The Story of Marbles the Hedgebat

The Story of Marbles the Hedgebat

Marbles lost everything her home, her family, her arms and wings. And at only 9 years old. Marbles has an amazing story and life.

published on January 26, 2015not completed

Night Out

Night Out
marbles. Marbles! MARBLES!

Marbles: *Snorks* What?
Hawk: Marbles!
Marbles: Hawk! What are you doing here?!
Hawk: Come on, Marbles! It's a full moon tonight!
Marbles: So?!
Hawk: It's a family tradition!
Marbles: Well guess what? I'm not family.
Hawk: Once you've meet Barley, your family.
Marbles: *Sighs* Okay.
Hawk: Yes! Grab my hand!
Marbles: Okay. *Grabs hand*
Both: *ZOOM!
Marbles: WHOA!!!
Hawk: Hold on tight!
Marbles: AHHHHH!
Hawk: *Lands on ground*
Marbles: *Lies on the floor* HUH UH HUH UH HUH UH.
Hawk: Come on! Night's still young! *Runs off to village*
Marbles: COMING! UG!
Hawk: *Hides behind crate* Okay Marbles, over there we have the bread. Fly over to the bread and quickly snatch it!
Marbles: Hawk, I'm not stealing.
Hawk: Please Marbles! I haven't eaten in a week.
Marbles: Okay.
Hawk: Thank you, so much!
Marbles: *Flies over bread and quickly snatches it*
Hawk: Yes! Whole grain bread! *Chomps*
Marbles: I'm just glad your happy.
Hawk: Marbles! Look!
Marbles: hm?
Hawk: Look! Mr. Christian's gold watch! We can buy all the bread with that!
Marbles: I don't know Hawk,
Hawk: Marbles, no! I'll never drag you out of bed again! Just please get me that watch!
Marbles: Never ever?
Hawk: Never Ever! Just please get the watch!
Marbles: *Flies over Mr. Christian and grabs his watch*
Mr. Christian: What the- My watch!
Hawk: This is great! Only 2 were ever made! We can get a fortune for this!
Marbles: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Only 2 were EVER MADE?!?!
Hawk: Well, yeah!
Marbles: Hawk you've gone too far! I'm going!
Hawk: No wait! Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for stealing. I'm sorry for making YOU steal. It's all my fault. I'll return the watch.
Marbles: Hawk, no. J-j-just, no more stealing for the rest of the night. Deal?
Hawk: Deal.
Both: *Shake hands*
Hawk: Race you to the Blacksmith!
Marbles: I'll beat you!

Both: *Giggles and runs*

Marbles: *Crashes into Scourge* Oof!
Hawk: Marbles! Are you okay?!
Scourge: Watch it, kid!
Marbles: Oh my God. GREEN SONIC!
Scourge: WhAT?!?!
Hawk: *Laughs*
Scourge: I am NOT GREEN SONIC!
Marbles: Whatever, *Laughs*, GREEN SONIC!
Scourge: Stupid kid.
Hawk: *Laughs* Look! The Blacksmith! *Runs*
Marbles: Hey! No fair!
Hawk: I win!
Marbles: Hey no fair! I broke my leg!
Hawk: Your just a sore loser!
Marbles: Am not!
Hawk: Am yes!
Blacksmith: Can I help you kids?
Hawk: Yes, how much does this watch worth?
Blacksmith: hmm, about 50 rings.
Hawk: We'll take it!
Blacksmith: Run along kids! But be safe!
Hawk: Come on I want to show you something! *Flies Marbles to a spiritual dance*

Marbles: What is this place?
Hawk: It's the spiritual dance of Mobius! Come on! Dance with me! *Dances*
Marbles: *Dances*

XXXX2 hours laterXXXXX

Leader: The Spiritual Dance of Mobius has come to an end!
Hawk: Come on, lets take you home.

Later when Hawk brings me back to my home.

Hawk: Marbles, earlier when I brought you here. I did it because I,
Marbles: You what Hawk, you what?!
Hawk: Because I love you!
Marbles: I-I-I-I, I love you too.
Hawk: *Kisses*
Marbles: *Kisses back*
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Comments (9)

Please continue!!!!!! Its so awesome!!!!!!!
Thank you :) And there is going to be more chapters on the way
Yay! Your welcome!
About Author
on December 19, 2015
About Author
on December 19, 2015
About Author
on November 18, 2015
Marble is pregnant OMG! congrats!
About Author
on October 01, 2015
It's really so far!
Thanks. Sorry for not making chapters in a while :p
It's fine take your time!
About Author
on March 07, 2015
About Author
on March 07, 2015
About Author
on March 07, 2015
It's really good!
Thank ;)
About Author
on January 30, 2015
About Author
on January 28, 2015