Chapter one

He knew many things. He knew his purpose in the world was to lead a girl, whose name he didn't know, to victory in many battles. He knew how he would die. He also knew that he would only be reborn again once he died.
He continued to walk. And soon enough, a pair of footsteps echoed throughout the street. A pair of footsteps that were not his own. "Hello?" he called out, his voice booming in the quiet streets.
The tall fragile looking girl, walked swiftly. Her bare feet made small prints that slowly disappeared. She walked through the town, overrun with weeds and brambles. It had burnt down. Her head was covered with a hoodie, a human article that she had fallen in love with. She heard the voice call out. "Hello?" It rang through the hollow city. She took off, at a speed of terror. She mistook the voice from one do commonly feared. She darted, into the nearest building. A half burnt school building, with boarded windows. She entered through a small hole. Scurrying up a pair of stairs. Her breathe came out in huffs of warm air. Finding a couch, she dive behind it.
The short male heard the footsteps speed off. He cursed at himself for scaring them off, before taking off after them. His steps were heavy and calculated. He felt an open door with his cold hands. He cautiously stepped through, measuring every step he took.
His breathing was laboured, but still in control. Inhale through the nose. Exhale though the mouth.
His long, pointed ears shook slightly, trying to identify the sounds that came from the building. He carefully listened for any sound that may be another living person
He took another step forward, unaware of the box that was infront of him. He stumbled over it, causing a loud noise
The tall girl listened. They entered, so she scurried to the cabinet. Her steps were light, but scared and messy. She locked herself in a cabinet of blankets, hoping nothing happened. She was whispering, praying to no one. She pulled back a hoodie, revealing a set of curled horns. Her almost pink hair, was short, and messy. Her eyes, silver, and watchful. She was scared, and ready to fight. Noises came up, she heard them.
The blind man groaned, mumbling something unintelligible. He pulled himself up, using a nearby wall to balance himself. He took a light step forward, opening his eyes. From his eyes shone a bright light. It lit up the room. But it made no difference to the albino.
The girl felt the heat of her legs, on her freezing feet. She heard noise. More noise. Another person? It didn't sound like the devil from which she was running. Maybe it was a minion. She could never be too sure. She stayed hidden, concealing herself in the soft fabrics.
He pulled at bloody bandages that were wrapped clumsily around his forearms. He wasn't sure what, or who, he was looking for anymore. He wasn't sure if he should even be there. But his visions were never wrong.
Being the god of predictions and prophecies, his visions always showed him exactly what needed to happen.
But maybe this time they were wrong.
She opened the closet door, poking her head out. And then she fell out, "OOF!" She let out. Her head cracked against the boards, almost breaking them. Her face turned red as she covered her mouth. She scrambled up, trying to crawl into the cabinet.
The albino looked up, his eyes giving off a brilliant light. He didn't know where to look, but he knew he heard something
The light his eyes gave off lit up the room. Every time he blinked, the light would flicker.
"Who's there..?" He asked, somewhat timidly
She saw a light downstairs. She glared. "GO AWAY!" She yelled, holding her hands over her mouth. Her voice, due to manipulation, was now deep and scary. She hoped it would work. "NOBODY IS HERE!" this better work. She crawled behind the couch to find a blunt object, she was brace!
He looked up, hearing the voice. And though it was tempting to leave, he could understood what was happening. "Those tricks don't work on me." He replied, bravery laced in his voice. "I am not here to harm you. I cannot even see you. Please come out." He called out, hoping that whoever was hiding would come out.
"NO THANK YOU!" She replied. Going to the boarded window, she wondered if she could break it open quickly. She heard some round object rolling down the stairs. Rolllll-thump!-rollll-thump! She cringed. "Uh oh" she whispered. She tip toed to the cabinet and crawled in. She pulled the door shut, hoping he wouldn't be here.
The short man quickly found and ascended the steps, ignoring the round object completely. The voice sounded so familiar, yet he couldn't put a finger on it.
He nearly tripped a few times on his ascent, but made it up nonetheless.
"I truly mean no harm. I looking for someone." He said, slowing his steps. The tips of his pointed ears started to redden at the temperature of the room.
The tall, yet small, girl stayed silent. She only looked like a teenager. And technically was. She stayed silent, huddled in her cupboard of blankets and towels. Why do they need towels? And blankets?!
The man stopped near the cabinet and sat. He had decided to wait until whoever it was will show themself.
He kept his ears perked, listening to every noise in the building. He listened to every creak, every scuttle of a mouse, everything
She had been holding her breathe and felt her lungs begging to work. She couldn't hold it. She gasped for breathe, let out a big puff. She felt fear and adrenaline pump through her. She warmed her hands, small flames flickering from her palms. This wasn't good.
He sighed, pulling at the uncomfortable bandages.
He wondered what will happen when he met this girl. He didn't know who she was. Or even if the person in this building was the girl he was looking for.
He blindly dragged a few fingers over the bloodied bandages, wincing as he did so.
She cracked the door open, to look out. But hit him on the head. She jumped back, her body shuttering. Oh shit. She tried to hide in the blankets, not knowing her feet were poking out. Though, that might not be important. Maybe it was.
The blinded man jumped up, startled "Are you okay?" He asked, fearing that he somehow hurt them. His eyes were wide open, despite his inability to see. The only light in the room was the light that flickered from his eyes
The pale white girl, shook. Making no sounds. She knew she'd be found. She heard eneven breathed coming from her nostrils, flooding the air with the scent of fear.
"I won't harm you. I know you're there. Please come out." He pleaded, reaching his arm out until his hand bumped the door. He pulled it open, letting the light of his orbs flood the small space
She froze in place, becoming frigid. 'Don't reach in!' She thought, her mind was racing a mile a second. She watched the dark blankets, waiting for some evil being to take her.
"I will respect that. Come out when you're ready." He said, sitting back down, leaving the door open.
He wasn't sure if he was looking in the right direction, but tried to make it seem as if he knew.
"Would you mind if I tried to make conversation?" He asked, trying to ease the tension.
She crawled out slightly. "What... are you?" She questioned, an almost disbelieving tone in her voice. She stared down at his white hair, this wouldn't be the first time. "Why are you here?" Her voice was hoarse, she had earlier, been screaming.
He chuckled nervously. "My name is Sibuna. As for what I am, I am a god. The god of stars, predictions, and prophecies. I'm looking for someone. Well, not so much looking. I can't really 'look'. I'm searching."
"YOU'RE NOT MY GOD!" She screamed, falling out of the closet, and into his lap. She became bright red, her eyes wide as she stared up at his face. "I uh..."
He looked down, hoping his gaze was somewhere at her face. "I know I'm not your god. I'm not anyone's god." He mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
She crawled away, scooting against a wall. "Who are you, looking for? And how are you the god of stars, if you're not my god?" Hopefully this did not give off too much information. Her hands became shaky. But she felt like she could trust him.
"Okay. The positioning of stars. I apologize, should have been more specific." He said sheepishly, gently tugging at his ear.
She glared at him, examining him. "You, place stars? Hmm... how old are you?" She felt curious. Had this been the person who'd placed her by that, demon? And had he been the one, to try and pull her from the sky?
"A few million years? I lost count after a while." He said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure what to say.
"A few million years? I lost count after a while." He said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure what to say.
"A million years!? That's... no. You're, younger than I. I think. Yet, I've only truly existed for so long" she muttered, half to herself. "Maybe you were?" She thought aloud. Her mind was jumbled.
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I'm working on the next chapter!
But the other author is @the_Signless_Sufferer
He did the part of sibuna