The Super Saiyan 3

Hell...A rough place, filled with large plans of Sands and people who deserved to be there. However, it seems someone had filled another few of its occupants with Dark energy. A number of Time Patrolers had been sent. Sally however was concerned. She knew there were few that could beat a Saiyan by the name of Broly. And she hadn't seen Freddie in a long while. But she went in with Marcus with a strong mind to find him. They had made it to hell using the TP teleporter. They were standing side by side. "You feel that? Someone's near" Marcus said to her.
"Whoever it is...They're strong" Sally said nervously.
"You think it's him?" Marcus asked.
"No...It can-" Sally was interrupted by a voice behind her.
"Hahaha, what's wrong?" The voice growled. "Scared?" It was a large, highly muscular man stood behind them. The green hair and glow being clear of the fact he was. Broly the legendary Super Saiyan.
"Th-that energy..." Marcus couldn't believe it. Sally let out a scream, her hair growing and spikey up slightly, it soon turned gold and she readied herself in her super Saiyan form. Broly just stood there and smiled menacingly. "Haaaaaaaa!" Sally yelled rushing down Broly.
"Sally wait!" Marcus followed behind. Broly smiled and waited, as Sally landed the punch, nothing. She had made a clean hit but Broly just smirked, Sally looked up. He then grabbed her by the face, his hand bigger than her head nearly. He lifted he up slightly, only then did she realise how large the size difference was, she was about the size of leg. Marcus soon arrived, he placed his foot right in Broly's face, still nothing. Broly grabbed his leg, throwing him to the side. He followed him as he flew away, still having Sally in his hand. Marcus hit a large boulder only to have Broly kick him right the way through it. Marcus gasped as he did so, the kick winding him. He fell to the ground face first. Broly came down, slamming his foot into Marcus's back. Marcus let out a cry of pain. Sally snapped. The aura of her Super Saiyan form light up again. She finally managed to break the grip of Broly. Her hair spiked up more.
"How dare you hurt him!" She screamed out, a powerful wind was blown as she powered up, moving forward to her super Saiyan 2 form. Her rage clear, from humiliation and anger of Marcus's pain. "I'll end you!" She yelled racing forward and slamming her leg into the side of Broly's head. His head shifted, but he still smiled and laughed. He went to punch her but she moved at incredible speed slightly below his arm, slamming her fist into his stomach. Barry effecting him but she then started swinging punches at a rapid speed, she kept jabbing his stomach. It was wasn't doing much but it was slowly pushing him back, and he wasn't laughing anymore. As she cried out, her power still rising Broly had about enough. He'd sent his knee up toward her, it hit her directly in the stomach. She held her stomach with both hands, backing up a bit. She recovered as Broly rushed her down. She moved to the right and sent a side kick to his chest, he took the hit, barely effected, grabbing her legs and pulling her to the other side of him, as he went up into the air. He then raised her above him and when he landed back on the ground and slammed her into it face first. He let go and no she moved quickly, her lips bleeding. She backed up, flying away while placing her hands together. She fired medium sized yellow blasts as him, but he knocked he away and followed her. She quickly turned and went in between his legs. She quickly charged up a Kamehameha wave. "Haaaaaaaa!" She fired it into his back. As it connected it exploded and smoke spread around. She landed on the ground and looked at the smoke. She panted slightly, she turned to look where Marcus was earlier. Only to turn back to Broly's hand grabbing her by the head again. He brought her up to his eye level and looked at her, the pain in her eyes. He slowly started to squeeze her head. Sally let out a slightly wince in pain. The pressure building and the pain growing. She cried out slightly. "Get...Off...ME!" She yelled out powering up once more making Broly let go of her. He back up slightly as she screamed. The lightning of the form sparking and her aura glowing madly. She flew right at him, slamming a kick into his face. He back up again only to be punched in the gut. He went to hit her with his knee again. But she vanished and was now behind him. But Broly turned around as she did, holding out his hand, a green energy blast building. A small green ball hit her in the chest, it forced her back and into the air. Broly closed his hand and it blew up right in her face. She flew from the sky and hit the ground. She tried to get herself back up, but as she did another green blast landed right in front of her, exploding as it did. It blasted her away and she cried out in pain. She hit the floor again and laid there, he super Saiyan form fading and her black hair returning. "Argh..." She groaned as she got up. Broly stood above her now, he pressed his foot into her back, pushing her into the ground. Sally screamed out in pain as Broly applied more pressure. Broly let up and grabbed her by her right arm. He then grabbed her other one, Sally was too weak to fight back. Broly put his knee against her back, pushing her with it as he bent her arms back. Sally let out a load cry of pure pain. But soon after Broly let her go and got knocked back. Sally was gently set down in the ground. She opened her eyes slowly. It was Freddie and someone else.
