Super Sally

"What was one handsome guy too much?" Marcus asked.
"Yeah, you didn't need to be here hun" Sally smirked and Fred chuckled a bit.
"Cold" He said. "Freddie and I were talking and you came up, he argeed to join us in training today, see about that Super Saiyan thing you're so obsessed with"
"We've tried it before Marcus, it's never worked" Sally added.
"Sally, you've been trying to force the transformation. A power like this...ARGH" He'd yelled as his hair went gold, entering the super Saiyan form. "Come from a desire, a need, rage. Not want"
"So me and Freddie here are going to try and force a desire. Since we both know you can beat me in a fight one on one. Freddie here is going to assist me" Marcus smiled.
Sally put a hand on her hip. "What too much for you too handle?"
"Don't push it" Marcus smirked.
"If you two are done?" Freddie had powered down and was waiting. "And Sally please, it's super Saiyan, not sassy Saiyan"
"Buzz kill" She said. There was a slight pause, suddenly Freddie and Sally Snap vanished into the air, colliding with a fist to fist blow. Marcus came up from behind and sent his elbow into Sally's back. He then spun and kicked her in the side, she went flying to the side. She did a small flip in the air and readied herself again. Marcus was rushing her down. They traded blow for blow with swift punches and blocks. Suddenly, as Sally went to hit Marcus in his smug face, he disappeared. Freddie now being in vision as Sally raised her arms, blocking a powerful punch from Freddie. Marcus came from behind again. All three of them starting throwing punch for punch. Sally had to focus on blocking and dodging, finding it increasingly difficult to find an opening in either of them. Sally's power suddenly doubled as a red aura surrounded her. "Kaioken!" She yelled as her body strained and she kicked Marcus away, quickly spinning to do the same with Freddie. Freddie was sent back but just looked at her and waited. She had drawn her attention to Marcus again. The two were in a high speed clash. Sally was gaining the upper hand as she sent a quick and hard hitting punch to Marcus's face, following up with an uppercut to his jaw and ending the combo with and swift kick to his stomach. Marcus was sent down to the ground and stayed there for a minute.
Sally spun around and looked at Freddie, he had powered up to a super Saiyan again. She smirked and rushed him. She readied a punch but she went right by him as he moved out the way. "I don't you realise" He'd said, getting a grip of her tail. "How pathetic!" He'd began spinning her around by her tail. "You are!" He yelled throwing her down to the ground. She wasn't done, she rushed back down.
"Kaioken times 3!" She yelled, the pain being audible in her voice. She came right to Freddie, she moved at ridiculous speeds and started throwing punches and kicks. But Freddie was on another level and avoided everything she threw at him. He'd then got behind her as she sent a forward punch at him. He'd grabbed the back of her hair, he then punched her in the back. "Argh..." Sally cried, the Kaioken wearing off.
"Weakling" He threw her into the air slightly and kicked her other he ground. Sally landed face first. "You call yourself a Saiyan. Your friend put up more of a fight than you did" He'd raised his hand in the air. A large sun light ball slowly starting to form. "You're nothing" The ball got bigger and bigger. Marcus was still out for the count. Sally had stood up and looked up, grazes covering her body. He frowned and looked down at the ground.
She was lost in trail of thought. "God damn it...He's right...I'm worthless...I can't...Even Marcus is getting stronger...Me? Nothing...Nothing...Nothing!" Freddie sent the large sun like ball down at her. She looked up and held her arms out catching the large ball.
"What's wrong Sally? Too much power! You should be able to handle this. I'm not even trying yet!" Freddie yelled down.
"Go...To...Hell!" The rage finally sparked in the calm minded Sayain. She cried out as her hair grew and spiked up slightly. "Take this Back!" He'd punched the ball back at Freddie. It was slow and Freddie watched it and smiled. He blasted the sun like ball with a blue beam. It exploded and as the smoke cleared, there stood a gold glowing Saiyan, Sally. Her hair gold, her aura glowing and yet she was still calm. She stood there and looked at herself. Her arms, down to her legs. She smiled, as she saw Marcus sat in the background smiling at her. However soon the power faded and she colpased. Freddie caught her and let her down slowly. Marcus rushed over. "She okay?" He worried.
"Yes, the Kaioken drained her and pushed her limits, followed by the burst of energy she needed to use the Super Saiyan form. I'm impressed she was even able to do it. I didn't think she could burst her energy like that. You're a lucky man Marcus" He'd looked at him. He was down on a knee picking her up.
"Oh we're not..." Marcus said embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You two seemed close..." Freddie chuckled.
"She's a good friend. I'm sure she'd thankful by the way" They both nodded and flew off.
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And I'm going based off gameplay mechanics more than the story of DBZ and DBS.