Nightmare adopts a child

She looked excited seeing Hunter.
"Hunter! You're back!"
He ruffled her hair, "I am Lily, where's grandma?"
"She's napping right now. What's going on?"
Then she saw the crystal around my neck, suddenly looking curious. In a small flash of light the crystal was in her hands. She looked at it, curious and amazed, turning it over in her hands.
"Woah! There's a person in here!"
"Uh... I'm sorry can you give it back please..?" I asked, nervous she was going to break it.
"Hmm why does he seem so hurt though?"
"Uh reasons.."
Hunter quickly snatched it back from Lily.
"Lily, what did we talk about? You can't just steal things from strangers."
"Sorry.. I was just curious. Who is he?"
"Who? The crystal dude?" Blaise spoke.
"Yeah. He feels familiar."
"His name is Nightmare," I said
"Oooooh!" She looked curious and excited again.
Hunter handed the crystal back to me, "Sorry about her, she's just excited that's all. She's a gray angel so we never really let her leave the borders. If the demons caught her she would get hurt."
I was surprised, shocked even. Blaise and Scratch looked the same if not more so.
"A gray angel??" Blaise exclaimed.
"She's a gray angel? No way!" I agreed.
"Yeah, her mom and dad left her here when she was a baby. I'm the only family she knows. I know it's hard to believe. When she first came here we didn't know what to do with her. Her powers are extraordinary, and it's taken all our might to keep her out of trouble. She is currently 34."
"But she looks 5..." Blaise muttered.
"I'm RIGHT here," Lily complained, nudging a rock with her foot.
Suddenly Nightmare appeared. Hunter jumped, surprised, but Nightmare didn't look at him.
He crouched and smiled.
"Hello little one, I heard you were Lily?"
"Yeah! And your Nightmare right?"
"You can call me Abaddon." He ruffled her hair, and she giggled.
"I- He- Did this guy-" Blaise stuttered. I was equally surprised. Nightmare never tells anyone his name, or really let's us say it. And he just did both to this little girl he never met.
"Hmm you feel familiar. Did we meet before?" Lily asked. She reached up, her small hand glowing white, and touched the side of his head. Nightmare didn't seem to mind at all.
"No," He smiled more, like he knew a secret that she didn't.
"Oh. Then WHO are you?"
"Like I said, my names Abaddon."
"No, I mean.. um.. How do I say it? What are you to me? Like... How do you feel so familiar?"
In response Nightmare held out a hand. It glowed white and black, but more so black. She gasped.
"You're a gray angel! Just like me!"
"I'll admit," Scratch said," I am confused."
"This little one is related to me," Nightmare explained, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders. She giggled and grinned.
Blaise looked downright shocked.
"Is she your child..?"
"No no no," Nightmare said quickly, "Not at all. But we share the same ancestors. So, technically, I'm her great great great, million times great, cousin."
"That's amazing that you two found each other," I smiled. He smiled back, obviously happy.
"Oh! You have to teach me to do magic and stuff! And make things like the faunae and fly and fight things and-"
"One thing at a time. Let's go talk for a bit, I never thought I would meet another gray angel." And like that, Lily and Abaddon walked away.
"Jeez. He definitely knows how to take care of kids."
"Is that so much a bad thing?" I asked
"Right," Scratch said, giving me a smirk, "So when are you guys going to adopt?" He elbowed me in the ribs.
"Adopt!? We're not even together."
"SUREEE" Blaise said, grinning.
"But it's true."
"Well then ask him out," Scratch said. I felt my face heat up.
"I have been thinking about that..."
"Then do it ya pussy," Blaise said. Being teamed up on by Blaise and Scratch was definitely not fun.
"But... I don't think he would want a relationship. Not now at least," I said, desperately trying to give them a reason to leave me be.
"Why not?" Scratch inquired.
"I feel like he has too much stuff going on and this would just be more, if you get what I mean..."
