Drunk on the Dancefloor

You then bit into the pizza. It was really good actually. After you were finished, you went back to the dance floor. Music was blasting from a speaker in the corner of the room. Everyone around you was dancing ,so you decided to dance too. You had noticed that BEN was smirking at you. You also noticed his soda can was replaced with a beer can. You started walking over to him ,and realized that his eyes were wild and he started crushing the can. You could make a good guess that he was drunk. "So, babe. You wanna dance?"he asked you in a dangerous way. You blushed and suddenly felt very thirsty. "Can i have a drink first?" You asked. He then grabbed your hand ,and dragged you back into the kitchen. Once inside, BEN stumbled over to the fridge ,opened it ,and grabbed another beer. He threw it to you and smiled when caught it with ease. "Thanks," you said graciassly as you opened up the can ,and drank from it. It tasted really good, so you drank more. Suddenly, the can was empty ,and you realized you drank it all. BEN saw the disappointment on your face ,and got you another one.
~some time passes~
You had had four cans of beer. You were now dancing with BEN who was also drunk. The song ended and Heathens came in. "It's too early for a slow dance!" You heard Clockwork shout. BEN smirked and put his hands on your hips. You blushed and put your arms around his neck.
You smiled at the soft touch of his hands ,and completely forgot about the fact that he was drunk. Suddenly, BEN gave you an evil grin ,and started to kiss you. You gasped in surprise ,and began to kiss in return. "DAYYYYEM!" Jeff yelled. It was now that you noticed that all the pastas were staring at you. You blushed in embaresment. But BEN looked pleased with himself. But, being as drunk as you both were, you continued to kiss him. "Enough!" Slenderman yelled. His voice portrayed his amusement. "Y/n, we have something to tell you." You got very excited. A little too excited. "Y/n. We would like you to be one of us. We've seen your knowledge. We've seen your strength. But, the fact that you arn't having the best of a life does it. If you agree to live with us, you will stay here. If you don't agree to live with us, you will return to your normal home ,and never come back. What is your decision?" Slenderman sounded very anxouse to hear your decision. "YES!" You said with plenty of enthusiasm. Everyone around you smiled. BEN pulled you in for another kiss. Life was going to be better now. And you knew it.
~two days later~
Life in the mansion was good. Everyone was nice to you, which you were not used to. You were playing video games with BEN when he paused it, then turned to you and said,"Y/n, remember when I missed you?" "Yeah," you said, wondering why he was asking this. "Well....... You see I only kisses you because I was drunk. I like you. I like you alot. Just not in that way. Please forgive me," BEN looked kind of sad as he said these words. You smiled and have him a small hug. "To be honest with you, I only kisses back because I was drunk to. I like you as a friend and nothing more." As you said these lines, BEN smiled bigger and bigger. "Well, atleast were still friends!" he said happily. He unpaused the game ,and you two continued playing till dinner was ready.
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