The Bird Theory (I made this one up)

Theory: Those bubbles seem like Gems, stuck in a bubble that are inside the bird. Who knows what it is? Well, I came up for my own theory of what those are doing there. Here are a couple:
Fusion: Maybe the bird was a fusion before it became corrupted? All those bubbles look like Gems, and maybe those are where the bird`s Gem(s) are. More evidence that supports this theory is when the bird separates. There are falling Gems for a second, and then they turn into smaller versions of the bird.
Gem Collector: Maybe the bird is a Gem collector, considering it ate the Heaven Beetle which was a gem and it tried to eat the Crystal Gems (it got Steven).
Digestion: Maybe the bird eats Gems, and instead of the bird breaking down the Gem (sounds disgusting, I know.), it puts the Gem into a bubble, like when the Crystal Gems put monsters into a bubble and teleport it back to the temple.
-What are your thoughts on this theory? What are your other theories? Which one do you think is right? Post it all in the comments section!-
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