Rainbow Fire

"Please let this be fire magic-" I opened it only to see that it was light magic. I sighed and kept looking, scroll by scroll.
One hundred scrolls on the ground later I finally found the scroll for Fire magic. I opened a portal to a grassy field and went through. As soon as I stepped out I started to float. I Studied the scrolls as the portal closed behind me, peaceful. After a bit of studying I summoned a blank scroll, as well as a quill and ink, and began to write. Suddenly Nightmare appeared with Lily. She shouted, "WOAH!! How did we GET here??" They were floating as well. Nightmare looked around curiously. I turned to look at them.
"Hey, Nightmare. Hey Lily."
"Hello!! What is this place??" She said, looking around excitedly.
"It's where my dragon lives, and since I'm his owner I can go here too."
"Oooooh! Can I explore?"
I nodded and smiled, "Sure, nothing can hurt you here."
As soon as I said that she ran off, exploring the land. She looked so adorable, stumbling and floating along. I giggled a bit. Nightmare sat next to me and smiled, watching her.
"I think adopting her was a good idea. She reminds me of myself when I was younger."
I smiled back and went back to writing, "I'm glad that you two are getting along well, and that you found each other in the first place."
"I agree. It's very rare a gray angel is born, especially nowadays when no-one is just one thing or the other. I didn't realize how fun it was being with my own kind. I think Blaise might be upset once she gets home though."
I giggled, "Why what happened?"
"Lily stole her chocolate," He grinned, "And I may or may not have helped hide and eat it."
I laughed.
"You two are partners in chocolate crime!"
Nightmare laughed as well and put a wing around my shoulders, "That we are. It's surprising how alike we are."
I smiled.
"For some reason I'm not surprised."
"OOOOO I FOUND A SHELL!" Lily said excitedly, running over. Nightmare chuckled at her expression.
"A shell?," I asked, "I have never found one."
She ran over and showed us.
"Look how pretty it is!! Can I keep it?"
I looked at it. It was a small white and blue shell. I smiled, "It is very pretty, you can keep it."
"Here, let me see it," Nightmare asked. She handed it to him. He used magic to make a cord, so that it was necklace similar to my own. I smiled as her eyes lit up.
"It looks cute on you Lily." I said cheerfully.
"Thank you!" She skipped away, exploring in the grass nearby again.
"She is so darn cute." Nightmare said, keeping a eye on her.
"That's for sure," I agreed.
Hydra flew over our heads, landing right by Nightmare and I. Nightmare pet him as he spoke.
"As soon as she touched my crystal we kind of connected. She's got strong mind abilities. I have strong mental magic, but less so then her. I'm curious who she'll become when she's older."
"I am too," Then I looked at Hydra, "Well good morning sleepy head. I haven't seen you since you've been napping so much." Hydra did a Sympathetic growl.
Lily ran over, seeing Hydra.
"It's a fire earth dragon hybrid, his names Hydra."
"He's so cool!" She pet Hydra, her hands glowing a bit as she instinctively felt his mind. Hydra grunted softly, peering down at her.
"WOAHH!!" Nightmare giggled at Lily's exclamation. She looked so cute, with her mouth in the shape of an "o" And big eyes peering at Hydra.
Hydra looked at Lily and the crystal on his head glowed for a few seconds. Nightmare looked at me curiously.
"What's he doing?"
"He's taken an interest to Lily, he did the same thing to me and you."
Lily looked excited. She spread her little gray wings and jumped, fluttering to Hydra's back. She then climbed all over him, giggling.
"That's it," Nightmare said, "I'm keeping her forever."
I giggled as Hydra looked all around him, trying to find Lily. She climbed to the top of his head and smiled.
"This is the best!!" She grinned.
Nightmare snuggled me a bit, watching her, and I snuggled back. Hydra smiled up at Lily, which appeared as more of a smirk.
"Hey Rain?" Nightmare asked.
I nodded, "Yes?"
"Want to help me take care of Lily?"
I smiled, happy, "I would love to."
