Hopelessly waiting

as the water droplets slide down
I'm hopelessly waiting
i think of you
you who was always there for me
even when i hated you
now it's the opposite
you hate me and i just want the old you back
hopelessly waiting
what did i ever do to you?
I'm just helplessly waiting
you used to care about me
now you won't even read my messages
hopelessly waiting
did something in side you crack
did something inside shatter
never to be fixed again
why do you keep me like this
hopelessly waiting
waiting for you to comunicate
fro you to answer
im hopelessly waiting
for you to fix the thing inside you that shattered
hopelessly waiting
for it to go back to the way it was
hoplessly waiting
for you to contact me
for i have tried too much
now it's your turn
hopelessmy waiting
now im just hopelessly waiting
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