
I will never forgive them. Killers. Lusters of blood. Monsters. These people surrounding me. I can't stand them. Pointing my gun straight at Mme, I felt my finger twitching at the tigger. The vision of seeing her brain all over the wall brought happiness to me. Alice's red hair laid on her back as she pointed the guns at Samekichi and Bloodie. Unlike me, her fingers were stiff, and if either of them moved, Alice would blow their heads clean off.
Glancing my brown eyes to X-L38 and S-28P, I remembered the body of Hatto's brother not even noticeable. My blood started boiling at the thought of them torturing the boy. All Shin was doing was protecting his brother. Monsters. Walking to S-28P, I noticed he was trying to shield X-L38 from any attacks.
"I see. Love is a cruel thing don't you agree?" I said glaring at S-28P.
"Love? What nonsense do you mean?" S-28P standing strong.
"How you protect her. It's love. Like all the other people who y'all murdered. They all tried protecting someone." I angrily mentioned clinching my fists.
"It is just part of the game." S-28P responded with no emotions.
At that moment, I felt something snap inside of me. A game? Messing with peoples' lives is just a game. Monsters. I..I won't let them live. Death is their future.
"Ali, toss me the knife." I said with no emotion.
"As you wish, Adri. Hatto grab the knife out of my back pocket and bring it to her." Alice smiling.
Shaking his brown hair up and down, Hatto quickly grabbed the sharp knife and ran over to me. I grabbed the knife and gazed at my reflection in it. I couldn't see the person I used to be. The Adrienne I used to know was gone. They created a monster to take her place. Placing the pistol in my back pocket, I decided to give him a much different kind of death.
"I will be your reaper while this house is your grave!" I announced as I ran start for S-28P with the knife.
A smile creeped on his face as I hurried to him. However, he did not go down with out a fight. Swinging the knife, I was only able to cut lightly through the skin. Not enough to kill him. In the meantime, S-28P was throwing punches at me. As I laid a deep cut on his arm, he also landed a hard direct hit in my jaw.
Boy has a good left hook on him. I'll give him that. Spitting blood on the floor, I laughed. No guy had ever hit me before, but hell, I was having fun. Watching his blood drop from his body, I realized just how weak he was getting.
"Just give up. You can't win. You are going to die." I said walking to him.
"I knew this house would be my grave, but you say you ain't like us. Look again. You are the biggest monster in this room." S-28P laughing.
No! He is wrong! Running up to him, I landed my knife clean into his heart. Pushing as deep I could into his chest, his blood ran down my hand as I pulled the knife out. Then, I stabbed one good time into his head for good measure. Pulling the pistol out of my back pocket, I walked over to Samekichi.
As I was walking away, I heard sniveling tears coming from X-L38. So the strong girl that hates everyone can cry? I see. She shouldn't of been so cold hearted to start this. Walking up to Samekichi, I gazed into his grey eyes to see if he was truly there. I must say the guy I met before was different. Is that the right word? Lowing my weapon, his devilish smile grew bigger.
"What are you waiting for! Kill her!" Mme yelling.
"Silence! Haven't your dumb head realized who's side he is on? I mean come on? I think the pretty girl always wins." Alice laughing.
"Ha, she is right. The pretty girl always wins." Samekichi said tilting his head towards mine.
Lifting my chin up, I suddenly felt his lips connected with mine. Closing my eyes, I felt the warmth pressure of us kissing warming my cold heart. Just a little. Pulling away, my tan cheeks started transforming into a dark red. Samekichi's cheeks were even doing the same.
"OH COME ON! YOU COULD OF WAITED TILL WE LEFT!" Alice stomping her foot.
"Do you really think you have time for that?" Lilliuth pulling Danni off the ground.
"Sorry. I couldn't control myself." Samekichi running his fingers through his white hair.
"I know the feeling, dude!" Hatto winking at Mukri as she hit him on the shoulder.
"It's a guy thing." Aleasha helping Karuka up.
"I have good news though. Markus has asked to come with us. He has fallen for Karuka." Samekichi grabbing Markus' shoulder.
"WHY DID YOU ANNOUNCE IT TO EVERYONE!?" Markus yelling and turning red.
"Really? But, I.." Karuka looking down.
"What's wrong, Karuka?" Markus running to her side.
"I guess I was too late with Samekichi, but maybe you, Markus, are the better choice for me." Karuka smiling.
"R-really?!" Markus hugging her.
"Ouch." Karuka blushing.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Markus scratching his head.
