawn replied.
"Hey, can I maybe team up with you," asked Willow.
"Well I guess so,"Dawn said quietly. "But I already have some other team-mates.
"That's okay then, and it's one more cat for hunting right?...
"I suppose that could be useful." "Come along then."
The sun was getting low when they got home. They walked in and Altra was asleep. They set the fish down, when Dusk walked into the room.
"Oh, have you found another kit needing a home?" asked Dusk.
"This one's a little older, and actually knows how to hunt," Dawn retorted.
"Well then kit who are you?" Dusk asked Willow.
"My name is Willow," said Willow, "I lived by the pond in the park."
"Well what can you hunt? Mice? Voles?" said Dusk.
"Fish actually," replied Willow calmly.
Dusk looked at the pile of seven fish and seemed impressed.
"I guessed I underestimated you," said Dusk with more respect.
So they all teamed up and worked very well together. Then the cold season came.
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