Aunty Ximmy

Blaise and Scratch were almost fully dressed, finishing up.
"Did you two..?"
"Um, no, that's preposterous," Blaise said. Scratch just looked away embarrassed. They had definitely done something in that bush, and I was not about to get into details.
"Nevermind, I don't really want to know. Can you babysit Lily for a bit?"
"Sure," Scratch said, "Where are you going?"
"I'm going somewhere with Rain to get the rest of the crystal shards."
"Wait are you two gonna fucck?" Blaise said. I looked her in the eyes.
"I'm not you, pervert."
She glared at me. Scratch looked embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um.. Anyways.. How long will you be gone?"
"Not sure. Between a day to a week."
"That's not a 'bit' of time Nightmare," Blaise pointed out.
"It is to me. Just take care of Lily, don't get mad at her, and don't do anything stupid in front of her."
"Serving salty ass eggs, committing a crime, and, well, fuccking. Literally just don't do anything dumb you normally do."
"WHAT!? When have I EVER committed a crime?" Blaise demanded.
"You took my scythe at one point."
"That's not a crime!"
"It is to me. Just don't do anything stupid, and remember, Lily likes to explore. So don't do what.. Well.. What you just did in that bush. Alright?"
"It's none of your business what we did in the bush. What went on in the bush stays in the bush, and that's that."
"I will kill you if Lily loses her innocence." And like that I vanished.
Scratch cleared his throat, "That was... Um..."
"We had better get back so we don't leave Lily on her own," Blaise interrupted, "Want me to carry you?"
They flew off, heading home.
I appeared back where Rain was. He was writing something down in a scroll, the scratch of a quill against paper was somewhat soothing.
"What's that about?" I asked, looking at the scroll.
"Just some spells I think we'll need."
Suddenly Rain's sister appeared, "Hello Raindrop!"
"Oh, hey again," I smiled.
She pointed at me, "I remember you! You're the future boyfriend!" Rain blushed a lot, looking like a strawberry.
"T-the what now-"
I blushed, "Yup. My names Nightmare, it's nice to meet you again."
"I'm Xiamara but everyone calls me Ximmy."
I smiled, "That's a cool name."
"Thank you! It means earth and nature."
I looked at Rain. The poor guy had no idea what was going on. He was still pink from the 'future boyfriend' thing.
Just then Lily ran over, "Hi! My names Lily!"
"Oh my god she's so cute," Ximmy said, looking at her. Lily smiled and rocked back and forth on her heels, "Thank you!"
"I adopted Lily a few days ago," I explained, "She's a gray angel like me." I ruffled her hair. She giggled, happy.
"Awe that's so cute," Ximmy said, smiling.
"Rain helps me take care of her. She's only 34." I smiled and put her on my shoulders. Ximmy looked at Rain surpised.
"Rain you're a parent!?"
"Yeah I guess you could put it like that."
"Yeah he's my other daddy!" Lily giggled.
"That's so adorable," Ximmy said adoringly.
"I'm so tall up here! I can see the WORLD!" Lily put her arms in the air then toppled a bit, giggling. I chuckled.
"I couldn't help but adopt her. I mean, come on. She's adorable and she acts like me when I was her age. Besides I'm technically related to her."
"You are?"
"Yeah. My mom had a few brothers, and I only ki- and there's two who had kids, so I'm assuming their genes got passed down through the generations. And presto, here we are. I'm her great great great, million times great, cousin."
"Yup. That's what happens when you're immortal. Things just pass down."
"WOAH!," Lily exclaimed, "You never told me you were immortal!! Am I immortal??" She bent down over my head, peering at me upside down.
"Sort of, you're half immortal, half long lived. Most likely you're gonna live to be 1500 years old or so."
"WOAHHH- Ima be SO OLD! And ima have kids and money and a girlfriend too!" Then it occurred to her, and she asked, "How old are you Abaddon??"
"I'm actually not sure. But um, last time I checked, which was thousands of years ago, I was 321."
I laughed, "Well, yeah, I'm immortal."
"You don't look old though. Maybe 19?"
"You're sweet. I'm technically 21."
I smiled, happy. Just being around Lily made me cheer up, remember the good times I had in my own childhood. She was so adorable, curious, she made me feel a bit like a child too.
"One day, I'm gonna be just like you! I'm gonna have a scythe and ima beat bad guys with it!" she promised. I chuckled and put her down, ruffling her soft hair.
