Where is thy heart?

"Ooooooo wait, I just thought of something. Would the love thing work of a girl siren did it on a gay dude? Or a boy on a lesbian?"
"That's cool, ok I wanna learn how to do love magic now. I wanna get all da girls and we can be friends and hang out and maybe even get married-"
"Welp," Nightmare said, "She's gay."
I smiled, "Good for her."
"Can you teach me Nightmare?? I overheard you saying dark magic is a bit of everything so that includes love magic right?"
"I never actually tried doing-"
"PLEAAASSEEE??" She gave the big puppy dog eyes again.
"I don't know if I can."
"I would do it," I said, "But me and Lily aren't the same race so I would mess up probably."
"PLEAASEEE ABADDON!!," Lily begged, "Pleaaaaaaaaase???"
"I-I never had a reason or a want to do love magic before. I have no idea how it works."
"Well you're smart, I know you can do it!!"
Nightmare sighed, obviously unsure.
"Am I allowed to try it on you, Rain?"
He sighed again and closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, "You have to sing right..?"
I nodded.
"I'm hopeless."
"Awwww!! Nooo! Pleasee!!" Lily begged again, making it so he had to look at her big eyes.
"Okay okay fine," Nightmare said, a bit miserable and nervous.
He closed his eyes, and after a moment started singing. His voice was... Beautiful. It was softer then I expected, and emotional, yet strong. I had no idea he was this good at singing. I never even asked. Then he started singing words in his language, a ancient language. I couldn't understand the words, but that is not what mattered. I was lost in the pure melody of his voice.
After a moment I felt myself slip under the spell, dazed. It was a odd feeling. I knew I was under a spell, yet I felt safe. I couldn't control what I saw or felt, yet I didn't care for some reason. Then the next thing I knew Nightmare had stopped. I dimly heard him say,
"Well that was useless. I don't think it worked."
"I think it did," Lily said supportively.
Nightmare looked at me and I suddenly snapped back to reality, returning to my sense.
"Y-yeah it worked."
"Wow, I had no idea I could do that. Then again I can talk to snakes, so I don't know why I'm surprised."
Lily looked excited, bouncing up and down.
"Now teach me! Pretty please!"
"Alright, again, I still don't know how I did that. But you have to close your eyes, and clear your mind."
"Ok!" She did as told.
"Then just imagine what strikes the deepest part of yourself, your heart, then sing."
"Quick question."
"Have you done singing magic before?"
"Yeah, a long while back. But I stopped."
"Why? I like your voice, it's AMAZING."
"Well, things happened and I just lost interest. I was running away and while I loved singing, standing around when your being chased isn't good."
"Awwww that's sad."
He shrugged, "It is what it is. I'm not planning on getting back into it. While it's fun sometimes I accidentally summon things."
"Ohhh like?"
"Animals, monsters, and occasionally weather."
"Teach me your ways," Lily looked amazed.
"One thing at a time. You want to try the love spell?"
"Alright, do as I said. Close your eyes and imagine the deepest parts within you coming out. Then, when you're ready, sing the words that pop into your head."
She was quiet for a moment, then did so. Her voice sounded beautiful for being young. When she finished Nightmare smiled, proud.
"Good job. And that's the end of the lesson. I'm not doing anymore singing."
"Awwwww!" Lily complained. She turned to me, "Rain! Help me convince him it's good!"
"Fine.." I was terrible at convincing anyone of anything, so I wasn't too sure if I was good help.
"I'm not good at singing." Nightmare stated.
"Yes you are."
"Why do you want me to sing?"
"It sounds really nice!"
He blushed and smiled, "Nah."
"Yes it is."
"Yup!" Lily chimed in.
"Please sing, It doesn't even have to be magic." Lily asked.
"Please, Nightmare."
He sighed, giving in.
"Yay!" Lily cheered.
"What should I sing?"
"Anything you want," I said.
He shrugged, "ok."
And like that he began singing again in his magnificent voice of his. It was deep and clear. Lily watched him amazed. I closed my eyes and listened, smiling.
When he finished he looked away embarrassed.
"That was wonderful Nightmare," I said.
"Yeah.. Thanks."
"Yeah you're talented!" Lily chimed in.
