
Suddenly, we all heard a bloody wrenching scream emerging through out the whole house. The girl's voice appeared as if she was in horrible pain. Does that mean they are hurting the girls? Glimpsing at Adrienne, I noticed her brown eyes filled with anger as she stood up.
"Well, looks like Mme couldn't hold it in. Impatient. Impatient." Alice shaking her head.
"That was Karuka. We have to go now!" Adrienne walking to the door when her stomach growled.
"Looks like the real monster here is hungry!! We got to feed that beast first, Adri!" Alice laughing while walking to a cabinet.
"Some food would be great, Adrienne!" Hatto grinning.
"It will keep our strength up! We are going to need it." Lilliuth watching Alice.
"I know she is hurting, Adri, but you can't beat a killer which out eating some killer food! Get it??" Alice laughing a little while holding a bucket of oranges.
"Yay! Oranges! Food!" Mukri running up to Alice grabbing four oranges and running back to Hatto.
"How did you?" I asked speciously.
Let me point something out. If Alice just got the message to save her sister, why would Alice bring food. I know I should not judge a book by its cover so easily, but after this experience, trusting new people is not easy any more. The girl laid a knife against my throat!!
Glaring at Alice, I noticed a devilish smile growing on her face. Oranges, huh? Thinking about their wonderful juices exploding in my mouth, I felt a hard punch of hunger nail the center of my stomach. Dang. I guess I will have to get an orange. Walking to Alice, I grabbed two oranges out of the bucket and said, "Thank you."
After I did that, Lilliuth gave me a strange look like I can not believe you did that! For the reason she did that is because on our way here, we conversed about whether or not to trust her. We both agreed Alice isn't to be trusted. Smiling at Lilliuth, I tried to show her food is food. Finally, Lilliuth walked up to Alice and grabbed two oranges.
After giving us food, Alice walked over to her sister and handed her an orange. A smile curved on Alice's pale face. From the look of it, she cared so much for Adrienne, but why then did Alice leave Adrienne?
"Come on, Adri! You gotta eat, little sis!" Alice opening an orange up.
"Just cause you beat me by a minute does not mean I'm the little sister." Adrienne rolling her eyes while peeling the orange.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Little sister!!" Alice sticking her tongue out.
"Sorry to break up the cute sister stuff, but what is the plan to save Karuka?" Hatto sticking an peeled orange in his mouth.
"Be best to have separate teams. One be the decoy team, and the other be the attack team. Decoy team gets captured, and then attack them comes out through the secret passageway." Adrienne eating a peeled orange.
"Not a bad plan." I said eating an orange.
"I guess so. But who would be in which team?" Mukri starting to eat the other orange.
"I'm guessing Adri, Mukri, and Aleasha one team, and Lilliuth, Hatto, and me is the other team." Alice eating her oranges.
"Exactly what I was thinking, Ali." Adrienne finishing her orange.
"Do you think it will work?" Mukri holding Hatto.
"I really do think so." Adrienne walking out the door. "Let's go."
Dividing into our two teams, we all agreed when Adrienne said the words "together through anything." Then, the attack team would come out. Adrienne, Mukri, and me starting walking through the hallway. The plan we had was not that bad, but I just hope it worked.
Next, how in the world are the killers supposed to find us?! Were we supposed to just keep walking until they grabbed one of us? Suddenly, I felt a strong hand pull me back placing a knife against my knife. First of all, why does this keep happening to me!? It was like the second time I got a knife against my throat. Why couldn't it be Mukri or Adrienne? Do I really look that weak? Noticing the black long hair, I realized it was Mme.
Walking in front of Adrienne, Bloodie appeared with her devilish smile. Behind Mukri, Markus stood with an I don't want to be here look. Oh, he doesn't want to be here while I'm the one with a knife pressed against my throat.
"So, we finally meet, Adrienne. I must say you are a spitting image of your sister." Mme holding me tight.
"Yeah. That's the whole point of the twin sister thing. Haven't you heard?" Adrienne rolling her eyes.
"Blah. Blah. Blah! Slit her throat, Mme!!" Bloodie yelling with a knife in her hand.
"I will unless y'all come with us peacefully." Mme smiling.
"Adrienne, we can't let her die." Mukri looking at Adrienne.
"I know. I know. Fine." Adrienne biting her lip.
"Great. Get the girls and lets go." Mme throwing me at Adrienne and Mukri.
Of course, Mme lead us to where they were staying while Markus and Bloodie stayed behind us with knives pointing at us. First of all, best acting ever from the girls! Now, we are about to start maybe the final battle.
S-28P's Point Of View
Why does X-L38 look so bored all the time? I hate that look. Still, she is always pretty and nice to me. What am I saying!? I owe this girl my life! I shouldn't be saying that. Glaring at the door, I watched as it slammed opened. Why can't people just open doors normally?
Walking in, a long red haired girl, a long purple haired girl, and a blue streaked and tipped white blonde haired girl walked in. Mme, Markus, and Bloodie followed right behind them. Wait, why does this girl has blue hair? BLUE! Does her parents hate her?
The red haired girl noticed how the one they called Karuka was laying in the floor with tears running down her face. Adrienne, the red hair girl I think, ran away from the others and pulled Karuka off the ground hugging her.
"Adrienne?" Karuka hugging her neck.
"Yes. It's me, Karuka. Are you ok?" Adrienne seeming worried.
"I'm fine, but you shouldn't of come." Karuka with tears down her face as Mukri and Aleasha picked up Danni. "Danni, your legs.."
"Yes. They didn't want to do what we want." Mme laying on the wall smiling.
"Karuka, where did she.." Karuka showed the branding. "How could they?" Adrienne biting her lip.
Looking at how close the girls are, I noticed just how their connection is like ours. I honestly truly hate these girls, but I mean I hate everything but X-L38. But, X-L38 saved me. I can still remember seeing my intestines ripped out of my body and placed back inside. The brutal pain still echoes through out my entire body.
Glaring at Adrienne, I noticed the angry look on her face was similar to how I look when I remember those evil, insane scientists. Blood killing angry radiating through those brown eyes. Those eyes don't show that they could kill someone though. Could she have been made into who she is today? Like us?
"So, Mme is it? What do you except to get now? A round of applause that you caught us?" Adrienne standing up.
"I like her smart mouth." I added laughing.
"I would like the other girls in here, too. The plan won't work with out them." Mme sharpening her knife.
"You won't ever find them." Mukri holding Danni.
"I think we have our ways, little girl." Bloodie pointing a knife at her.
"Samekichi, why don't you show your ex lover to kept her mouth shut?" Mme smiling evilly.
"Too scared to do it yourself?" Adrienne mocking her.
"I think she got you beat." Samekichi looking at the floor.
"Just do it! Or do you still care? Are you that weak?" Mme shoving the knife on the table.
"Fine. I'm not afraid of some lying guy." Adrienne readying her fists.
"Adrienne, just sit down. Please." Karuka grabbing her leg.
"Karuka..I won't be scared of them." Adrienne ready to fight.
Hesitantly, Samekichi walked up to Adrienne with his fists ready, but something held him back from hitting her. Looking at his lips, Samekichi mouthed the words, "I hope you know what you are doing" to her. Was something going on? Standing up, I walked over to Samekichi and placed my hand on his strong shoulder.
Flipping his white hair out of his face, he glared at me with his grey eyes. Fear. I saw the hint of fear seeping through them. Something was going on as I watched his pupil disappear, and his personality change.
"Need some help?" I asked staring at the girl.
"Ha..ha. Do you think I can't handle such an obnoxious girl?" Samekichi smiling evilly.
"Obnoxious? Me? Let's see." (Adrienne)
When Adrienne said that, I saw her long leg swing at Samekichi's face. No emotion flinched from his face as he quickly grabbed her foot before it hit his face. Surprised, I noticed an impressed look emerging from her face. Lifting her other foot up, she nailed a nice, hard kick in the stomach causing Samekichi to let go of Adrienne's leg. Adrienne fell to the floor with a loud bang as I saw Bloodie stand over her with a knife.
After the intense hit, Samekichi's grey eyes started returning to normal. I truly truly hate the guy he can turn into when he gets blood thirsty. I wonder why he came out like that. Markus pulled Samekichi up from the ground as Mme laughed.
"I guess the girl is pretty strong! Huh?" Mme laughing.
"She just better not try anything." Bloodie pointing the knife at Adrienne.
"If you don't get that out of my da.." Adrienne being interrupted by Karuka.
"Please, Adrienne. Be quiet." Karuka as tears ran down her face.
"Fine. For you." Adrienne crawling to the wall.
"She has got a good kick on her." Samekichi laying against the wall.
"Ha! Brilliant!! Have you ever thought of joining us?" Mme laughing.
"How's Danni?" Adrienne said ignoring them.
"Severe burns. We have to find a hospital soon." Aleasha holding Danni's hand.
"I'm fine, guys. Stop worrying." Danni trying to smile.
"Mhm! Did you hear me!!?" Mme slamming a knife on the table.
"Yeah. I heard you. Shouldn't you already know the answer?" Adrienne holding Karuka.
"I guess you heard that, huh sis?" Markus laying on the wall.
"Sis?" Mukri whispered.
"No! Why would you join the side that loses?!" Mme yelling.
Adrienne glared down at Karuka and smiled brightly. Her expression of confidence kind of showed as if she was saying goodbye. Looking at the others, Adrienne nodded her head at Mukri and Aleasha and smiled brightly at Danni. Then, one of Adrienne's hands went behind her back and pulled the back of her shirt up. From what I could see, it was a pistol. Walking cautiously to X-L38, I stood in front and tried to be a shield just in case. Then, Adrienne answered with no emotion and stood up with confidence.
"The scratch that..the sisters I have make the world around me full of happiness. Why would I need to join this stupid game? But, there is one thing I don't like. You have killed one of my sisters. That I can't stand, but even though y'all have tried breaking us down, we won't fall apart. You know why? We will stay together through anything." A big bang exploded from the wall while Adrienne pulled the pistol out of her pants. "Oh, and did I mention my twin is mad, too?" (Adrienne)
"Got that right, Adri." Alice said walking through the now exploded passageway with Hatto and Lilliuth and two pistols in her hands.
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!