Chapter Two

"Uh, nothing. Where are you from?! Why did you come here?" She question. Her eyes narrowed as she tucked a tuff of hair behind her curved horns.
"I am from Egypt, if you are asking of my birth place. I'm searching for a girl." Sibuna said, lifting his small stature from the ground. He turned slightly, facing the wrong direction
"What type of girl? Why?" She tensed up, pulled hard at her jeans. She bit her bottom lip, looking around in suspicion. "What does she look like?"
"From what my visions had shown me, she is a warrior. A wish giver. One could call her a demon, from her looks. She has horns and wings. If one were to look past her exterior, they would see a star." Sibuna described. "She is tall, with silvery white hair."
Max froze. "You... you.." she didn't know what to say. "And why, are you looking for her? Do you know her name?"
"Shes part of a prophecy. I'm supposed to guide her. I don't have a clue as of what her name is." Sibuna said, picking nervously at his bandages
"Uh, well. I can tell you that. Maxima. Maxima Statiche. What do you want with me? You tell me quick because I hear trouble, and he doesn't like small talk." She straightened up, glaring at him. She didn't know he was blind.
He smiled, thrilled about finding her. He took a step forward, tripping over a box that was infront of him. He fell with a loud thud. He groaned out a few quiet, unsavoury words.
"Are you okay!?" She came forward instantly, her caring nature about her. "There was a box there, didn't you see it?"
He shook his head, almost ashamed. "Being a god of prophecies comes with a price." He sat up and looked at nothing. "Im blind
She sighed. "That sounds horrible." She couldn't imagine being stripped of a sense, and definitely not her most important one. She used it so often, and relied on it constantly. It would be like, not being able to breathe. "Well, at least you're good at your job. So, about that star thing. Tell me..."
"What is it you want to know?"
"You align stars or what? Do you place new ones?"
He shook his head, "I guide the stars. I read their positioning and help them find their way."
"Do you ever, bring then from the sky? Pull them into a closer area to the world?" She was curious, was this who she had been wondering about. She knew that the mothers had raised her. And made her physical form, but someone brought her down.
"It's possibl. I've done it on a few occasions he said, shrugging.
"Like, when?!" She asked eagerly.
"It was when I first became a god. I was around seventeen in human years. So some where around five to six million years ago?"
"Do you remember the star?! It's name?!" She asked, becoming anxious. Her star name used to be Mahimian Stashon. But, she had changed it to Maxima Statiche when she was a physical being. Was this person, someone who'd been part of her life?!
Then it stopped, the easy setting, when //he// arrived. The being of evil himself. He came from downstairs. "COME OUT NOW! MAX I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!"
What was that?!" Sibuna questioned. He turned his head violently, to the area he hoped the stairwell was.
"Oh no.." she went to the cupboard, climbing in and shutting the door. "IM COMING UP MAX!" He called, mounting the stairs. He appeared, small flames from his palms lit the room. "Who are you?"
"My name is Sibuna Tetsab. Who are you?" Sibuna said, looking through him
Prince, call me prince. Now, where is the freak with the horns? I know she is here." He demanded.
"Hard to tell." He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.
"Hard to tell?!" He glared, leaning down and grabbing his shirt. "Listen white eyes, she was here. Now, where is she? Tell me... and I'll, give you your best daydream."
"I don't know where she is. I am blind." Sibuna practically growled, "I think she left"
"How would she leave? Did you talk to her?!" He stood, letting sibuna go. "No, she's hiding..."
Sibuna stood, doing his best to cover the cabinet with his small body.
"Oh? She's in there? Well, move!" He demanded, glaring, eyes of daggers hoping to pierce flesh.
"Actually its my cat. She doesn't like strangers, I'll have you know." Sibuna started, opening the cabinet wide enough for him to reach in. For once in his life, the gift his mother gave him years ago would be useful. He felt the fur of a cat tickle the skin of his hand. Sibuna pulled the feline out of the small closet.
Max stared at the sudden cat. 'Uhh? What?' She thought.
"Open it up the rest of the way then!" He demanded, growling.
Max got ready to run, she focused, willing the boArds on the window to break.
He smirked "Okay. Prepare yourself." He said, talking to Max more than Prince.
"Yeah yeah yeah..." he stuck his tongue out. "Open it."
Max braced herself, the boards on the window were slowly breaking, but her head hurt. This guy had tracked her down, and now was saving her. It was her turn. She leaned towards the door. "Get to the window." She whispered to where only he could hear.
Sibuna walked away, leaving the door of the cabinet closed. He stood in front of the window, waiting
Prince opened the door, and max jumped at him. "BRAT!" He screamed "ASS" she screamed. The two looked so much alike, except max was soft, with sweet eyes and pure skin. He was hard, chiseler, with solid eyes, and tan skin. Max got out of the fight, pushing him off. She ran at the window, not stopping, and both she and sibuna fell out.
"Hold on tight" she whispered
He clinged against her, grasping at her shoulders. He should've expected the out come of that, but the thought of falling still scared the shit out of him
Max closed her eyes, she heard Prince jump after them. She looked, they were almost at the ground. She wrapped her arms around sibuna, and let her wings spread. These troublesome wings. Always getting her exiled. "Demon" they'd say, "freak" her horns, which once were straight, before she broke them off, had also been a problem.