"Stan, look after her" Freddie said, his long, Golden spikey hair glowing as he looked at Broly. This was his Super Saiyan 3 form.
"Be careful Freddie" Stan said. He looked down at Sally. Sally looked over and Marcus was sat next to her. She smiled slightly as she tired to get up. Stan assisted her. "Easy now"
"Sally, I'm sorry...I-" Marcus tried to speak but Sally looked at him and smiled. Her face grazed.
"It's fine Marcus. Thank you...Stan?" Sally said.
"No problem. You alright big brother?" Stan said.
"I'll live" Marcus added. They all looked at Freddie, who was moving at high speeds along with Broly, trading blow for blow.
"I have to...Help him" Sally said. She stood up right carefully. "I can't just..."
"Sally you can't? Let's be honest, you're not...strong enough" Marcus pained to say, he knew it'd hurt her too.
"What do you know?" She yelled, her energy bursting as she did so. "What would you know about this? Damn it Marcus! I just..." Her hair started to turn gold slightly. "Want to be" She said as he super Saiyan form was dawned. "Stronger!" She cried out as she went into her Super Saiyan 2 form. She flew over to try and help.
"I love her..." Marcus said. Sally had rushed up to Freddie and Broly. Freddie sensed her, kicking Broly back a bit. Sally came up behind Broly and fired a quick Kamehameha wave into his back. Blasting him forward. Freddie then kicked him to the side. But Broly turned his attention to Sally, grabbing her by the head once again as she came in to attack. Freddie came in for an attack only to have Broly hit him to the side by swinging Sally into him. They both flew aside, Freddie caught Sally only to drop her to the floor in front of him. "Stop getting in my way" He said coldly flying back at Broly.
"I-" Sally sat up and looked at the floor. A tear falling from her face. "Damn it...I won't...I can't just..." She got up slowly...
Her eyes sparked with a light, her hair spiked and turned golden with and burst of energy. "I won't..." She spoke slowly. Her aura fired up, the ground shock. "Give Up!" She cried out as the ground broke below her. Her aura sparked. Her power grew. Everyone stopped for a second. Broly, Freddie, Marcus and Stan all looked at her as she rose into the air a little. She screamed, her air increasing in length.
"Hehe, impressive" Freddie said to himself. He turned to face Broly. They both swung a blow and landed fist to fist. "You should have killed her Broly...She'll end you now"
"ARGGGGGGHHHHHH" Sally cried out as her form was nearly finished, her long spikey gold hair glowing, her aura sparking and firing up. She calmed down, her form was completed.
Marcus was looking over as was Stan. "Sally...That's my girl..."
Sally looked at herself. "Super...Saiyan 3...My turn..." She said to herself as she came back into the fight at lightning speed. Broly turned to face her, but Freddie took the opening and kicked him in the stomach only to have Sally kick him away. Broly was sent back and readied himself. Both the Super Saiyans coming at him. Sally went ahead and disappeared right in front of him. Freddie followed behind, slamming his fist into Broly's jaw, following up with a kick to the chest, only Broly got hit by two people. As Sally had also came by and landed and kick. "Let's end it" Freddie said watching Broly being forced back. They both went after him, they were throwing kicks and punches all over as Sally was slightly lower down due to height. Broly was on the ropes, being forced back. Freddie and Sally found an opening and both sent a punch to his face. Broly had backed up. He growled as he charged a blast in his hand. He pushed his arm forward and launched as large green ball of energy at them. They both stood there. They nodded at one another.
They both started charging a Kamehameha wave. "Ka...Me....Ha...Me" They said together. The green ball of energy coming towards them. "HHHAAAAA" They both fired out a large Blue beam of energy, which combined into one, colliding with the green ball of energy. The struggle was at a stand still. They both powered up more, the ball moved back slightly but Broly just laughed.
"We need more..." Sally told Freddie.
"Don't try it!" Freddie knew exactly what she was going to do.
She let out a cry of pain as her energy spiked and her power doubled. "Kaioken!" The blast got bigger and pushed back the green energy ball. Broly stopped it but didn't last long as the combined energies exploded right in his face. The two powered down, Sally panting and shaking. The smoke cleared and Broly was no where in sight. "We...Got" Sally said weakly, falling to her knees. Marcus and Stan had rushed over, Marcus helping Sally stand. Freddie looked at the now weak Sally.
"That was impressive Sally...I'll give you that" He told her. She smiled slightly and looked at Marcus who smiled back.
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And I'm going based off gameplay mechanics more than the story of DBZ and DBS.