"Ok, hey Lily, can you come down?"
"Ok!" She said, climbing down. She ran over and smiled, her hands behind her back cutely.
"Me and Rain are both going to be your caretakers," He smiled.
"Ohhh so you're BOTH adopting me??"
"YESSSS! I got two parents now!!" She hugged them both. I hugged back smiling. Almost immediately, however, she let go.
"Oooo shiny!" She ran off again, seeing something in the grass.
I giggled, "She finds stuff faster then me." I turned back to the fire magic scroll once more.
"I wonder what Scratch and Blaise are up to," Nightmare said.
"I wonder too, maybe their almost home."
"Yeah, I'm tempted to check on them, but I'm not sure." He said.
"Maybe check on them in a little bit," I suggested.
"Yeah, probably for the best. I don't want to leave Lily alone for too long. Sometimes her magic acts up."
"I mean, when you have two different magics that oppose eachother, sometimes things happen."
As if on cue Lily put her arms in the air. Suddenly there was a sharp popping noise, like a big electric shock. Her hair stood straight up and she giggled.
"Like that."
"I realize that now."
"Ooooh Nightmare! You have my powers right??" Lily asked, curious.
"Show me how to make something!"
"Oh um... That's a bit harder for me Lily."
"Oh. How?"
"It's um... Something happened to my magic a long time ago, and now it's harder for me to make things."
"Ooooooh is that why your magic is hurt?"
He nodded.
"No no, it's ok. No need to apologize. Things happen sometimes."
She went back to smiling again, "Ok!"
She ran and started using Hydra as a jungle gym AGAIN, hanging off his horns, swinging about. He looked pretty happy.
I smiled holding up the scroll, "I've finally got it.. I hope." I put it down then held out my hands. A fire appeared between my palms. I whispered the word 'Green' in the language of magic and hoped it would work. But instead of turning green, the fire blazed blue. I said it again and it turned yellow.
Lily watched it, amazed yet again, "Woah!!"
"Why won't you turn green," I complained. The fire turned purple. Lily hopped down off of Hydra and ran over, gazing at the flames.
"That's so cool!" She started reaching for it. I quickly made the fire disappear.
"Lily you can't touch it."
"AWWWW why not??"
"It can hurt you for one, and two it disappears after awhile."
She looked down, disappointed. I sighed.
"I'm sure there's something in here that you can touch that changes colors."
Nightmare got an idea, "Rain, can you make flowers appear?"
"Yep." I held out my hand. Flowers appeared, shooting through the ground, appearing on my hand.
Lily's eyes lit up again, "Wow!"
I made them change from purple, to green, then to black, and finally to yellow again.
"If only I could do that with fire," I mumbled.
"Why do you want to do it with fire?" Nightmare asked as Lily ran around the flowers, playing in them and goofing off.
"Because this ancient scroll was my fathers, and I know he wanted me to learn all the elements. I don't want to disappoint him, plus fire magic is awesome and really powerful."
"Can I see it? I'm curious."
"Sure, but I have no idea if you will be able to read it." And sure enough, when I handed it to Nightmare, he stared at it with a blank expression.
"Yeah, I can't. I can do this though." he held his hand up, making sure it was away from the scroll. Then Black fire appeared in the palm of his hand, glowing darkly.
"How- How did you do that."
It fizzled out and Nightmare shrugged.
"It's basic magic, at least for me. You just have to do this-" His hand began to glow "-Then will fire to appear using a small spell-" A tiny black blaze appeared, "-Then just feed it with magic." His hand glowed a bit more and the fire grew.
"Dark magic is a mix of all the magics," Nightmare continued, "Although it's weaker in all of them you can mix and match pretty easily to get what you desire."
"Oooooo alright!"
Suddenly I remembered something. I looked out at the lake in the distance.
"What's up?"
"I just remembered about the sirens I met. I haven't seen them both in a long time, but then again we've all been busy."
"Did I hear sirens??," Lily asked, "Like, make guys fall in love sirens?!"
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu