Fighting Death

"Do you really have such a shock looked on your face?" Mme grinning.
"Adrienne, let's go. They need you." Samekichi holding her shoulder.
"No. Let her see the true sister. The darkness in the world inside one girl." (Mme)
"Adri, go. I will finish up here." I said.
Without looking back, Adrienne bursted out the door and ran to her friends. What was so important about her friends? They were girls. They could be replaced. Like parents, Adri replaced them. Adri almost replaced me until I started showing up.
Glaring at Mme, I noticed her grey eyes glimmering like she had just won. What she didn't know is that the bomb was not powerful enough to kill them. Strong enough to blow limps off, but why did that ghost think I did it? Wait, I told them the door in the back. There was no bomb on that. I put one of the front entrance. What's going on?
"You did this!" I said grabbing some rope from the bag and started tying her up.
"Now why would you think that?" Mme grinning.
"The door had no bomb on it! You did it!" I yelled tying her tightly.
"Really think I wouldn't block that door? I knew Samekichi would betray me." (Mme)
"Damn you!" I yelled backing away.
"How does it feel to know your sister hates you?" Mme smiling.
"Adri doesn't look at me like the way your brother does. Sorry, hun." I mentioned pointing the gun at Mme while I opened the cabinet.
"Really think she will care about you when she sees them?" (Mme)
"That's for me to find out and for you to meet the others." I said grabbing some cooking oil.
Still pointing the gun at Mme, I was shocked about how Mme had not tried attacking me. Could she possibly be ready for your death? Looking at her grey eyes, Mme knew the pain she brought me. Adri is probably furious at me over something I did not do. Better yet, would she believe me?
Twisting the cooking oil cap, I opened the bottle and poured it all over Mme. A smile curved on my pale face as happiness entered my mind. Mme has probably ruined my relationship with Adri, so I will let her burn with this place. Grabbing some matches from my pocket, I lite one up, threw it on the oily Mme, and walked to the door.
Her slim body burst into fierce flames. I could feel the strong heat radiating from the body as I walked to the door. No screams came form the burning Mme, but I figured that with Mme. Opening the door, I ran as fast as I could to Adri and the others.
I really think I should of checked. I don't really care the girls are dead or lost some body parts. I mean come on? They were all so gullible to believe TOTAL strangers. Ignorant teenagers.
Arriving at the explosion, the strong scent of blood exploded in my nose, but the scene around me made my heart beat. Karuka's hair was bright red with the layers of her blood and the others. Wood punctured her pale skin which had now covered in red blood. On her right side, her small pale arm was replaced with a nub. Laying beside her holding her unconsciously, Markus covered his hand over the nub on Karuka with a tore part of his shirt trying to stop the bleeding. Glaring down on Markus, I realized both of his legs from knee down had been blown off of him while a large wooden plank stuck into his left arm.
He protected her?! Someone would think that since his sister was a TOTAL psycho that he would have problems finding one to love. But, Markus wanted to protect a girl. He couldn't protect Mme, or he would receive punishment. With Karuka, Makrus could hold her, care for her, and most importantly protect her. Understandably, I know how he feels. I would do anything for my sister.
Looking away from the cute couple, I noticed laying barely breathing in the floor Aleasha. Instead of the white and blue hair- which I had grown to love even though different color hair is not my main thing-, Aleasha's hair appeared red and blue with little white. Ha American flag hair now!!
A wooden plank pierced her abdomen right in her center. Blood slowly oozed out of the wound while tears ran down her face. Running up to her, Adrienne ripped the bottom of Aleasha's jeans and compress around the foreign object imbedded inside of Aleasha. Good thing Adrienne knows not to pull the wood out. Adrienne knows it might of punctured an organ and cause internal bleeding.
After staring at Aleasha, a little away from her I found Lilliuth laying on the floor. Her pale skin was covered in layers of dust and blood while her left side arm was a numb from her hand to her elbow. Lilliuth, unlike the others, was awake and screaming in pain. Lilliuth had ripped part of her shirt off while compressed it on her nub. Normally, I would be like yeah the loud mouth is screaming like normal, but I felt really really bad. I don't feel bad for any one.
Laying against the wall, Danni laid against the wall hardly breathing. Wood punctured several areas of her small figure while her skin pilled off legs. Samekichi ran to her ripping off pieces of his shirt and compressed the wounds around her. They are working so hard to stop their bleeding that they have not even noticed me. But, Danni. I don't think she will survive.
Glaring in the corner, I noticed Mukri laying on the wall with her right arm and left foot gone. Wood pierced through her pale skin in her legs and face while her purple hair had strips of red blood on it. Laying over her unconscious body, Hatto tried getting her to wake up as he shook her body. Unlike the others, Hatto had a metal pipe shoved in his right shoulder while his left foot was missing.
After glaring at the others, I started noticing all the body parts scattered around the room. Blood. Dirt. Wood. Pipes. Legs. Arms. All scattered around the room. A disembodied foot laid in front of my attached foot. Wow. Such a incredible explosion. Might have been just a little one, but it was powerful.
"Stop standing there and help!" Adrienne compressing Aleasha's wound. "Please wake up."
"What am I supposed to do? What you are doing won't help them. Maybe clean them up a little." I said kicking a foot.
" kick my foot?" Hatto moaning in pain while helping Mukri.
"Ha. I like that kid. Hope you live." I laughed standing over Lilliuth ripping off the bottom of my shirt.
"They all are going to live!" Adrienne giving me an evil look.
"Adrienne, if you want that to happen, I think there is a house a mile up the road, so I want to run up there and maybe call 911." Samekichi standing up glaring at the opening in the wall.
"Go! Please! Hurry!" Adrienne running over to Danni as Samekichi ran out the opening. "Look what you did, Alice!" Adrienne started checking Danni's pulse.
"Wow now, Adri, we don't use our real names. Is someone a little mad at her big si.." I was interrupted by a bloody scream.
"I CAN'T FIND A PULSE!" Adrienne freaking out.
"Get out of my way." I said running over to Danni checking for pulse.
After five seconds, Adrienne was right no pulse. Damn, now I have to do CPR. Lovely. Laying my hands over her chest, I started doing thirty chest compressions. Then, I began to smell the burning wood and smoke. Oh, no. I forgot about the burning Mme.
"6..7..8..Look..9..10..11..12..we need to..13..14..15..16..17..18..get the..19..20..21..22..23..your friends out..24..25..26..27..NOW..28...29..30." I finished giving two giant breathes in Danni's mouth and beginning another cycle of chest compressions.
"What have you done, now! I smell it!" Adrienne picking up Lilliuth and carrying her outside.
Mme was right. Adrienne really is hating me right now. I have to tell her. Tell her why I never came back. Tell her who planted the bomb. Everything I need to gain her trust back. Hearing her run back in, I checked Danni's pulse. Danni's pulse was little, but it was a pulse. Standing up, I cradled her and carrying her outside. The fresh air felt so good running up my nose while the rising sun greeted us. It only took two hours to get here from where I was. Now, I'm saving people. Wow. Look at the hypocrite I am.
Seeing Lilliuth, I laid Danni right near her. As I was walking back to the house, I heard the voice of Lilliuth say, "You did this to us. Bi.."
Before she could finish that sentence, I said, "Don't judge a book by its cover. Remember?" Walking back inside the house, I noticed the fire down the hallways growing closer to us along with the roof over our head shaking. Adrienne rushed out of the house with Aleasha while I smiled at Hatto and picked up Mukri.
"Let me lean on your shoulder. I can hop out." Hatto grabbing my arm.
"What about the pipe, my friend?" I said holding Mukri.
"No time to worry about it. Please." Hatto begged.
Rolling my eyes, I felt him place his hand on my shoulder as he pulled up with his right foot. Wrapping his good arm around me, Hatto moaned in agonizing pain as he held onto my shoulder tightly. Slowly, I held Mukri tight and balanced Hatto. How the hell did I get involved in this? I was only here to save Adrienne not save a bunch of people. I mean come on. Why?
Finally, we arrived at where the other injured little girls were. Carefully, I laid Mukri down, and Hatto slowly wrapped his arms around her as he laid down. Suddenly, I saw the room catch on fire as Adrienne ran out with Karuka in her arms.
"Ali, Markus is still in there." Adrienne laying Karuka down.
"Stay here. I will go get him." I said walking that way until Adrienne grabbed my arm.
"What if you get hurt?" Adrienne worried.
"Stop being our mom, Adri. Just cause you look like her doesn't mean you got to be her." I smiled and ran into the burning room.
Hypocrite. Normally, I would be happy to see people burn, but I guess I am a better sister than murder. Heat exploded in my face as I searched around for Markus. Of course. Markus tried crawling out to the opening, and due to his crawling, his pants legs were catching on fire.
"Damn, can you not stay still!!" I said ripping off his pants the best I could.
"Hey now. I'm with Karuka." Markus smiling.
"You won't be if I don't get you out of here!" I said throwing his pants in the fire while wrapping his arms around my neck avoiding the wood in his left arm and carrying him.
The flames continued to rise and rise around us. They slowly crawled to the exit. Oh, lord. "Hold on!" I yelled trying to run to the exit. Why do guys have to weigh so much?! Believe it or not. We made it out. Flames causing me to sweat like a pig, BUT at least we are alive. As I slowly walked to the others, I heard sirens coming this way. GREAT! Now what?
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!