"Come on! Alice told Hatto and me how to get out of here." Lilliuth motioning the girls out.
"I'm going with them." Markus holding Karuka up.
"Alright get out of here." I said glaring at the others left.
Watching my friends retreat from the death around us, I felt my heavy heart slowly lighten. Not because Samekichi kissed me. The only ones left in the room were Alice, Samekichi, Bloodie, X-L38, Mme and me. Now, death shall come slowly.
"Traitors!!" Mme turning red.
"How could you do this?!" Bloodie holding the knife.
"Simply, I made a deal with an angel and left the devil." Samekichi grinning.
"Y'all knew this was our fate. Mme, you couldn't just leave Alice's sister alone!" X-L38 yelling.
"Aw! Do you have a crush on me? So cute!" Alice laughing.
"Shut up, you little brat!" Mme standing up.
"I don't think you are in the position to make treats." Alice pointing the guns at her.
When Alice pulled the gun away from Bloodie, Bloodie took it as the chance to attack. As I was watching my sister, I noticed her purple hair running towards me. I knew my motion would be too late to attack. I prepared myself for the blow until I saw Samekichi jump in front of the blade. The sharp blade went straight through his left side shoulder as blood exploded out.
A laugh exploded out of his mouth. The atmosphere around Samekichi grew dark and hateful as blood oozed down his arm. However, I was not for sure if that was his blood on the shirt or not.
Suddenly, Samekichi's right hand wrapped his fingers around Bloodie's neck. Trying to breathe, Bloodie struggled while dropping the knife to the floor. Her tiny fingers wrapped around his wrists as she tried grasping for air. A smile curved on Samekichi's face as he crush her throat. Blood exploded from Bloodie's mouth. Then, her red eyes lost any sign of life in them. Samekichi then threw the lifeless body against the wall like a rag doll.
"Strong show off boy huh? You can sure pick them, Adri." Alice pointing her guns at the last remaining girls.
"Now. I just like the feeling of killing people who need it." Samekichi wrapping his arms around me.
"Or you are just a giant serial killer? Your choice?" X-L38 standing up.
"Adri, point your gun at Mme for a second." Alice placing both guns in her back pockets and walking to X-L38.
"Oh, is it my turn? Do what you want. I see the true monsters here." X-L38 staring at Alice.
Doing what my sister said, I continued to point my gun at Mme while Alice did her thing. X-L38 was unarmed and defensively while I saw Alice reach for the knife in her boot.
"You see the monsters, huh?" Alice grabbing the knife.
"Well I mean you.." X-L38 was interrupted.
Laughing, Alice stuck the blade of her knife right into X-L38's right eye and then let eye. Blood poured out of X-L38's eyes sockets running down her face and into her yelling mouth.
"Can you still see?" Alice laughing!
"You son of a b.." X-L38 yelling in pain.
"Hey now! It's not nice to say those words. Maybe you shouldn't say them at all." Alice opening X-L38's mouth with her left hand.
With Alice's fingers in X-L38's mouth, Alice grabbed X-L38's tongue and sliced it clean out of X-L38's mouth. X-L38 began chocking on the blood from her severed tongue. Her grey eyes showed a sign of regret as if she never finished what she truly wanted to do. The blood continued flowing inside of her as X-L38's lungs filled up and stopped her from breathing. Her soul escaped from her body as the lifeless body crashed to the ground.
"Looks like she won't be saying anything any time soon!!" Alice laughing and cleaning her knife off with X-L38's dress.
"Your sister is smart." Samekichi whispering in my ear.
"Now. Now what is the best death for..." Alice was interrupted.
Appearing in the middle of the room, Asami emerged in front of us with a worried look on her. What took her so long to get here? She could of been very useful. A ghost who doesn't come in when people need it just how it is supposed to be.
"ADRIENNE, you have to get away from her!" Asami pointing at Alice.
"Why? She is my sister." I said confused.
"She has planted a motion censored bomb in front of the door your friends are going to." (Asami)
"What?! Ali, did you!" I said yelling.
"Whoops. I guess I told them the wrong door." Alice shrugging her shoulder.
"TOLD THEM THE WRONG DOOR!!" I yelled as Samekichi held on my shoulders.
Suddenly, a loud explosion came from the back of the house. No. My friends. My family. God. Please. Please. Let them be ok! Words of agony kept going around my head as I was frozen in place. Looking up, I glared at my sister. She did it on purpose. Why? Why would she kill my friends? Walking to the door, I was stopped by words as I twisted the door knob.
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!