He shook his head and smiled, denying it in silence.
"I agree, you're very talented," I said smiling.
"Thanks you two." He hugged us both.
"Can I have a pet?" Lily asked, out of the blue.
"You can have one of mine," I suggested, "I have many pets."
I opened up a portal and all the scrolls disappeared.
"Their all in there," I said, going through. Lily followed happily, and Nightmare shrugged and did too.
There were foxes, baby tigers with fire wings, unicorns, dark magicked wolves, and many other animals all playing in the forest along with a baby dragon. "This is it."
Lily looked super excited, her eyes as bright as the sun. She ran around, looking at them all. The animals got excited too and went over to Lily. I had no doubt that at least one pet was going to belong to little Liliana after this.
A large, dark wolf went up to Nightmare and brushed against his hand. He smiled and rubbed its head, happy. I looked at him.
"It seems like he likes you."
"Yeah," he said as he scratched it behind the wolves ears. The baby dragon flew up to lily and looked at her curiously. She smiled and reached towards it. Nightmare sat down and watched, still petting the wolf.
The dragon licked her hand. She giggled then hugged it tightly. It licked her face and smiled.
"I like this place, it's nice. And the animals seem really happy," Nightmare said, still watching as the animals played with Lily. She looked super happy, covered in animal spit and running around with them.
"Thanks, the animals really enjoy it because their not all cramped up."
"Yeah Striker mentioned something about that." He kept casually rubbing the large wolf. It appeared stronger around him.
"Who's Striker?"
"This guy. He told me his name was Striker. And yes, I can talk to animals. Although only ones with dark magic. Before when I was alive I could talk to any creature no problem."
"Awe that's cool!"
He smiled, "It comes from being a gray angel. We're more, well, natural I guess."
"That's awesome," I said, and I meant it. Being able to talk to animals sounds like a awesome ability.
After a moment Lily ran over, panting, and sat down. I smiled and looked at her.
"See any you like?"
"Yeah that lil dragons cute. But I have a question for Abaddon. The animals just gave it to me actually. Your souls in the crystal right?"
"That's right."
"Well why isn't it in you? Do you have a heart?"
Nightmare looked away, "I..."
When he didn't anwser Lily tugged on his arm, "Please tell me."
"Lily I don't think he wants to talk about it."
"Aww why not??" She complained.
"It's personal to him, some things aren't meant to be shared sometimes."
She looked disappointed but she nodded, "Ok.." She ran off again.
As soon as she was out of earshot Nightmare sighed, "I don't think we should tell her my past."
"I don't think you should either..." I agreed, looking down.
"She's too young. If she found out I killed people and... Well... Everything else I feel like she would hate me. I know one day she'll find out on her own, but still." He looked up at the sky. Striker nudged his hand, trying to comfort him.
I sighed, "That's true... But I'm sure she wouldn't hate you."
"I'm not sure about that." Then he sighed and mumbled something under his breathe, but with my good hearing I could hear it quite clearly.
"I can't raise her if I'm a ghost..."
"What makes you say that?"
He flinched a bit, surprised, "Well, for one, as long as I'm a ghost I'm immortal. And I don't want to outlive her. Two, my magic is unstable like this. It's a lot harder to teach her if we don't share the same powers. Three, well, she's right. I don't have a heart, and I should get one. I mean I was moping around for centuries and centuries. Maybe I should become alive again."
"Well I remember Hunter gave me a crystal, I don't know maybe it can help?"
"Can I see it?"
I reached into my pocket and gave it to him, "Here."
He took it. As soon as he touched the shiny surface the crystal glowed.
"Yup, it's mine. 5 more pieces to go. The only problem is where they are.. I can probably track them since they are me, but the problem would be getting them."
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it. My crystals hold power even though I'm dead. And if people know it's my remains collectors might go crazy trying to get my crystals in the hope of gaining my magic."
"Then I guess we need to find them first, and if someone has one we steal it."
"That's the idea. But I'm not sure if you should come with me. I don't want you to get hurt."
"I won't get hurt, at least not this time."
"I'm guessing I can't convince you either way, can I?"
"Nope!" I giggled. He smiled.
"Well, then I guess Blaise and Scratch are going to have to babysit. I'll get them."
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu