Lost In The Echo

Grabbing my head with my hands, I felt arms with claws on each side of my back explode out. Pulling my hands off of my head, I felt my new scythe hands grow. Next, my legs disappeared and transform into three long tentacles wrapped around each other. Then, four black spikes exploded out of my back. White scaly skin entrapped my normal human skin as I felt my mouth grow large with several larger rows of teeth. Finally, I felt my body grow larger.
Opening my purple eyes, I had realized I transformed into my ghost monster self better known by the hunters, Wraith. I discovered my new transformation at age eighteen. Normal food did not please me until one hunt I discovered my skin changing. Now, every time I'm hungry I transform into Wraith. Wraith is known as the ghost monster. Very stealthy and ghost like.
Slithering through the rock like terrain, I searched around for runners to feast on or a walker. A walker we would be easier to feast on with a lot of watchers coming. Seeing rock bounce under my tentacles, I looked up and saw the walker from before strolling around the area. I felt my mouth watering over the thought of all the meat I could eat. Stealthily, I croutched behind the walker and looked up. Yes, even though I am about over the size of a building, the walker is still taller than me in stage one.
Readying my scythe hands, I quickly sliced the patella of the all four legs. Blood squirted out of the marks I made. Backing away, I watched it fall as I slowly ate on the part of the leg. Watching it squirm for life, I laughed or well growled as I sliced its head off. Sticking my scythe hands into its large body, I took a deep breathe and started sucking the flesh and blood off of the walker's bones.
The large misty chunks roaming into my mouth as I enjoyed each tasty bite swarming inside my stomach. Most of the time, a walker tastes like roasted chicken, which is amazing. I could not help my self from devouring the large walker. Blood and flesh brought blots of lightening through out my body. I felt like the monster body was not just a ignorant unfortunate problem, but a new learning experience I could enjoy. I mean what humans could say they are part monsters. Well, I am not sure.
Slithering around the rocks, I started feeling strange movement from a far. Hiding behind rock after rock, I slitered and discovered a large machine stuck in the ground with weird ancient writing on it. I could not read the writing, but it seemed so familiar. Looking around, I noticed comrades from base investigating the scene.
"This is a waste of time!" The first comrade mentioned as he banged his gun against the machine. "I bet this thing does not even work!"
"Will you keep it down! The others know nothing about what we found." The second comrade said as she kicked him in the shin.
"You deserved that. Still, what could this be?" The last comrade asked running his hands down the machine. Each time they touched the machine, I felt my body heat up and almost feel like glowing. What was this feeling?
"It is getting dark. Let's go." The second comrade ordered as the two boys followed her back to the base. Glaring at the machine, I knew I should return before I cause suspicious, but my tentacles moved on their own. Slowly, I stood in front of the machine. The message wrote in black writing unknown to me. Placing my claws on the machine, a purple light shot out at me. My body started burning as I was being forced to change back into my human form.
Opening my blue eyes, I noticed the purple light had stopped glowing while my small pale hand was glued to the machine. What made matters worse was I was naked. Not good. Pulling my hand away, I felt the monster in my try to take control again. Curious, I placed my hand on the machine again. The monster side felt like it calmed down. What was this? Glaring closely at the black writing, I noticed the black had assortments of red circled inside of it.
Could it be blood? But, what kind of blood could make my monster side want to stay hidden? Shaking my head, I pulled my hand away and again let my monster side take control. Slithering back, I tried to remember the coordinates of the machine. Five twenty one was the number of the area.
Retrieving my clothes, I hurried back in my monster from to the machine. No one was around. As I tried placing my hand to the machine, I noticed my monster hand shaking. What is going on? Never has my hand shaked. Then, a raspy dark voice echoed in my head, "No.." Pulling away, I looked around me and saw no one. Who was that?
Shaking my head, I ignored the voice and changed to a human on my own. Putting my clothes on, I glared at the machine. What could you be? Why are you so familiar? After putting my clothes on, I noticed no entrance inside the machine along with darkness sinking in. Almost curfew. I have to hurry. With my black hair blowing in the wind, I ran as fast as my human legs could carry me to the entrance. My mind circled around the thought of what the machine was.
Making it to the entrance, I noticed Roger waiting patiently with his annoyed look on his face. "What took you so long!?" He ordered. "I almost came looking for you!" Thank god he did not.
"The signal seemed to be malfunctioning. Too longer than I thought to fix it." It wasn't the truth, but it was kind of true I guess. My monster side was going crazy.
"You worry me to death sometimes, Rav." Rogers said as he reached in his pocket for his I.D. Doing the same, I smiled trying to calm my best friend down. He always worries way too much about me.
"Well, you are still alive." I suggested giving the guard my I.D. I don't understand I.D.'s at all. I mean, we are all humans well besides me. I guess I'm considered a hybrid.
"You may pass, Raven Woods." The guard said coldly as the door opened. They could at least smile. Nodding my head, I walked inside as Rogers followed me. The town inside the base was quiet and eery as I looked around. Normally during the day, people are scurrying around everywhere. However, at night everything changes. I guess that is when the base and night shift is on high alert. The only noise was the preacher going on and on about how God will save us and how he is testing our belief. If he is testing us, why am I a monster? Can his God explain that to me?
Hitting my arm, Roger whispered in my ear, "Think Jesus is going to come with guns blazing monster killer action?"
I chuckled rolling my eyes. "Totally. He will. When pigs fly."
"Hey. Monster exist. You don't know. Pigs could be flying in Beta." Rogers suggested. Beta is a grassland base located in another destination. Each base has its own name. The one we are in now is known as Canyon. I figured due to the large land of rocks.
"You have a good point." I mentioned walking past the preacher as he grabbed my arm. His brown eyes were covered in fear. Looking at them, I don't even believe he knew what he was preaching.
"You lady.." The preacher started. "You know the Lord do you not? You fight for him! You show him that under his name, you will protect his followers, correct? Come, help me spread the word of God." The preacher really sucked at his job. Rolling my eyes, I felt my cold expression stare at me.
"I fight to live. To protect the weak. To help my comrades. I don't do it for no God. If your God is so powerful, where is he? Where is he when families died? When people were crushed between rows of sharp teeth as they prayed to me saved from the agony of their bodies separating from each other, where was your God?" Pulling my hand away, I felt the shocked expression on his face as Rogers and I walked to our sleeping chambers.
"You were a little hard on him." Roger suggested. "He was only expressing his belief."
"I know. I expressed mine." I added growing closer to the chambers.
"You always expressed their deaths." As Roger said that, I felt my body almost break down. My mother, father, and baby brother all died that way. I do not understand why I lived or how. I remember it clearly. The giant monster devouring my family one by one, but when he picked me up and almost ate me, he stared at him and placed me down. I have always wished he would of ate me that day. Ever since then, that monster has never been spotted.
"I can't dwell on the truth forever." I continued as I walked inside. Sleeping chambers were co-ed due to the population shortage. Rogers and I slept in the same room with different beds.
"You always said the truth will set you free." Roger picked on me as he rubbed my black hair. The truth will set me free, huh? I said that a lot before the truth became to hard to tell. The truth felt like the God idea. Both seemed impossible and hard to believe.
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