Castle Gardens

"You've got a tremendous view up here," Sheeva observed. A warm breeze ruffled her feathered wings.
"It is," Rhez agreed. She wasn't looking at the view, however. She was studying Sheeva.
The pegasus princess was about Rhez's age. She was a palomino with a white blaze down the middle of her face and white pasterns on three of her legs. Her wings, the same color as her coat, were neatly tucked against her back. The cloak over her haunches was sky blue. A triangular blue gem on a thin silver chain hung down on her forehead. A second one adorned her creamy tail.
Sheeva lifted her head from admiring the roses and Rhez quickly moved her gaze elsewhere. "So Rhez, you're first in line for the throne. Do you know when you'll find a horse for the other throne?"
Rhez shrugged. "I figure it'll be within a year. I haven't asked, since Mother and Father are prone to going on and on about such things if it's brought up."
Sheeva laughed. "Same with mine."
Thamyl, seeing Rhez's ears prick at Sheeva's laugh, caught her eye and winked. "Nice laugh, eh?" he mouthed.
"I've only met a few of the kingdom's other royalty," added Rhez, giving Thamyl a sharp nudge with her hip.
Sheeva didn't catch the siblings' exchange. "I've met nearly all of Dylanea's royalty. They aren't what I expected, but they're okay. Fortunately they're less inbred than I imagined." They arrived at a clearing where the garden ended and the apple orchard began. A few apples were eaten, then they settled themselves in the grass.
Talk soon turned to Fyrele and Embyr and a possible upcoming war, then to Jaert's ridiculous new laws and their increasing solitude from the other kingdoms. To their delight they all shared similar opinions. They also spoke more about thrones and mates.
"Were you nervous to meet us?" Rhez finally asked.
Sheeva hesitated. "Yes. I was. I felt the pressure from our sires and dams wanting us to get along. I understand it, of course, but it made me worry. What about you?"
Rhez glanced at Thamyl. "We were, too."
"May I ask why?"
"Uh," Rhez's eyes widened.
Sheeva snorted. "It's fine, I know. I'm apparently the most beautiful filly since Queen Syrilia. The things I heard about you two were not all appearance-related but still added to my worries." She sighed. "I'm a bit of a worrier."
"Rhez, on the other hoof, doesn't seem to worry enough," Thamyl said. His sister glared at him.
"I wish I had a sibling," Sheeva chuckled. "It would make life less dull. I get bored often at Cloud Castle. All I can do is fly or do ruler-type things with my mother. The library is great, just a little small, so the only book I haven't read yet is a dusty volume called 'Wymbere's Guide to Rocks in Hipynan'. Not very interesting and quite outdated."
By now it had been a couple of hours since they left the castle. The guards who had followed them appeared on the path.
"Sheeva, Rhez, Thamyl," the guard in Vandylyna's colors whinnied. "the Queens had requested that you return to the castle."
"It was lovely getting to know you," Sheeva said, getting gracefully to her hooves. "I'm not sure if we are leaving yet, but if we are, I hope we can see each other again before it is our time to rule."
Rhez and Thamyl dipped their heads. "I anticipate the same," Rhez told her. Reava had drilled proper manners into their heads since they were foals. Then they turned and followed the guards back to the castle. This time, however, the three walked side-by-side. Reava and Aithne's idea had worked.
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