Sibuna's small body made him easier to carry. He could feel them gliding steadily on air. He fought for control over his breath.
"Hey, you okay?" She asked in a lie whisper. She brought them high into the sky. "Field.. field...field" she thought to herself.
He nodded, "Not used to... Flying" he said. He looked down, shivering at the distance between them and the ground.
Can you... feel the distance? We uh... we went that far from the ground." She lied, in an effort to make him comfortable.
"I just hope that an old sky god doesn't shoot us down. Sky gods don't like me." He mumbled, his grip on Max's shoulders growing tighter
"I don't think they can see you. Anyways, they start shooting at us, I'll drop you." She teased. She sweeper over the field, trying to find the perfect landing spot. The golden feathers caught the small amount of sin left.
He mumbled a small, sarcastic "Thanks
"Look, hold your body flat, we're landing." She circled, going to the ground slowly. After descending, she let go of him and dropped onto her back.
He stumbled, before falling flat on his behind.
Max looked up. "You okay?" She sounded exhausted, but calm, relaxed.
"Peachy. Now, tell me. Who the fu- frick was that?"
"My stupid brother. Acts as if he owns me. Nobody owns me. I'm a shooting star. And nobody can... I mean, you CAN cage a star... but not him. I mean, the only way to.. oh never mind." She became quiet, standing up, she pulled her hair back into a short pony tail. "Where'd he go? Okay... you're coming with me." She demanded, softly
I was going to demand to come with you, so this works." He said, pulling himself off the ground. He ran a hand through his hair and adjusted the loose bandages on his arms. "Where are we going?"
Uh.. my super secret ninja base... aka my house. It's protected and he wouldn't come near. So... come on!" She grabbed his hands and began running. Running quickly, almost literraly dragging him.
He stumbled a few times, not expecting to be dragged along, but ran with her nonetheless.
"So... ever seen a fairy before?! It met one?!" She asked excitedly. She became silent once she saw the shadow before them, following. Dark wings spread, and a farmiliar figure.
"I don't think I have. Met a fairy, that is."
"Well, you will, trust me. And a very moody cat." She informed, speeding up. "Almost safe... almost safe." She whispered.
He chuckled "Cats have a tendency to follow me."
"Not this cat... he hates everyone. At least, he likes people to think that." She winked, knowing he couldn't see. She slowed, they were in the safety of the trees.
He nodded. Slowing his pace to match hers.
"So, I'm hungry. Here's the drill. Once we get to my 'house'" she used her fingers to make air quotes. "Uh. There will be... a few ladies... coming... and uh, you'll need to hide."
"Okay. I don't know the layout of your home, so could you push me into the best 'hiding spot'?" He asked, not questioning her
"Yessss?" She half asked. "Yeah, okay. I will slide you across the floor, and you can be a lamp shade. As long as he doesn't... ugh... just, keep away from the cat. I swear, he is evil!" She sighed, they wntered the deeper trees. "Uh, the trees get really thick here soooo"
He stumbled over who-knows-what (probably himself), but somehow kept his balance. He cursed at himself under his breath
she grabbed his hand, giving it a slight squeeze. She began walking, slowly. An odd sensation, a warm feeling, was slowly sprouting. Like a flower blooming in spring.
He squeezed her hand back, almost playfully. He didn't know why he did it. It felt natural, like he's done it before. An odd feeling rose in his chest, one he hadn't felt before. He decided to ignore it and continued walking
He squeezed her hand back, almost playfully. He didn't know why he did it. It felt natural, like he's done it before. An odd feeling rose in his chest, one he hadn't felt before. He decided to ignore it and continued walking
Max felt her skin heat, her heart pumping faster. This seemed normal. Natural. Right. She led him through the forest. Soon arriving at her house in the middle of the woods. "Alright... we are home."
He nodded. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scents of the woods around them. The tips of his long, pointed ears were red, he could feel the heat on them.
Max led him inside, pushing the bottle curtains out of the way, and opening the door. "I like eating human foods. But some of them are goblin foods. Goblins are the best cooks. So are elves." She smiled, leading him to the couch. "CASTEIN IM HOME!" She called, and suddenly a bell rang. It came. A small black cat came to te two. "This is my cat Castein. He's a prick but I love him."
"Hi! Uh, where ever you are." He said, looking down and rocking on the heels of his feet
"You brought home a blind boy Maxima? That hardly seems fair." Said a deep, putting voice. "It's not... not like that!!!" She replied, embarrassed. "I'm telling the mothers." Then came the knock. "Sibuna hide!" She whispered. "COMING!" She grabbed his hand and stuffed sibuna in a closet. Then ran to the door. Four elderly ladies stepped in.
Sibuna leaned against the wall at the back of the closet. His face and ears and burned red with embarrassment.
"Hello darling. We wanted to welcome you back. And let you know that you have been invited to the lake tomorrow..." the lady dressed in purple greeted and informed. "miss, maxima has a boyfriend, I belive they call it." Castein snitched. "What?! No!" And they were in her house and searching
Sibuna slid to sit on the floor. He curled his legs inward, only making him seem smaller.
