
"You two...Get out of here" Sally told the Patrolers. They did exactly that. Sally came down to the ground and looked at Cell.
"So...What say you Saiyan? I can kill you slow...Or I can kil-" Cell said but Sally put her hand out.
"Look, Cell, I've got to be at a wedding it about...I don't know...So I'm making this quick!" Sally screamed, her hair spiking up and turning golden. Her aura glowing while sparking at the same time, her Super Saiyan 2 form.
"That form..." Cell said, slightly worried.
"You like it?" Sally smirked. "5 minutes...That's about as long as I'm going to spend with you Cell" She told him, quickly flying towards him. Cell crossed her arms in front of his face as Sally connected the punch into him. The blow sent Cell back a little bit. He then counter attacked with a kick to Sally's side, but she moved out of the way. She spun around and sent kick to the side of Cell's head, once again he blocked it. He grabbed her leg and threw her to the side. She spun in the air and few times and flew up right again. She smirked and rushed Cell. Cell was caught off as she snap vanished right in front of him. She then unleashed high speed kicks and punches. Cell taking each and everyone one. Sally then snap vanished behind him, putting her hand out, she fired out a wide firey yellow blast. Cell was blasted back, he landed on his back. He started himself up, soon standing too. "You have no idea, what you're dealing with" Cell said smiling.
"Oh yeah?" Sally said folding her arms. "Prove it" She smirked and rushed him again. Cell did the say. They started vanishing and appearing all over the place. Trading a blow or a block. They finished where they started, slamming their fists into one anothers. But Cell got the upper hand and kicked Sally away. While she was recovering he placed his hands together "Ka...Me...Ha...Me" He charged up a Kamehameha wave.
Sally landed on the ground. She held her up by her head. A small yellow ball forming, in the hand a blue ball of energy. "It ends here" She placed the bottom of her hands together and fired a large green blast at Cell as he let off his Kamehameha wave. The collided together. Their blasts stayed in one spot.
"It's funny Cell, you die the same way you did in the first place!" Sally yelled, her aura firing up, her hair quickly growing. She smiled having entered her Super Saiyan 3 form. Her blast pushing toward Cell. Cell cried out as the blast pushed into him and exploded. Sally powered down, her black hair returning as the smoke cleared. She giggled to herself slightly. "I'm done here!" She said. A shining light surrounding her.
She returned to Conton city. Stan had clearly sensed that and was running over. "Sally!"
"Oh hey Stan" She waved and walked over.
"Sally...Wedding!" Stan yelled at her.
"Ahhh! I lost track! Let's go!" Sally said, flying off with Stan. They quickly got to a large building and ran inside.
"Sally!" A small Majin girl ran over.
"Liz, am I late?" Sally said worried.
"We may be able to sort you put before, but it's almost starting!" Liz told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a room. Stan had run off and gone into another room.
"Stop squirming Sal!" Liz yelled.
"But-" Sally said.
"No buts young lady!" Liz demanded.
"I'm older than you- OW" Sally winced.
"Sorry" Liz giggled.
"Why? Stop, it's too tight now" Sally Whined.
"It's meant to" Liz teased.
"How would you know?" Sally questioned.
"I've done this before" Liz told her.
"When? OW!" Sally yelled.
"Stand still woman!" Liz told her. "There" inside the room Sally stood in front of a mirror. Her long, thin skirted and fairly tight topped wedding. Her vile coming over her slightly made up face.
"Wow, you got this for me?" Sally was amazed by the dress.
"I know you too well Sal" Liz said, blushing slightly.
"I love it!" Sally blow up with excitement and embraced her friend.
"I'm glad" Liz giggled. "Now, I do believe you've gotta get hitched!"
"He's ganna hate me..." Sally said but went to the door.
"Sally, he's your soon to be husband, he's marrying a Saiyan! A warrior race. Plus I may have told Stan to be "late" can't have a wedding without a Bride and best man" Liz winked. They both giggled.
In the hall, Marcus stood in a suit as Stan finally made his way down. He'd went up to Marcus and whispered. "She's here buddy" Marcus smiled. He turned around and saw Sally and Liz enter. Sally walked onwards towards Marcus. She blushed slightly under her vile, as everyone was looking at her. Marcus smiled at her as she finally made it to them. And so the wedding speech started.
Outside a man landed, this man was Freddie. He was right outside the building, Whis right behind him. Freddie was wearing a similar gi to what Goku wore during his time with Whis. "This is the place you wanted to be?" Whis asked him.
"Yeah, she's here. Mind waiting out here?" Freddie asked him.
"Did you not promise me some delicious menu options?" Whis questioned.
"That's the reception" Freddie said.
After a while the doors of the building flung open, Marcus and Sally walked out, the small crowd following them. Freddie's eyes widened slightly. He didn't think it was Sally getting married. Sally and Marcus were locked in one anothers arms, everyone was laughing and we're just generally happy. Freddie looked over for a minute. "Are you regretting your choice Here? " Whis asked.
Freddie thought for a second. "No, she's the only one who I know can do this..." Freddie said, unconcerned for it all. He walked over slowly. Marcus was the first to notice, he looked at Freddie and frowned. "Pinch a nerve did I Marcus" Freddie mocked.
"You got some showing up here" Marcus told him.
Sally got her out from Marcus and took a step forward. "Freddie...I didn't know he-"
"It's fine" Freddie said.
"What do you mean Sally?" Liz asked.
"Yeah?" Marcus added.
"I...Invited him..." She turned and said. "He saved my life..." Everyone was silent for a minute. And Sally turned back to him. "But I assume you aren't here for the cake? Whis maybe but..."
Freddie looked at her. "I need to turn in a favour"
"Marcus, you guys go on...I'll be there soon" Sally said. Marcus was hesitate but soon did as she said. She reached for a pin in her hair, letting it fall back to its normal long slightly spikey state. "You can go too Whis" In which...He did. Sally shock her head and placed a hand on her hip. Waiting for an answer.
"You know if I'd known it was yours..." Freddie went to add.
"Save it. I see you haven't changed. What do you want Fred?" Sally was minorly annoyed at the fact Freddie kept bumping in and out of her life.
"You know who Mira and Towa are I'm sure?" Freddie asked. Sally nodded. "Well I have reason to believe they are returning from the demon world again. And well, I need your help"
Sally stood up right again. "Oh...I see" It was like him to ask for help, let alone need it. Sally smiled however. "I'm in"
Freddie tilted his head slightly. "Not the answer is expected"
"Just because I got a ring on my finger now, doesn't mean I'm going to stop fighting. Plus, this is extremely important...Just, can I have a few days to...Enjoy this?" Sally told him.
"I have means of training that won't matter about time. I asked now because it's still just a thought. I'll let you know in about 5 days" Freddie smiled.
"Okay! In the mean time...I know it may be slightly heated with Marcus but...You wanna come to the reception...There's Cake!" Sally beamed.
"Sold" Freddie chuckled. The two smiled and walked off to where the other had gone too.
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And I'm going based off gameplay mechanics more than the story of DBZ and DBS.