Going... north?

"Why is this little arrow on the red?" Wormy elbowed Voldy and pointed behind the steering wheel.
"Dunno." Voldy went back to playing Crossy Road. "WOO! I got 'The Dark Lord'! Do you think that's me?" he smiled. "I'm so famous."
Minutes later the car had stopped and they were in the woods. They hopped out to look around.
"Maybe you shouldn't have hit all those trees." Voldy said, observing the dented vehicle. "I think Muggles made roads for a reason."
"It's getting dark." said Wormy. "We'll have to sleep under a tree."
"No way!" Voldy yelped. "I don't want to be around REAL worms, bub. I'm staying in the car."
"Where will I sleep?" Wormtail asked.
"In the trunk." Voldy suggested, then yelled as his little pixel self was hit by a train. "I was so close to beating my high score!!"
They climbed into the car and got ready to sleep.
"I sometimes forget you need to sleep." Wormy said.
"You don't know for sure that I do." Voldy replied. "Maybe I don't and just play Nyan Cat and listen to Justin Beiber for 12 hours straight."
"True." Wormy said. "Say, there aren't any werewolves around here, are there?"
"Who cares?" Voldy snorted (or tried to). "I'm the best. Werewolves are my lil' frends." he smiled sweetly at Wormtail, who edged away.
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