We were in a restaurant one time, and in the bathroom. One of us almost dropped something in the toilet, and we all screamed randomly! Everyone could here! Some waitress came in to shut us up, but we all got quiet so she wouldn't kick us out of there! We were all in trouble, but since I was around, we were kinda let off easy. Whew! Luckily, we got to have some pizza and play games at the arcade. We got off the hook! I also remember the time we prank called Dillard's, Kobe, my brothers, Fancy nails, and penguin Ed's! We are so stupid and silly and really immature, but we love it and aren't afraid to show it! (I'm sexy and I know it!)
LOL I've got awesome best friends too! We do weird stuff all the time. *cough* @Ravenclaw3243 *cough* dare or dare *cough* @JeweledOwl812 *cough* I need a cough drop.