Discovering A Mystery From Both Sides

The screen behind him popped up a picture of a monster. The monster was Wraith aka me. How did they get this picture? I made sure not the be around cameras! In the picture, I was eating the walker monster. Standing next to Roger, I could almost feel my body shake in fear.
"Members of base Canyon, the monster, Wraith, has been located here. In our manuals, we do not have much information on Wraith due to him being the ghost master." The director looked down at his papers again. "Wraith maybe a concern if he attacks us. If you encounter Wraith, do not attack until orders from superiors. Note: Wraith is a Level A monster! He is not like the runners you guys ride on."
After he said that about the runners, I hit Roger in the arm and smiled trying to relax myself from the Wraith topic. I knew my powers were strong, but I did not know how to control them or how to use them. I literally am the worst monster ever. Listening around, I heard the voices of people wondering why Wraith was here. If I could leave, I would.
"I would like everyone to be equipped with more weapons when they go out to check sensors. Also, more look outs at the power generators. That is all." The director walked off stage as we all left the room. The power generators were the only reason why monsters have not got inside yet.
"Why you think Wraith is here? A rocky area doesn't sound good for a ghost monster." Roger asked me as we walking to the equipment room. We had to go check the sensors again, but I was more curious over the machine I discovered yesterday.
"Maybe he ran out of good food in his previous area." I shrugged trying to make up an excuse.
"You really think he would come here? He must be stupid." Roger suggested arriving to the equipment room.
"Or something is here he wants." I commented grabbing a couple of extra weapons.
"Possibly. But, what?" Roger added putting armor on. Roger, stop asking questions about me that I don't even know.
Shaking my head, I grabbed this smallest suit and smiled, "We may never know what monsters think." Grabbing a couple of weapons, I put them on my belt and arms just like Roger.
"One day, we might be able to." Roger suggested smiling at me in his armored up self. I know we can, Roger, but I can not tell you. I don't even understand the monster's language yet. The language just seems very familiar.
"Instead of wondering about communicating with them, let's go kill them." I said grabbing the plasma sword and walking out the door. My plan was to ditch Roger and check out the machine. All I could wonder is what is inside the machine and why it was so familiar. Walking to the gate, I showed my I.D. to the guard and got released into the rocky terrain. Now, I had to ditch my best friend. "Let's get this done fast ok?"
"How do we do that, Rav?" He asked seeming confused.
"You check the sensors in that side. I will check them on this side. We can stay communicated with our radios." I answered smiling. Come on, Roger. Fall for the plan.
"Good idea, but what about Wraith?" Roger suggested. Stop thinking and go along with what I say! Come on!
"I will avoid him and call you for back up. Never fight alone, right?" I smiled trying to get him to leave me alone. Come on.
"Fine. Meet up with me as soon as you finish." Roger smiled and walked off in the direction I pointed him to. Great! It worked!
Running to the machine, my curiosity started getting the better of me as I grew closer to the machine. I felt my heart pounding. What could be in it? Arriving at the large machine, I ran my fingers along the strange language as I looked around to make sure no one was coming.
The voice from before started talking again saying, "No. Stop." To monsters, this machine must be really dangerous. Knocking on the machine, I heard a hollow vibration. Could something be inside? An idea arose in my hand.
"So dark voice in my head, why do you want me to stop?" I thought of. At first, I thought I was stupid and crazy. I was basically talking to myself.
Until, I heard the voice say, "Machine is danger. The words tell it. But.." The voice cut off as I walked around.
"But what?" I thought. Who stops in the middle of an important sentence like that?
"But, something good, helpful, and intelligent is trapped inside." The voice continued and stopped as I felt a crack in the machine. Running my fingers inside the crack, I realized it was a door. Maybe the voice was right. Something important was inside this machine, but why? Clinching my fingers on the door, I tried pulling it off and realized my human girl strength would not work.
Feeling the monster blood, I focused the power into my arms and tried ripping the door off. I heard the voice roaring in pain as my hands started burning. I knew I had to find out what was inside. Feeling my eyes turn red, I ripped the door off and threw it against a rock.
"You little brat. I told you machine is dangerous." The voice roared in anger.
Rolling my now red eyes, I responded, "I needed your power." I looked down at my now red hands. "We seem fine now just wait for our body to heal."
Watching the smoke disappear, I noticed a boy laying there asleep. His brown hair laid over his closed eyes as his pale skin radiated with the sun's bright rays. I would say what clothes he was wearing, but all he had on was white boxer underwear. On top of his body laid a white piece of paper.
Grabbing it, I decided to read what was wrote. "Dear Raven,." How? What? Huh? This note has my name on it! "This may seem sudden, but the boy inside the chamber's name is Ace Kail. This boy is just like you in many ways. You two are the only one of your kind. You two must work together to protect each other and show that even though you are half monster, the world should not fear you. You two hold a special gene that allows you two to develop a monster form. If you are reading this, I have failed my mission to protect you two from the cruelty of the humans who seek to kill you. I hope you forgive me one day, Raven, but I knew you would save Ace. Only you can save him. You always did. Apologizes, Professor Grayson."
What in the heck is this? How could I not remember Ace or Grayson? Who are these people? Looking at the boy more closely, I wondered how we knew each other. Walking closer to him, I looked at him carefully trying to remember him. Then, I noticed something in his hand. A piece of paper with colors on it appeared to me a picture. Reaching for it, my fingers gently brushed his skin as I heard the words, "Well, hello there, Raven."
Jumping away from Ace, I noticed our red eyes located on each other.
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