Max ran to the closet as one began that way, and threw her arms in front of it, her small body trying to block it. They went that way instantly, pushing her out of the way. One of the ladies threw open the closet door. "I FOUND HIM!" She cried and everyone came. "He's so cute!" Someone else exclaimed. "He's... it's not... shoot me please." She muttered, walking to her bedroom.
He looked up, his wide, childish eyes lit up the small closet. "Who's there?!"
"Oooh! He talks! It's alright darling." The purple woman reassured. "We Are the Mothers. And you must be darling Maxs' boyfriend!"
Red grew brighter on his face, his long ears pressing to the side of his head "I'm not - we're not-" he started,
"I JUST MET HIM!" She came out, red highlighting her body. "I'm sorry dear. Max doesn't have boys around, well, besides that one." She pointed to the cat. "But he doesn't count." The one dressed in blue seemed to be the youngest. They were all wise and beautiful. And resembled flowers.
I'm guessing 'him' is the cat, yes?" He asked, pulling himself up. He wanted to impress them, but his height was everything except impressing.
"Very true. May I, talk to you?" Asked the yellow one of him.
"Yes, ma'am." He replied, trying to be as respectful as possible. He didn't completely know who they were and he didn't want to anger them
She grabbed his arm gently, and led him to the kitchen. "Have you, lowered stars to earth before?" She asked right away. Merrigold was always one to cut to the chase.
"A few times. Its not an action that needs to take place very often, but I have done it." He said, holding his arm out to balance himself on basically anything. It took him a few swipes, but he eventually took hold of the counter.
"Do you know of the star Mahimian Stashon? And did you bring it down? Please be honest. And honey, you're not in trouble."
"It sounds familiar. I might of. It might have been during my earlier, rebellious years. But I believe I did. That star is Max, correct?"
Indeed. She is very headstrong. She hates being held back. But you were sent to her for a reason. Try your best. But, let the chips lay where they fall. As for you. I can see that you're much more than a small, child. You are a warrior. A loyal one at that. Please, be careful." She smiled warmly, and stood. She walked to the others, and they all left.
After she left, Sibuna stood, muttering something about "not being small" and "not short"
Max came in. "I'm so sorry about them... I love them, I do, just.. SHEESH!" She flopped into the chair. "Holy crap, it's getting late."
He nodded, still slightly pouty about being called 'small'
"What's wrong?" She asked instantly. Worried. Maybe he was unhappy.
"Am I really that short?" He asked, crossing his arms
Max smiled. She walked over, and leaned on him. "Yes, yes you are. Would it help if I walked around in my knees?"
"No! I wouldn't even be able to see if you did or not anyways. It would make me feel even shorter."
"I'm sorry." She leaned away, walking to the fridge. "Maybe you haven't grown fully yet?"
"I don't know. I always die before my next body is a teen. Or maybe it was because I became a god at suck a young age? Or maybe I'm just short in general." He said, shrugging. He sighed and sat on the floor
You wanna sit on a chair?" She asked with a small laugh in her voice
He shook his head "No, thank you." And mumbled something under his breath.
(We didn't have chairs back in my day)
Max snapped to attention. "Wait what?! DIE?! YOU'VE DIED BEFORE?! I don't know what to expect anymore."
"More than I'd like to admit. I've been stupid."
"Hmmm... well. It's late, I'm tired. So, come on, tell me a bedtime story. Unless you're tired?"
"I have many interesting stories. Anything specific you'd like to know?"
"Hmmm. How about your family?" She asked with genuin curiosity.
"I am the child of two gods, Anubis and Bastet. I was named after them, therefore the name Sibuna Tetsab. They left me in the human world, not wanting to deal with a child. I had human parents. At the time, I was the god of predictions. I could predict measky things, rains, deaths, births. But I was power hungry and gave up my sight for prophecy telling and I killed my best friend to position the stars. Back on track, my human family were not the best. They are the reason I died the first time. There was a house fire and they saved their cat before they're own child. But they raised me nonetheless."
"That sounds. Terrible." She commented. "It must suck having your parents abandon you." Her eyes were slowly closing, and her voice was dropping in volume. She was falling asleep.
"Go to bed." He commanded loudly
"What?! Excuse you?" She asked defensively. "How dare... okay, fine. Uh... are you tired?"
"Yeah, surprisingly."
"Alright... come on shortie." She teased, pulling him to his feet. "You can sleep in my bed." She held back a yawn. And then pushed him into my room. "I'll be out here." She informed, and then walked to her couch. It was dark, pitch black, and she was exhausted.
"You don't have to-" he began. But sighed. He soon fell onto the bed and passed out almost instantly.
Max walked to the window, looking out to all the stars. "Thank you." She whispered. And then walked to the couch, and fell asleep.
*NOTE* this has not gone through editing yet. So if you find an error, which there are lots of, please notify us. Thank you. *end note*
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I'm working on the next chapter!
But the other author is @the_Signless_Sufferer
He did the part of sibuna