Blaise coughed, "Pussy."
"I'm not a pussy," I complained.
"Um... Sorry to interrupt whatever this is, but if you wanted to see the crystal it's right here," Hunter said, handing us a large dark shard of crystal. I took it.
"Thank you."
Just then Lily ran in, dragging Nightmare along.
"Hunter! Hunter! I have something to ask you."
"What's up?"
"Can I go on a adventure with Abaddon and his friends and do magic and stuff and explore and stuff?!" She shouted excitedly. Nightmare smiled apologetically.
"Um... I'm not sure if that's a good idea Liliana."
"PLEAAASSSEEE??" She begged.
Hunter looked at Nightmare.
"What exactly is your group doing?"
"We mostly stay at home but occasionally we go out. I want to teach her how to use magic."
"I mean, you ARE her kind." He looked at Lily. She was ready for it. She pulled out all stock, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.
He hesitated, then sighed.
"Fine. But she has to visit at least once a month. She's basically my little sister after all... If she get's hurt I'll make you pay for it."
"I understand where your coming from. Don't worry, I'll take care of her."
"And just like that," Blaise pointed out, "Nightmare adopted a child."
"I.. I guess you could say that."
"YAY!!" Lily cheered, happy.
"Listen the only reason I'm saying yes is because I believe you won't harm her. And its safer with you anyways, all things considered." Hunter said.
"You don't have to worry, I would never cause harm to a child." Nightmare tickled Lily. She giggled and laughed, adorable.
Hunter smiled a little, "I believe you," Then he looked at me, "I'm guessing you need that crystal piece?"
"Yes, I think." I anwsered.
"Ok, well, good luck."
"Thanks!" I smiled.
"I'm going to go get Lily's stuff ready." Hunter said, going back into the hut.
"Ok, so, Nightmare." Scratch started, looking at him.
"Yeah?" Lily started tugging on his wing, giggling.
"Why did you just adopt her?"
"There's nothing wrong with it, and besides, it's my duty as her relative to teach her how to use her magic. It's easier on the long run. I'll also admit, I have a bit of a soft spot for kids."
"You don't say," Blaise said.
"Is this ok with you guys? I'm keeping her either way, but I want to know your thoughts."
"I'm perfectly fine with it." I said, looking at Lily.
"I don't mind," Scratch agreed.
"I mean, this is going to make things interesting at least. And kids are fun," Blaise smiled.
"YESSSS!" Lily smiled and hugged Nightmare. He picked her up and put her on his back, spreading out his wings. She grinned.
Hunter handed Nightmare a backpack, "Good luck. She can be hard to handle sometimes."
"It's ok, this isn't the first time I've taken care of a kid."
"Have you ever been a father Nightmare?" Blaise asked, curious.
"I've been in the place of a dad for many kids before. This isn't new."
"No I mean did you ever have a kid? Like, it's your blood and bones?"
"I'm gay, Blaise. What do you think."
"I dunno, I was just curious."
"Lets go! Let's go let's go let's go!! I wanna go on a adventure!!" Lily shouted, smiling.
Nightmare smiled as well, "Alright, BUT before we go you need o eat this real quick." He handed her a candy. Her eyes brightened and she snatched it, eating it.
Blaise whispered in my ear, "I think he's going to spoil her."
"Want to see our home, Lily?" Nightmare asked.
"Ooooh ok!"
And like that, he teleported away with her.
"He forgot us," Scratch said, looking miserable at the thought of walking all that way.
"WELP I guess we walk. Come on snowflake." Blaise said, tugging on Scratchs arm.
"Unfortunately, I need to go too, I can't be away from my home that long," I said slowly.
"Dangit. Welp, guess it's just you and me Scratch." Blaise said, not as disappointed as I expected. I had a feeling I knew what those two were up to.
Probably doing what couples do in the wilderness all alone. Either way, I didn't ask questions. I made my portal and left.
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu