Night Out
Marbles: *Snorks* What?
Hawk: Marbles!
Marbles: Hawk! What are you doing here?!
Hawk: Come on, Marbles! It's a full moon tonight!
Marbles: So?!
Hawk: It's a family tradition!
Marbles: Well guess what? I'm not family.
Hawk: Once you've meet Barley, your family.
Marbles: *Sighs* Okay.
Hawk: Yes! Grab my hand!
Marbles: Okay. *Grabs hand*
Both: *ZOOM!
Marbles: WHOA!!!
Hawk: Hold on tight!
Marbles: AHHHHH!
Hawk: *Lands on ground*
Marbles: *Lies on the floor* HUH UH HUH UH HUH UH.
Hawk: Come on! Night's still young! *Runs off to village*
Marbles: COMING! UG!
Hawk: *Hides behind crate* Okay Marbles, over there we have the bread. Fly over to the bread and quickly snatch it!
Marbles: Hawk, I'm not stealing.
Hawk: Please Marbles! I haven't eaten in a week.
Marbles: Okay.
Hawk: Thank you, so much!
Marbles: *Flies over bread and quickly snatches it*
Hawk: Yes! Whole grain bread! *Chomps*
Marbles: I'm just glad your happy.
Hawk: Marbles! Look!
Marbles: hm?
Hawk: Look! Mr. Christian's gold watch! We can buy all the bread with that!
Marbles: I don't know Hawk,
Hawk: Marbles, no! I'll never drag you out of bed again! Just please get me that watch!
Marbles: Never ever?
Hawk: Never Ever! Just please get the watch!
Marbles: *Flies over Mr. Christian and grabs his watch*
Mr. Christian: What the- My watch!
Hawk: This is great! Only 2 were ever made! We can get a fortune for this!
Marbles: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Only 2 were EVER MADE?!?!
Hawk: Well, yeah!
Marbles: Hawk you've gone too far! I'm going!
Hawk: No wait! Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for stealing. I'm sorry for making YOU steal. It's all my fault. I'll return the watch.
Marbles: Hawk, no. J-j-just, no more stealing for the rest of the night. Deal?
Hawk: Deal.
Both: *Shake hands*
Hawk: Race you to the Blacksmith!
Marbles: I'll beat you!
Both: *Giggles and runs*
Marbles: *Crashes into Scourge* Oof!
Hawk: Marbles! Are you okay?!
Scourge: Watch it, kid!
Marbles: Oh my God. GREEN SONIC!
Scourge: WhAT?!?!
Hawk: *Laughs*
Scourge: I am NOT GREEN SONIC!
Marbles: Whatever, *Laughs*, GREEN SONIC!
Scourge: Stupid kid.
Hawk: *Laughs* Look! The Blacksmith! *Runs*
Marbles: Hey! No fair!
Hawk: I win!
Marbles: Hey no fair! I broke my leg!
Hawk: Your just a sore loser!
Marbles: Am not!
Hawk: Am yes!
Blacksmith: Can I help you kids?
Hawk: Yes, how much does this watch worth?
Blacksmith: hmm, about 50 rings.
Hawk: We'll take it!
Blacksmith: Run along kids! But be safe!
Hawk: Come on I want to show you something! *Flies Marbles to a spiritual dance*
Marbles: What is this place?
Hawk: It's the spiritual dance of Mobius! Come on! Dance with me! *Dances*
Marbles: *Dances*
XXXX2 hours laterXXXXX
Leader: The Spiritual Dance of Mobius has come to an end!
Hawk: Come on, lets take you home.
Later when Hawk brings me back to my home.
Hawk: Marbles, earlier when I brought you here. I did it because I,
Marbles: You what Hawk, you what?!
Hawk: Because I love you!
Marbles: I-I-I-I, I love you too.
Hawk: *Kisses*
Marbles: *Kisses back*
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