Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik. (least favorite) #6

Next is just his plan in Sonic Unleashed. Yes I know also that Sonic Unleashed in my point of view is both a good game and bad game that just has me singing: No one can get in the way of how I'm feeling on its good times and on its bad times: This place about to blo-o-o-o-ow. But really what was Eggman's plan? To robotisize the whole planet? Okay here's one thing I'll say right now to all you people who think the comics are better than the games. Shut your f*cking mouth. The comics DO NOT MATTER. Seriously -_- has ANY character from the comics showed up in a REAL NOT spinoff. Sonic Fighters is a spin off so it doesn't count. What was that? Yeah I don't think so. Also Sonic is originally from VIDEO GAMES. If you wanna see someone who was in a comic in a video game go play Batman or that god for saken old Superman video game. Getting back on track. *sighs*. What was Eggman's plan anyway? I don't give any type of F what you say, there is NO WAY that there could be a robotisizer that big. Also even if he did the core of the earth that is if your smart enough to know this which you should. Even if he managed to robotosized the earth, its still in pieces and the core of Earth would melt the metal from the inside out. Not to mention he wouldn't be able to breathe. We need plants to breathe and we need the water cycle and the sun but the water cycle is most important so if he destroyed everything at most he would be dead in a few days. The only reason he isn't higher is because he is the Sonic Team's main villain.
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