When my friend was in second or third grade, she had to go to the bathroom. While she was in there, she looked on the floor and saw a hall pass with a piece of poop on it! She was so grossed out! She told the teacher, and then some kid comes in holding the same pass but the poop wasn't on it! It must've fallen off on the floor! When the teacher saw she started screaming and told the person to wash there hands. It was so funny! I make her tell it to me every time she's at my house. We are so strange! We also have a lot of inside jokes, such as strawberry and vanilla! Haha sorry can't tell!
LOL I've got awesome best friends too! We do weird stuff all the time. *cough* @Ravenclaw3243 *cough* dare or dare *cough* @JeweledOwl812 *cough* I need a cough drop.