An unexpected plan

It was answered by a very tall man with no face. You recognized him as Slenderman. You jumped back in surprise and smiled. "I thought Slenderman was fake. A story to scare little kids. But he's REAL!" You thought to yourself happily. "Come on in, y/n," he said in a blank tone. You walked inside to find yourself in a living room connected to a kitchen, dining room, and some stairs. You recognized almost everyone in the house with you, naming them in your head. "Jeff. BEN. Jane. Clockwork. Toby. Masky......" You continued to name the pastas in your head wham BEN walked over to you, a soda can in head. "Hiya y/n! Glad you could make it!" He smirked when you replied with a very excited greating in return. Then suddenly Jeff came over to you two. "BEN! I challenge you to a rematch after we both get drunk!" "Oh your just upset that I beat you last time!" BEN replied with another smirk. "Shutup," Jeff muttered. "Hey, arn't you the person we invited a couple days ago?" "Yes i am! My name is-" Jeff cut you off "We all know your name already." "Really?!" You said excitedly. You knew just about all the creepypastas ,and it has kind of been a dream to meet them. Then to actually do it to find they all know your name? That was too cool! Suddenly, the room got dark. A loud voice boomed around the room. It was Slenderman's. "Our final guest has arrived! Let the party begin!"
~end of chapter one~
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