"Maybe one day, you will."
"Can I see your scythe dad?"
"Sure, but be careful. And don't treat it like a toy." I summoned it in a cloud of shadows and gently put it on the ground. She walked over to it, curious, and tried picking it up. It was too big, however, and lopsided towards the blade end.
"Wow this thing is HEAVY! But it's so cool!"
I ruffled her hair and looked at Rain and Ximmy.
"So, what happened with the commander?"
"That girl got sliced to pieces," Xiamara said proudly.
"Good, she deserved it for all the trouble she caused you two."
"Look! Look! I picked it up!," Lily interrupted, lifting the scythe straight up into the air, "I got the- Woah!" It tipped, making her fall backwards. The blade of the scythe dug into the ground.
"I'm ok!" Lily shouted, scrambling to her feet.
"Give me a second," I said, going up to Lily. I took the scythe from the ground and whispered under my breathe. Symbols appeared on the scythe, and Raven my old buddy old pal appeared.
"You called?" he asked, formal as ever.
"WOAHHH," Lily's mouth hung open, amazed, "What's THAT!?" she said, pointing to Raven.
"This is Raven, he's my friend. And he is quite literally the scythe."
"Your scythes ALIVE!?"
"Yeah, sort of. Raven can you make sure she doesn't hurt herself?"
Raven bowed, "Of course, the little one will remain safe."
I smiled, a bit relieved, "Thanks."
I went back over to Rain and Ximmy.
"Sorry about that."
"It's fine, I know you need to watch her," Ximmy said, smiling.
"Yeah," I agreed, "If she's anything like I was at her age she's going to go looking for adventure. I really don't mind though, it's all part of taking care of kids."
"The only thing I'm worried about is Blaise giving her a bad influence," I mumbled.
"She seems like a good kid," Ximmy said.
I nodded, "She sure is."
"So where are you two going?" She asked.
"Why do you think we're going anywhere?" Rain countered.
"There's a number of signs. Your windows aren't open and you have a scroll of magic spells, plus your wearing clothes that aren't heavy."
"How," He asked, "How do you know these things-"
I smiled, impressed by her observations, "You're pretty smart."
"Why thank you, I can basically tell something about a person by the way they dress," Xiamara boasted proudly.
"I basically dress like this all the time, besides when I go to bed. I don't stink up clothes because technically I have no pores."
"Must be nice," Ximmy said longingly.
"Sort of. I also don't have to eat, drink, go to the bathroom," I counted each point on my fingers, "All I really have to do is sleep. I mean, I'm dead so."
"Hm, pretty cool, so like I said where are you two going?"
"We're going to revive me."
"Ohhh alright," Then she turned to Rain, "Here's some advice for you- Don't die."
"Wow never would have thought about that, thanks," Rain said sarcastically, rolling his eyes a bit. I smiled at his expression.
"Don't worry, I'll protect him. Before I'm revived I have unlimited lives so no matter how many times I die I'll always come back. So you can count on me to keep lil Raindrop here safe." I patted his back a bit.
"Thank you Nightmare, I know I can trust you," Xiamara smiled, appreciative.
"And I you," I said, "How long are you staying for?"
"A year."
"Do you mind helping Blaise and Scratch babysit Lily? Ideally I would just leave Raven here, but I can't go far from him before he goes back into my scythe"
"Of course," She smiled.
"Thanks. Blaise and Scratch should be home by now, and we had better go. But before we do I should probably tell Lily the plan. Hey Lily! Can you come here for a minute?"
She smiled and ran over, "Hi!"
I crouched so I was on her level and put my hands on her shoulders, looking at her adorable, innocent, face.
"Rain and I are going to go on a dangerous adventure together and I need you to stay here."
"AWWWWWW But I wanna come!!"
"Maybe when you're older, but for now, just stay with aunty Ximmy and the others ok?"
"Aw fine..."
"That's a good girl, we'll be back within a week." I ruffled her hair.
"We can play something fun while their gone," Xiamara suggested. Lily's eyes lit up with anticipation.
"Ooh like what??"
"I have no idea but I'm sure we'll come up with something."
I stood up then whispered to Ximmy.
"You're allowed to spoil her, I already do. Her bedtimes at 8 o clock, don't let her outside if the suns almost down, and always make sure you know where she's at. She loves running around."
Ximmy smirked and nodded, "Got it."
Speaking louder so the others could hear, I said "Now then, shall we go?"
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu