Chapter Three

Sibuna's head shot up, sleepiness still written on his face.
Max felt her head begin swelling and opened the freezer. She stared at the ice cream, then pulled it out. She rested it on the back of her head, angry tears wet her cheeks.
His white hair was messy(er than usual) and his clothes were ruffled. He finally pulled himself up, rubbing at his useless eyes.
Max began stomping around the kitchen. Castein watched in amusement. "Stupid... stupid... stupid..." she continuously muttered. And then came the apple. "AGGGGGGGGGH!" She roared. The apple was pressing in on her temple, how did this apple get stuck on her horn?!
Sibuna shot out of the bed, running out of the room. But he failed miserably. He ran into a wall.
Max groaned, crying hot tears. Max, if anything, was not a morning person.
Sibuna rose again, a hand automatically reaching out to balance him. "Max? Are you okay?" He groaned out. He used his free hand to press against his head.
"NO!" She replied as she glared at the fridge. She grabbed the ice cream and pressed it to her face. Then grabbed a spoon.
"That's good to hear" he muttered sarcastically. He made his way through the door, only tripping over a few objects.
"Sorry." She apologised through a mouthful of vanilla ice real
He made his way into the kitchen, but only tossed himself onto the floor. He sighed, letting his limbs fall into whatever position they felt like.
Max looked down and smiled. "Morning sunshine." This brought a smile to her voice.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said, smiling upwards. He stretched his pale arms upwards. He winced slightly, pulling his arms back in.
"Yeah yeah. If you could actually see me, you'd call me the wicked witch of the west." She joked. "You okay?"
He nodded. "I had forgotten to do a chore of sort last night." He mumbled, undoing part of the bandaging on his arm.
"What's?" She began to ask, seeing a peak of what lue underneath. The impact of realization sent her flying of her chair and onto the ground. And then she had ice cream on her shirt.
He pulled himself up, silently leaving the kitchen. He carried the bandaging along with him. He felt shame flood through him. Shame and disgust with himself. He reached into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out his last roll of bandages. He quickly, and messily. Rewrapped his arms.
Max followed him silently, watching. She didn't know what to say. But she couldn't help but look down at her thighs periodically.
"I know you're there. If you're trying to be sneaky, it didn't work to well." He said, faux bravery and irritation laced into his voice
"What's... what's all that?" She asked. Her voice taking on the role of a child, who'd never seen darkness in the world before.
"These are the wounds of my mind that have manifested onto my skin. These are the scars from the battles I've had with myself."
"That's--- that's very poetic. I'd like to hear of these battles sometime. If you wish to tell me. Battles. Something that no mater how long you run, they always seem to catch up to you." She sat down in front of him, ignoring the sticky mess that was her shirt.
"I'm not sure if youd like to hear these 'battles' they are long and somewhat hard to understand"
"I'm sure I could wrap my silly little brain around some things. But you don't have to tell me if you don't like."
I'm not sure how to begin." He mumbled, curling his legs in, resting his head atop his knees
"You don't have to right now... I have to." She cut off, her eyes growing wide as she jumped up and ran into the kitchen. "NOOOOOO IM GETTING IT IM GETTING IT!" She yelled to nobody in particular
"Wha-" he began, his voice showing his confusion.
Max through things around in the kitchen. "IM GETTING IT IM GETTING IT WOULD YOU STOP SCREAMING?!" She yelled. Then let outa roar that literally, shook the whole house, and knocked over some house plants.
Sibuna let out a small yelp, highly startled by the sudden roar.
Max felt her skin heat up as the uncomfortable pain of the apple pressed into her. How did she manage these things?
"Max? May I ask what is going on?" He called out,
"Oh?" He stood, pulling at the collar of his shirt.
Sibuna tried to make his way into the kitchen, eventually making it there after tripping over things at and running into walls
She tried to rip the apple off, but it just hurt more. "AGGGGHHHHH!" She roared again.
Sibuna gently rubbed her upper arm in an attempt to calm her down. He couldn't reach her shoulder
She bent down. "Could you please, remove this pesky apple from harming me anymore?"
He nodded, reaching up and plucking the apple off, with slight difficulty.
Maxslifhed with relief when he did. "Thank you."
"Not a problem" he started "But I have one question. How did you manage to get the apple stuck to your horn in the first place?"
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((I'm not logged onto this acc right now sooo))
I'm working on the next chapter!
But the other author is @the_Signless_Sufferer
He did the part of sibuna