you're in space and I have nothing to do so I go to hamic to sleep and the monster comes to ur bed and kills u
iamacowpublished on December 11, 2022not completed
you are a crewmate on a mission to discover the mysteries in the great unknown. you look out the window and see unidentified planets! you are excited to try and find an alien but you get bored you think you should jump out the ship but try as you might things might not go well... you keep trying to figure out something else to do but you risk it and come out... then you here a "crewmate" say somthing about a sensation and you head to Medbay to find this strange "crewmate" after your trip from space to the ship you use space physics to float to Medbay. you get there with his back turned... our tap his shoulder and he pulls out a gun and starts chasing you.